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View Full Version : *sigh* they just don't get it

09-25-2003, 01:11 PM
I am tired of going to these review sites and seeing ignorance like palm zire at the #1 position for best handheld. This is getting out of hand. And those that do have a pocket pc at the number one spot....its a dell....ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!! What happened to the 2215, 5555 of the e750. Some one pleeeeease tell these fools comething!!!!!

09-25-2003, 01:31 PM
Probably you should avoid those reviews.

I use a Palm right now (still), and even so I would also feel nasty if ever seen the Zire is the best handheld. I would never rate it so high. I don't even think it is well priced for what it is.

And concerning Dell I was expecting today for the new models. Soon I will join you, PPC zealots!!! :mrgreen:

09-25-2003, 01:32 PM
but these are known sites. Cnet and zdnet did that....i can't beeeeleeeive they had the nerve to do that!

09-25-2003, 02:26 PM

09-25-2003, 02:58 PM
I am tired of going to these review sites and seeing ignorance like palm zire at the #1 position for best handheld. This is getting out of hand. And those that do have a pocket pc at the number one spot....its a dell....ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!! What happened to the 2215, 5555 of the e750. Some one pleeeeease tell these fools comething!!!!!

You have to realize that most of the sites taht rate the Zire as the best pda are doing so because they are targeting their ratings towards the low-end consumer. For the average Joe who just wants PIM, a storage option to play MP3s, and a camera the Zire is a decent choice. Add to that the Palm OS for ease of use to the newb and they give that the top spot. However, when you look at sites that are PDA dedicated they tend to favor units devoted to the power user e.g. the HPs, Toshibas, and high-end Clies/Tungstens. Don't let stuff meant for the average consumer ruffle your feathers.

Stephen Beesley
09-25-2003, 03:00 PM

It just goes to show how pervasive Palm became in the 90s. How many times do you see Palm and PDA seen as being the same thing.

Of course having snappy names like Palm (and pilot before that) probably helped!


09-25-2003, 04:07 PM
Maybe palm has, shall we say, a "Financial say" in the matter.

However, they still cannot subside all of us Pocket Pc people!


09-26-2003, 03:18 AM
Oh my god, how dare reviewers not agree with you!!!!

I mean seriously....