View Full Version : I think I lost my iPAQ
Jeff Rutledge
09-15-2003, 03:00 AM
I am sitting in my hotel room waiting for WestJet's Lost & Found to call me back to see if someone turned in my iPAQ. I am pretty sure (make that positive) that I left the 3870 in "the seat pocket in front of me." What a bummer.
The killer thing is that I've been waiting (somewhat) patiently for the new XDA-type device to hit Canada. I sat on my hands and didn't buy a 1940 or a 2210 or a 5555. No V37 for JR either.
But now, if it's in fact gone, I've gotta get something as I don't think I'll see the new XDA device in Canada for at least 6 months. I'm leaning towards the 2210 right now.
Another option would be to get a 3970 and update it. That may tide me over, but I'm not sure. Also, I'm not sure anyone's selling them anymore.
So, while my fingers are crossed that the flight crew found it, I'm not holding my breath.
09-15-2003, 03:04 AM
That is just terrible luck. I sincerely hope you get a call from the airline....but as you have stated I wouldn't hold your breath...
09-15-2003, 05:39 AM
Good luck JR.
Why not the samsung i700 ?
Kati Compton
09-15-2003, 06:00 AM
Let us know how it goes... Hopefully it will go well.
Jeff Rutledge
09-15-2003, 02:14 PM
WestJet just called and they have it! Man, they're a great airline. I've flown with them well over 100 times and I've never had a bad experience. This also isn't the first potential disaster they've turned into a positive. The flight crew found it while grooming the aircraft and turned it in. When I called, the girl at Lost & Found was like "Duh, of course it would be here...why are you surprised?" :lol:
I just have to figure out how to get it from the airport now.
Jeff Rutledge
09-15-2003, 02:17 PM
Good luck JR.
Why not the samsung i700 ?
No Bluetooth is the biggest reason. I'd like to use my HBH-30 headset with a PPCPE device. Also, has anyone got a SD WiFi card working with an i700? I seem to recall there were issues there as well.
Jeff Rutledge
09-15-2003, 02:18 PM
As a side note, is it wrong that a part of me is a little disappointed that it was found? I was kind of looking forward to getting a 2215. :mrgreen:
Kati Compton
09-15-2003, 02:22 PM
As a side note, is it wrong that a part of me is a little disappointed that it was found? I was kind of looking forward to getting a 2215. :mrgreen:
I think you should get the 2215 anyway. This experience has shown that you need a backup, right? ;)
Jeff Rutledge
09-15-2003, 02:35 PM
As a side note, is it wrong that a part of me is a little disappointed that it was found? I was kind of looking forward to getting a 2215. :mrgreen:
I think you should get the 2215 anyway. This experience has shown that you need a backup, right? ;)
Well I obviously agree with you, but I'm not sure my wife would. :wink:
David Prahl
09-15-2003, 03:10 PM
Congratulations! I know how much of a relief it is to be re-united with a misplaced device. Haven't lost my Axim yet, though.
09-15-2003, 07:56 PM
WestJet just called and they have it! Man, they're a great airline.
Amen! I remember I had to fly out to Vancouver for a friend's wedding during the first weekend after 9/11. Needless to say, security was very tight. At our stopover in Calgary, out pops the president of Westjet to apologize to everyone on board for all the delays (like it was his fault?). Pretty classy.
Janak Parekh
09-15-2003, 08:08 PM
I think you should get the 2215 anyway. This experience has shown that you need a backup, right? ;)
Well I obviously agree with you, but I'm not sure my wife would. :wink:
Just give Kati the 3870 and get a new 2215. I'm sure she wouldn't tell. :twisted: ;)
Seriously, glad to hear you found it.
09-15-2003, 09:00 PM
What an experience!!!
I am paranoid about losing my 5550 - not in the life of any of my previous machines have I grown so fond and dependent as I have in this one!!
So when travelling I have developed a mental lock and chain to it and to date I have not even left it for a second. I stare at people in case they covet my friend or try to entice me to look away - even for a second.....
I am getting too sad thats for certain.
Got to go now - I have a priority task that my friend has just informed me that I need to respond to.....
Look after your PPC - they grow old so quickly and then they are gone!!
Steve :silly:
09-15-2003, 09:21 PM
Congrat's on your lost and found, there are still plenty of honest people around :D
I just purchased a IPAQ 1945 (after 3630 and 5450) and I must say this is one small sleek device. I really fits into a shirt pocket. Yes, there is some minor yellowing of the screen but only when you tilt it away from you, really not annoying. I already have tons of software running and its still snappy, also Bluetooth works great with my T68i.
Just wanted to give you another idea.
Jeff Rutledge
09-15-2003, 11:24 PM
Congrat's on your lost and found, there are still plenty of honest people around :D
I just purchased a IPAQ 1945 (after 3630 and 5450) and I must say this is one small sleek device. I really fits into a shirt pocket. Yes, there is some minor yellowing of the screen but only when you tilt it away from you, really not annoying. I already have tons of software running and its still snappy, also Bluetooth works great with my T68i.
Just wanted to give you another idea.
Thanks Chris. I thought about this one too. But I use WiFi at home quite a bit and don't know about these SD cards yet. The fact that I could use a CF card is the main reason I leaned towards the 2215.
I am still thinking of going with a 2215 though. I wish I knew how long until Canada would see an XDAII-like device. If it was only 6 months or less I could probably wait. But it's only recently that the XDA was readily available (called the Siemens SX-56 here). If that's the case I may be looking at closer to a year. If that's true, then I should update now eh?
Tough decision...
09-16-2003, 01:02 AM
it is good that you are waiting out the available technology in BC. For me, however, SD expandability (there are more and more SDIO devices) was sufficient to go with the 1945 together with the very compact design. The 2215 certainly enticed me with it's additional CF slot and apparently better screen. Good luck to you !! :D
09-16-2003, 02:12 AM
As a side note, is it wrong that a part of me is a little disappointed that it was found? I was kind of looking forward to getting a 2215. :mrgreen:
pssst. pssst. X3 + X7. :mrgreen:
Just give Kati the 3870 and get a new 2215. I'm sure she wouldn't tell.
Yeah JR, maybe it is time for you to stop abusing the 3870 :D
Jeff Rutledge
09-16-2003, 03:08 AM
I actually thought about pretending it was broken so that I could get a new one. But only for a second. :wink:
Truthfully, I probably would upgrade if it was just the unit. But there's all the accessories I need to get. I work at home a lot so I'll need a 2nd cradle for sure, a sync-and-charge is a must for travel, then I need a case...well, you get the idea.
Jeff Rutledge
09-16-2003, 03:10 AM
pssst. pssst. X3 + X7. :mrgreen:
That's a thought too. Hmmm...
David Prahl
09-16-2003, 03:15 AM
Maybe we can start a service for oppressed geeks who need to replace their PDA but can't convice their spouse. Here's the plan:
-->Collect broken devices. Just look for all the "great deals" on eBay! :lol:
-->Oppressed geeks send us their PDAs, and we swap their working device for a broken one.
-->Oppressed geek can buy a new device, and the old working device is sold on eBay to buy new accessories!
Everybody wins! :lol:
09-16-2003, 08:13 AM
Congrats on retrieving your other wife. :mrgreen:
Last time I flew, one of my travelling companions left a very expensive camera on the seat at a stopover. He didn't get it back. One advantage to PPCs is their size; it fit nicely in the pocket, so most likely nobody even saw it while leaving the plane.
09-16-2003, 08:46 AM
Maybe we can start a service for oppressed geeks who need to replace their PDA but can't convice their spouse. Here's the plan:
-->Collect broken devices. Just look for all the "great deals" on eBay! :lol:
-->Oppressed geeks send us their PDAs, and we swap their working device for a broken one.
-->Oppressed geek can buy a new device, and the old working device is sold on eBay to buy new accessories!
Everybody wins! :lol:
lol true that, too bad I already have copyrights on all those ideas!
JR do u have a nephew or sometin like that? you could give it to them! this is the plan. Tell your wife that you are tired of ppcs, as they are a "waste of time" give it to your nephew or friend, and then after2 weeks tell your wife that your productive time has decreased and you need an organizer as it doesnt waste your time, but it makes it more fruitfull. Just in case she says to get your old one back, tell her that it is not nice to do that :)
Jeff Rutledge
09-16-2003, 02:41 PM
Actually, I should make it clear that I'm exaggerating a bit about my wife's level of resistance to upgrading my device. She's actually OK with it if I want to go ahead and get one. It's just easier to say "my wife won't let me" than admit that I have to watch my spending a little more closely now that we have a baby on the way.
I think I'll probably stick with my 3870 a little while longer and hold out for the XDAII to hit shelves. I may end up looking to the US as they'll likely get it much earlier than Canada.
Then again, the new Dell's will probably come out an I'll go through this all over again. :roll:
09-16-2003, 09:46 PM
Glad you got your device back. I've been extremely mindful of where my PPC is at all times because I have enjoyed having the device so much.
This thread raises an implicit question: What would each of us do if we suddenly lost our PPC? Eg, aside from buying a replacement PPC, do we have a plan for loading all our data and software onto a new device?
I generally copy the file created from Pocket Backup onto my PC's harddrive about once a week or two. It'd be great to have ActiveSync do that for me automatically on a daily basis (I have Pocket Backup do a full system backup of the RAM each early morning), but the Pocket Backup file is suffixed with a datestamp, so I don't know how that could be achieved automatically.
David Prahl
09-16-2003, 09:52 PM
This thread raises an implicit question: What would each of us do if we suddenly lost our PPC? Eg, aside from buying a replacement PPC, do we have a plan for loading all our data and software onto a new device?
Sounds like a great thread! I'm guessing that it would get 30 responses in the first week in the main section, and 20 in Off-Topic.
09-17-2003, 02:31 AM
... and 20 in Off-Topic.
How dare you questioning the credibility of the moderators of this forum ??? ... I'd say it is 40 in the off-topic. :mrgreen:
09-17-2003, 03:06 AM
It's not very often these days that you can even think you might have something of value, such as a PDA, returned after losing it.
It's such a breath of fresh air to see how things can work out.
Jeff Rutledge
09-17-2003, 03:06 AM
Congrats on retrieving your other wife. :mrgreen:
Thanks ct.
My other wife. :lol:
At least I can turn this one on at will. :alfdance:
(Thank you! Thank you! I'm here all week...try the veal!)
Jeff Rutledge
09-17-2003, 03:07 AM
It's not very often these days that you can even think you might have something of value, such as a PDA, returned after losing it.
It's such a breath of fresh air to see how things can work out.
It is. It restores your faith eh?
Jeff Rutledge
09-17-2003, 03:13 AM
What would each of us do if we suddenly lost our PPC? Eg, aside from buying a replacement PPC, do we have a plan for loading all our data and software onto a new device?
I am on a couple beta teams and as such am constantly installing and removing new versions. I also try out a lot of new software so I'm frequently adding and removing apps. As such, I rebuild my iPAQ quite a bit.
For me it's pretty painless actually. Almost all of the data I need to keep is either kept in the My Documents folder or sync'd with a Desktop version (PIM data in Outlook, TwoPeaks apps with their Desktop companions, etc.).
After I've hard reset, I just need to sync my data and files and most everything is there.
As for apps, I have a folder where I keep all of the apps I always install on a new build and basically just go down the list.
After I've installed everything, I register and customise all my settings.
All in all it takes me about an hour and a half.
09-17-2003, 03:51 AM
I am on a couple beta teams and as such am constantly installing and removing new versions. I also try out a lot of new software so I'm frequently adding and removing apps. As such, I rebuild my iPAQ quite a bit.
For me it's pretty painless actually. Almost all of the data I need to keep is either kept in the My Documents folder or sync'd with a Desktop version (PIM data in Outlook, TwoPeaks apps with their Desktop companions, etc.).
After I've hard reset, I just need to sync my data and files and most everything is there.
As for apps, I have a folder where I keep all of the apps I always install on a new build and basically just go down the list.
After I've installed everything, I register and customise all my settings.
All in all it takes me about an hour and a half.
Psst... Pocket Backup ( Create a base image with all your important apps and back it up. That way, after you've let beta stuff run loose all over your Pocket PC, do a hard reset, delete the partnership in ActiveSync, restore the (ideally executable) base image, resynch and recreate the partnership and GO! Saves a lot of time, really.
Jeff Rutledge
09-17-2003, 04:04 AM
I am on a couple beta teams and as such am constantly installing and removing new versions. I also try out a lot of new software so I'm frequently adding and removing apps. As such, I rebuild my iPAQ quite a bit.
For me it's pretty painless actually. Almost all of the data I need to keep is either kept in the My Documents folder or sync'd with a Desktop version (PIM data in Outlook, TwoPeaks apps with their Desktop companions, etc.).
After I've hard reset, I just need to sync my data and files and most everything is there.
As for apps, I have a folder where I keep all of the apps I always install on a new build and basically just go down the list.
After I've installed everything, I register and customise all my settings.
All in all it takes me about an hour and a half.
Psst... Pocket Backup ( Create a base image with all your important apps and back it up. That way, after you've let beta stuff run loose all over your Pocket PC, do a hard reset, delete the partnership in ActiveSync, restore the (ideally executable) base image, resynch and recreate the partnership and GO! Saves a lot of time, really.
Yeah, I've been meaning to check this out for a while. Maybe I'll have a look-see on the weekend.
09-17-2003, 05:46 AM
I did lose my PDA,
Dropped it in the parking lot of starbucks one night, didn't even notice it missing till I got the call.
"Is there a dustin clark there"
"Yeah, that's me"
"We found your Pocket pc"
*insert zoom shot from Jaws* nnnnnnooooooooooooooo
"Where are you?! Is it ok?! I'll be there in five minutes!!"
I never thought I'd drop my baby (Ipaq 5400) but I did, and got it back because a few guys were honest!
Janak Parekh
09-17-2003, 05:48 AM
And they called it a Pocket PC!? How much better can it get? :D Glad to hear.
Steven Cedrone
09-17-2003, 03:21 PM
I never thought I'd drop my baby (Ipaq 5400) but I did, and got it back because a few guys were honest!
That just got me thinking...
You know, I tend to think that a very large majority of the people in this world are honest...
Now I won't use a Pocket PC as an example, because we would all give one back if we found it (just like we would hope others would do the same). But really, say you found a wallet with a few hundred dollars in it, wouldn't you give it back? (with the money in it :wink: )...
Maybe I'm just an optimist, but deep down I think most people would...
09-17-2003, 09:23 PM
But really, say you found a wallet with a few hundred dollars in it, wouldn't you give it back? (with the money in it :wink: )...
Of course! Now, I've never found a wallet lying around, but I have found cash. That's a different situation.
09-18-2003, 02:08 AM
but I have found cash. That's a different situation.
What denomination ?
09-18-2003, 03:51 AM
Psst... Pocket Backup ( Create a base image with all your important apps and back it up. That way, after you've let beta stuff run loose all over your Pocket PC, do a hard reset, delete the partnership in ActiveSync, restore the (ideally executable) base image, resynch and recreate the partnership and GO! Saves a lot of time, really.
I've wondered about the efficacy of creating an executable backup file vs. just a regular file. I'm currently just creating a regular Pocket Backup file. If I had to hard reset, then would I have to first install Pocket Backup from my desktop, then restore from the last backup file?
In that case, having the executable would be preferable, yes, because I wouldn't have to sync or install Pocket Backup, right?
09-18-2003, 04:03 AM
I once lost my daytimer (remember, before they discovered PPCs).
I get the call a couple of days later:
Is this Karen?
I found your daytimer...
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Where did you find it.
In a rental car in Texas.
Oh, that makes sense. I'm so glad you called. Here's what I'm going to do. I'll call FedEx to stop by with packaging and ...
You don't need to do that. I just mail it.
No, I need it back asap and I can have the FedEx guy....
No, it's ok. I'll just put it in the mail. But I'll need some money for shipping.
I insist. I'll have the guy come to you and pick it up and I'll pay for it.
That won't work. See, I'll need some shipping and handling money.
Handling money? What do you mean?
I'll need some money for my time and expenses.
Oh, I see. How much do you need?
I think it will cost at least $200 to ship it to California.
You want $200 to return my daytimer?
I assume it's worth that much to you....
No, it's not. Do you want me to send the FedEx guy?
No, I won't give it to the Fedex guy.
Thanks for calling. Click.
She called two more times, whining about her long distance costs. I told her she could make it up on the next sucker.
It turns out that it was a scam at the time to steal daytimers because they were very valuable to their owners, but no one would ever go to jail because they had almost no monetary value.
09-18-2003, 06:35 AM
but I have found cash. That's a different situation.
What denomination ?
$20CAD and $10CAD.
09-18-2003, 06:40 AM
I've wondered about the efficacy of creating an executable backup file vs. just a regular file. I'm currently just creating a regular Pocket Backup file. If I had to hard reset, then would I have to first install Pocket Backup from my desktop, then restore from the last backup file?
In that case, having the executable would be preferable, yes, because I wouldn't have to sync or install Pocket Backup, right?
I used to keep the Pocket Backup cab file, for reinstallation purposes, on the same card I backup to (and it's probably still there). However, with an executable backup, you can just tap on it in File Explorer and it restores everything to the state of the unit at the time the backup was made, Pocket Backup executable and all.
So creating the backup as an executable (if that's what you refer to by "having the executable") would be preferable ;)
Brad Adrian
09-18-2003, 06:42 AM
"Duh, of course it would be here...why are you surprised?"
You have such terrific luck! I can't seem to take ANY flights in which my luggage isn't lost, and you get your lost iPAQ back. Great news!
09-18-2003, 12:59 PM
who ever gave it back must be a much ipaqs as i can afford i still ain't giving it back!!!! it will turn into my new test ppc :twisted: Congrats man ya sounded really worried when i read the forum two days ago!
Jeff Rutledge
09-18-2003, 06:12 PM
who ever gave it back must be a much ipaqs as i can afford i still ain't giving it back!!!! it will turn into my new test ppc :twisted: Congrats man ya sounded really worried when i read the forum two days ago!
Yeah, I was mostly worried about the data. I kept wondering "What's on there that someone could get at?" I'm still pretty sure everything of value was protected, but it was the uncertainty ya know?
I had actually turned off my password because it was a pain. It's back on now. :lol:
09-19-2003, 06:13 PM
Gosh, and I was upset that I left my Denny's leftovers on the top of my car yesterday... Anyways, glad to hear you got it back. I always password protect my Axim, even though there isn't anything critical on there. :)
Jeff Rutledge
09-19-2003, 07:49 PM
Gosh, and I was upset that I left my Denny's leftovers on the top of my car yesterday...
That's hilarious! I've done something similar. I left a McDonalds milkshake on the roof and pulled away. What a mess!
09-19-2003, 08:53 PM
However, with an executable backup, you can just tap on it in File Explorer and it restores everything to the state of the unit at the time the backup was made, Pocket Backup executable and all.
So creating the backup as an executable (if that's what you refer to by "having the executable") would be preferable ;)
Thank you!
I just changed my settings so Pocket Backup will create an .exe file now.
Jeff Rutledge
11-05-2003, 05:49 AM
Congrat's on your lost and found, there are still plenty of honest people around :D
I just purchased a IPAQ 1945 (after 3630 and 5450) and I must say this is one small sleek device. I really fits into a shirt pocket. Yes, there is some minor yellowing of the screen but only when you tilt it away from you, really not annoying. I already have tons of software running and its still snappy, also Bluetooth works great with my T68i.
Just wanted to give you another idea.
Thanks Chris. I thought about this one too. But I use WiFi at home quite a bit and don't know about these SD cards yet. The fact that I could use a CF card is the main reason I leaned towards the 2215.
I am still thinking of going with a 2215 though. I wish I knew how long until Canada would see an XDAII-like device. If it was only 6 months or less I could probably wait. But it's only recently that the XDA was readily available (called the Siemens SX-56 here). If that's the case I may be looking at closer to a year. If that's true, then I should update now eh?
Tough decision...
So I finally broke down last week and picked up a 2215. So far I'm very happy with it. I had a brief D'oh with my Linksys CF card, but now I'm up and running with all the functionality I'm used to. WM2003 looks pretty good so far. And man is PI ever snappy on it!
This should tide me over until either the XDA-II hits Canadian shelves or the HP 6000 does.
11-05-2003, 06:13 AM
Congrats on getting your ipaq back :!:
I had my last pda stolen and never returned obviously, so I know how it feels for the intitial loss. Cool for the airline as well :!:
Everytime I hear about people loosing, resetting, etc. I always think of the importance of backing up your entire ppc! back that info up :wink:
Mitch D
11-05-2003, 06:22 AM
WestJet just called and they have it! Man, they're a great airline. I've flown with them well over 100 times and I've never had a bad experience. This also isn't the first potential disaster they've turned into a positive. The flight crew found it while grooming the aircraft and turned it in. When I called, the girl at Lost & Found was like "Duh, of course it would be here...why are you surprised?" :lol:
I just have to figure out how to get it from the airport now.
One of the girls at work also works as a flight attendant for Westjet JR, I will be happy to pass on how happy you are if you would like. And yes your right they are a great airline! The first time I flew with them the senior flight attendant was doing her speach and ended it with "and if you have any questions don't ask us as we don't care!" (she was not serious) the whole plane broke out laughing. It was a grat flight.
11-05-2003, 06:24 AM
That is cool,and if you have any questions don't ask us as we don't care!
I mainly fly Air Canada since my girl friend lives in Canada :D and Southwest airlines.
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