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View Full Version : Can you hard re-set a Ipaq 3975?

09-26-2003, 01:35 AM
I have not been able to finish synching my ipaq for about two weeks.

My problem is that I keep having a message that my calendar flash manager is full and I need to delete some files.

I had one reply, and got one solution that did not work.

Sooooo, can I Ipaq 3975 be hard re-set? If so, how do you do it? I can't think of anything else to do to solve my problem.



09-26-2003, 01:40 AM
I believe if you hold the outer left and right buttons and push the reset button at the same time, it will hard reset. You can do a search in the forums though to double check.

09-26-2003, 02:34 AM
Before you do anything as drastic as a hard reset, try to tweak the calendar settings (Tools>Options>Select Calendar>Settings) in desktop ActiveSync. You can change what you sync there. Possibly you need no past and only a week of future appointments? If you sync often there should be a problem and I know if I set mine to this I wouls save a lot of space. :way to go: