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View Full Version : WM 2003 - Activesync randomly drops connection to PC

09-19-2003, 04:58 PM
I did my upgrade yesterday to PPC 2003 on my Dell Axim X5 and I love it, except for one little issue. On about 3 occasions, since yesterday afternoon, my connection to my PC just drops. You can hear it disconnect. It's in the cradle and everything. I just have to turn off the Axim and turn it back on, then it reconnects. I just have not found a reasons for the disconnects yet. Any one else experience this? If so, how did you fix it?


09-19-2003, 05:16 PM
FWIW, this happens with my Axim with PPC 2002 every once in a while; I have no idea why it happens, and I generally just recradle it. Though I must say: I had more problem with ActiveSync 3.7, and actually went back to 3.6 because it is more stable.

09-19-2003, 07:51 PM
Thanks, Doogald.

I would go back to Activesync 3.6, but apparently, from what I read, WM 2003 requires 3.7.


09-20-2003, 09:19 AM
I never noticed this problem with my 2002 Axim, but after getting it exchanged due to a small hardware defect for a 2003 Axim, I've seen it several times as well.

Here's hoping there's a quick fix to ActiveSync 3.7 that takes care of this! :?

09-20-2003, 08:56 PM
Just received my 2003 upgrade cd that I ordered over 4 months ago. The strange thing is I told Dell to cancel my order and they sent it anyway (wonder if they'll charge me for it). Oh well, after a couple hours of going back and forth, I decided to go ahead and run the upgrade. Seemed to work with only minor annoyances. All contacts are present and accounted for and even my ebooks are available to me. It took a couple of hours to get everything the way I wanted. It remains to be seen whether the upgrade was worth the time investment.

09-20-2003, 09:42 PM
The only annoyances that I really do not like are the new Switcher Bar, (there's no battery meter), and the new calculator, (I don't think I like the plain white background.)

I'm still getting use to the new Connections Settings. A little confusing, but so was the 2002 version until I got used to it.

Tracy Daubenspeck
09-29-2003, 05:58 AM
I have 2 Axims. One an upgraded 2002 and one with 2003 from the factory. I have this same problem with both on 2 different host computers. I don't think it is 3.7 since I had that installed with the 2002 Dell and it worked fine until I upgraded it. I hadn't thought to call Dell about it, but I guess I should now that others are seeing it too.

09-29-2003, 03:07 PM
Damn...I wanted to believe that it was just me and my odd sync set up but maybe there is more to this. (I run Outlook as a front end to Groupwise so I figured it was just me.)

I upgraded last Thursday and afterwards I had AS drop on me 3 times. Friday it did it to me twice. We'll see how it acts today.

Everybody report back with their experience...maybe something is going on here.

My Setup:
Dell Axim X5 Advanced w/ WinMobile 2003 upgrade
SD Card
Bluetooth CF
Dell desktop running Win2k
AS 3.7
Outlook XP front end to GroupWise backend.

09-30-2003, 02:51 AM
I'm running my Axim X5 w/Windows Mobile 2003 for PPC, ActiveSync 3.7, Windows XP Professional, SD card, and Outlook 2000.

One thing I have noticed is that I can hear my hard drive run right before it disconnects. Can't tell if it is trying to perform some task that it can't handle, so it disconnects, or if that's just the response of the Dell disconnecting. I've ordered an additional 256MB RAM for my Dell Laptop. That will give me 512MB total. I'll let you know if it makes a difference.

10-01-2003, 06:41 PM
Same thing happens on my system with the upgraded Axim. I never had a problem or disconnect before the upgrade. I am using OfficeXP on Win2000 with 512MB of memory.

Fortunately, this problem doesn't cause any data loss, but it is very annoying!

Tracy Daubenspeck
11-04-2003, 04:54 AM
I found a post on Aximsite that suggested removing Icbar / Wisbar from you AXIM will fix this issue. I have tried it on both mine and it seems to be working. I have gone all day without a disconnect. I think the problem is with the status program.

Mitch D
11-04-2003, 06:01 AM
I had far more problems with dropped connections under 3.6. Since I have installed 3.7 I have yet to have a dropped sync connection.

11-16-2003, 06:06 AM
I found a post on Aximsite that suggested removing Icbar / Wisbar from you AXIM will fix this issue. I have tried it on both mine and it seems to be working. I have gone all day without a disconnect. I think the problem is with the status program.

Thanks for the tip! I uninstalled WisBar and the disconnects (which were happening constantly, multiple times every day) went away completely. But here's the weird thing - I decided I couldn't live without WisBar, so after three or four days I reinstalled it, and the disconnects didn't come back! Dunno why uninstalling and reinstalling WisBar would fix the problem, but I can't argue with success. YMMV, of course.

11-17-2003, 01:35 AM
I haven't had Wisbar installed. Any other ideas?