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View Full Version : looking for GPS receiver with fast TTFA

09-24-2003, 07:49 PM
Hi I'm new to this forum but I have been using a Pharos iGPS180 mouse receiver with my iPaq 3660 for a year now.

I am not satisfied with the time to acquire satellites with this receiver using Ostia and Destinator 2 primarily because I live in Manhattan. However, there were situations before where it took forever to acquire sats and I was just sitting under open skies!

I've been doing some research and have identified 2 receivers which might have a faster TTFA: Leadtek 9532 and Holux GM-210. Cost is definitely a factor and I can get the Holux locally for $99. I haven't found a seller for the leadtek here in the US but it has some of the fastest TTFA based on this comparison: http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/ttffcomparisons.php

If you have any experience with these receivers or any other receiver with a fast TTFA, I would appreciate some info on where to buy. TIA!