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View Full Version : Be On Time with Time Management program BOnTime

Andy Sjostrom
09-19-2003, 08:03 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.bsystems.co.nz/bontime/index.htm' target='_blank'>http://www.bsystems.co.nz/bontime/index.htm</a><br /><br /></div>BOnTime from BSystems is a time management and reporting tool for Pocket PC. From a developer point of view I interestingly note that BOnTime is developed using .NET Compact Framework and SQL Server CE. .NET Compact Framework is built into Pocket PC 2003, but it needs to be installed on Pocket PC 2002 devices. BOnTime therefore includes setups for both .NET Compact Framework and SQL Server CE. I wish that future versions of Pocket PC will also integrate SQL Server CE into ROM.<br /><br />BOnTime is available as a free 15 day trial version!<br /><br />Product Features <br />• Utilizes the simple Client -> Project -> Task -> Job relationship <br />• Easy to use interface <br />• Option of timer based or duration based time entry <br />• Graphical and heirarchical view of clients, projects and jobs <br />• Editable jobs <br />• Archive clients and projects when complete <br />• Simple unarchive functionality for clients and projects <br />• Easy to use reporting <br />• Filtered reporting by date, client and project <br />• Report exporting capability <br />• Backup and restore functionality<br />• Three options for duration display (minutes, standard time or decimal) <br />• Customizable user interface <br />• Online help

09-20-2003, 06:49 AM
Hi All,

Thanks to those who sent in messages about installation errors.

The problem has turned out to be a missing SQL install file in the installer.

This has now been fixed in the versions that are on Handango.

The missing file can be found here ('http://www.bsystems.co.nz/bontime/sqlce.ppc3.arm.zip'). If you have downloaded the trial version and have experienced the installation message indicating you require sqlce.ppc.arm installed. Please download this file, extract it to your device and install it. After this reinstall BOnTime and all should work as advertised.

Our most humble apologies for this glaring oversight and any inconvenience it may have caused. Thanks for your paitience.

Darryl Burling
BOnTime Limited