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View Full Version : Is MSN Messenger removing Instant Messenger outside USA, Canada, and Japan? Or just the chat rooms?

09-25-2003, 01:24 PM
The question is self explaining...but the answer I have heard here is not.

Mike Temporale
09-25-2003, 03:48 PM
It's just the chat rooms. All chat rooms outside of North America will be closed. Inside North America, the only chat rooms left open will require a subscription by credit card.

I think Microsoft is taking the correct aproach here. :way to go: I hope to hear that other ISPs will follow.

09-25-2003, 04:11 PM
I disagree, they say they are closing their chatrooms due to the increase of child abductions and murderings. I think it is the persons or parent's fault for allowing their children to meet up with these chatroom "buddies". MSN Chat is only a communication service, the people have to be careful what type of information they give out!


Mike Temporale
09-25-2003, 04:18 PM
Yes, parents have to be watchful. Closing these chat rooms isn't going to stop it. However it's a start.

This article from the Globe & Mail (http://www.globetechnology.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20030923/UKIDSM/TPTechnology) talks about Microsofts recent work with the Toronto Police, working free of charge developing software to help in the fight against child abusers. I think it was an eye-opener for them to see just how much was happening on their servers.

There is a certian amount of resposibility that Microsoft must shoulder. If they know illegal activity is happening on their servers, they should be takign steps to prevent it.

09-25-2003, 05:10 PM
I have to agree that Microsoft has a responsibility. It's their servers and their service.

Even requiring a credit card number won't prevent child abductions, but it will make it easier for them to track down these predators.

For example even if a parent knows that their child has been chatting with someone under a given username, they wouldn't be able to track that person down if their kid disappeared one day.