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View Full Version : Citrix Releases New Client For Pocket PCs - Windows Mobile 2003 Supported

Ed Hansberry
09-22-2003, 01:00 PM
<a href="http://www.citrix.com/site/SS/downloads/details.asp?dID=2755&amp;downloadID=3602">http://www.citrix.com/site/SS/downloads/details.asp?dID=2755&amp;downloadID=3602</a><br /><br />There was a glitch in the previous Citrix client for the Pocket PC that disabled the keyboard, essentially blocking your ability to log in. That has been fixed and they have also rewritten the user interface from the ground up. It is now a series of pages that you configure in Pocket Internet Explorer, which I think has helped them cut down on the client size. Previously, it was about 5MB when installed if I recall correctly. Now it is closer to 3.2MB and can easily be installed on the storage card.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2003/20030922-citrix.gif" /><br /><br />You can see in the above image I've mapped my iPAQ to the Citrix Server as drive Q and am looking at the iPAQ File Store. I have no idea what the 9.16MB of free space represents unless it is talking about RAM storage space because the ROM available in the iPAQ File Store on an iPAQ 2215 is under 4MB when empty.<br /><br />The client is free but you must have a Windows Terminal Server Client Access License and a Citrix Client Access License to connect. Those are generally device specific so contact your IT administrator before chewing up over $200 of his CAL's messing around with this. :wink: Also note that when I looked, only English was available. I would expect the other languages to be forthcoming.

David Prahl
09-22-2003, 01:45 PM
I've been using the older version to log in remotely. It works pretty well, except you can't close windows! The little white square at the top right blocks the "x" on maximized windows.

Ed Hansberry
09-22-2003, 03:17 PM
I've been using the older version to log in remotely. It works pretty well, except you can't close windows! The little white square at the top right blocks the "x" on maximized windows.
You can toggle that off with the new client. That is what the right-most icon in the lower panel is for.