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View Full Version : Problem with IPAQ 3835 - Security Code freezes on last digit !! :( *Deperately need help*

09-23-2003, 02:49 PM
Okay, so here is the scenario...someone (not too cool) gets a hold of my Ipaq 3835 which has been working perfectly for over a year and decides they are going to try to figure out my code (I have a the standard 4 digit Ipaq security code upon power on with no entry/try limits so it does not lock out after a certain amount of time). They told me they must have entered like 100 different combos before all of a sudden the ipaq would freeze on the last digit they entered and would have to be soft reset in order for this to clear. Now, i get my Ipaq back and soft reset it but when I enter in the correct code it STILL freezes on me and doesn't let me into my ipaq. As you touch the touchpad the white numerical security numbers become grey but when go back to white when you no longer press them...this works fine with the first 3 digits I am entering but when I enter the 4th the numerical number turns grey and stays that color, indicating (I think) the ipaq is jammed or freezing. I do not know what to do and I called Ipaq tech support and someone in broken english told me it is out of warrenty and said to do a hard reset. When I asked him how to do that (I do know how to do it but just wanted to confirm), he said he wasn't allowed to tell me that info unless I paid $35. So that was the end of tech support help. The only problem with a hard reset is that i am currently traveling and all my data can not just be resynched (it was backed up on my home computer but I don't have access to that home computer for another 3 months!!!).

So...has this problem ever happened before and is there a solution? Will I have to hard reset and, if I do, will this even work? Please let me know if anyone can offer any advice and recommendations...I am deperate!!!

[email protected]

09-23-2003, 07:25 PM
If you have access to a PC and have a sync cable or the cradle with you, you could try to sync it to that PC. You may be able to syncronize and backup the unit, or at least sync your data over, before doing the hard reset. Mind you, it's a longshot... if it's frozen, it probably won't sync either. By the way, where did you bury the idiot who fiddled with it? :|