09-14-2003, 11:10 AM
Hi all,
I was just wondering how many people make their own Ebooks. I've been making Ebooks for myself and for freeware distribution since the days of the Palm Pilot Professional! You had to chop a book in ten pieces, because you only had 2mb of memory to store one in :lol: Those where the days!
I've made dozens of books for the Palm; and you can find a couple of them on Palmgear:
Ebooks made by me (
If I were to add up all the downloads of just these 8 books alone, the number would be close to 40.000!! 8O
20.000 leagues under the sea has close to 11.000 downloads alone.
Never let it be said that Ebooks aren't popular!! :lol:
Back in 2000 when I got my first Pocket PC [an Ipaq 3630] I started publishing .lit format books; including my all time favorite: Sherlock Holmes storys. I haven't had much time to publish anything lately, but I still make all my own Ebooks to this day. A very rewarding hobby.
I was just wondering how many people make their own Ebooks. I've been making Ebooks for myself and for freeware distribution since the days of the Palm Pilot Professional! You had to chop a book in ten pieces, because you only had 2mb of memory to store one in :lol: Those where the days!
I've made dozens of books for the Palm; and you can find a couple of them on Palmgear:
Ebooks made by me (
If I were to add up all the downloads of just these 8 books alone, the number would be close to 40.000!! 8O
20.000 leagues under the sea has close to 11.000 downloads alone.
Never let it be said that Ebooks aren't popular!! :lol:
Back in 2000 when I got my first Pocket PC [an Ipaq 3630] I started publishing .lit format books; including my all time favorite: Sherlock Holmes storys. I haven't had much time to publish anything lately, but I still make all my own Ebooks to this day. A very rewarding hobby.