View Full Version : Have you made your own homepage
Heavy Eddie
09-14-2003, 01:58 AM
I am thinking about putting together a little homepage for PIE that simply loads locally.
Has anyone done this already?
Would you like to share?
How would I link to an avantgo or mazingo channel?
Kati Compton
09-14-2003, 02:34 AM
I made my own start page for PIE - I have links to all my Strong Bad Email ( flash anims I have saved on my PPC.
I don't do online net stuff with my PPC.
09-14-2003, 02:57 AM
I made a start page wth links to a bunch of PIE-friendly sites.
Jeff Rutledge
09-14-2003, 05:59 AM
I made a start page wth links to a bunch of PIE-friendly sites.
Ditto. I created a table at the top with different categories of PIE-friendly links and then snagged a few logo's. It took me about 20 minutes in Notepad.
Hey! I just this what you look like ctmagnus? Mine is as close to a self-portrait as I could get. :wink:
09-14-2003, 07:02 AM
Naturally I made an obligatory flash album page of our first baby just so I could torture everyone with it - all local of course. Now can you say, Have you seen the baby? But this was ages ago.
Dave Beauvais
09-14-2003, 07:30 AM
I went way overboard and did this ( :)
Sooner Al
09-14-2003, 12:08 PM
I created two different start pages for PIE, depending on whether or not its the fall college football season... 8)
Al's PIE pages (
Heavy Eddie
09-14-2003, 01:56 PM
Anyone will to post their pages as examples. It may help out a lot of other people building their own.
09-14-2003, 02:10 PM
You know, this is actually a pretty cool idea! I never thought about it.. and now I must have one of my own! 8O W?BIC! :D
I keep learning something new and cool every day it seems!
09-14-2003, 06:04 PM
Here's my effort.
Photo navy is having some issues right now, so I can't remote link to the image :(
I did run into a little problem with the text. I want my links to be bigger, but the only thing I can do in PIE is change the text size, which doesn't do a thing of good. Is there any way for me to override PIE's font settings?
Dave Beauvais
09-14-2003, 06:30 PM
... Is there any way for me to override PIE's font settings?
In the HTML, you can add tags such as<font size="14">Text you want larger here</font>Of course the 14 could be anything you want to get the desired effect. That would increase the size of just that text without your having to change the PIE global text size.
09-15-2003, 01:15 AM
My PIE home page (
Hey! I just this what you look like ctmagnus?
Pretty much. The clothes' colours are rather muted compared to the original screenshot though.
09-15-2003, 01:32 AM
I made a start page wth links to a bunch of PIE-friendly sites.
Hey! I just this what you look like ctmagnus? Mine is as close to a self-portrait as I could get. :wink:
Ok, Are you two related? He heh. -
09-15-2003, 11:02 PM
Dave, I don't think you went overboard at all! Your start page looks fantastic! Very professional.
Now, here is the stupid question of the day...
How did you do it? I have never designed a web page in my life, but am now inspired by your work of art!
Any special program? I know there are many available.
Thanks in advance! 8O
Jeff Rutledge
09-15-2003, 11:14 PM
I made a start page wth links to a bunch of PIE-friendly sites.
Hey! I just this what you look like ctmagnus? Mine is as close to a self-portrait as I could get. :wink:
Ok, Are you two related? He heh. -
Now where's yours Maximus??? :wink:
09-15-2003, 11:14 PM
I went way overboard and did this ( :)
This page, including photographs, screenshots, and textual content, is copyright © 2003 by Dave W. Beauvais except where noted and may not be used elsewhere without permission.
Dave, I ask for the permission (and perhaps a link) to these pages that you use. I've wanted something like this for a while and yours is perfect! So.... can I please use it? :D
Jeff Rutledge
09-15-2003, 11:20 PM
I agree with the sentiments to far. Dave has the crown for best PIE homepage.
:rock on dude!:
09-16-2003, 01:24 AM
Dave, I ask for the permission (and perhaps a link) to these pages that you use. I've wanted something like this for a while and yours is perfect! So.... can I please use it? :D
I concur. Post the code! Now all our homepages will have been assimilated. :robot:
(Plus, tabs are cool! :wink: )
09-16-2003, 02:17 AM
Now where's yours Maximus??? :wink:
Hew hew. Those are south park characters, right ?
How did you make the image ?
09-16-2003, 02:42 AM
I put a Google search tab field on my start page. It uses the Palm version of it so that is cuts down on load times. I also have the links to news sites and of course, PPCT.
Jeff Rutledge
09-16-2003, 02:45 AM
Now where's yours Maximus??? :wink:
Hew hew. Those are south park characters, right ?
How did you make the image ?
You can do it at the South Park site ( When you're done, just right-click on the picture and save it.
It's pretty fun actually.
Dave Beauvais
09-16-2003, 03:07 AM
How did you do it? ... Any special program? I know there are many available.
Well, I covered most of that in the page I linked to, but if you skipped over the verbose section following the screenshots, I don't blame you. ;) I used plain old Notepad exclusively to create the HTML and stylesheet files, and Photoshop 7.0.1 for the images. (Except the various Pocket PC site logos, which were acquired from the sites they link to.) You could probably get away with using something like FrontPage, Dreamweaver, or another HTML editor, but they tend to add things to the HTML that really aren't necessary, and may screw up the layout. I decided to go the Notepad route because I have control over exactly how the files look and what they contain.
I used Photoshop for the images because I paid for the software and I may as well use it! ;) Less expensive software such as Paint Shop Pro would work just fine, as well. (Pretty much any graphics software will work as long as the program can work with layered Photoshop images.)
I concur. Post the code! Now all our homepages will have been assimilated. ... (Plus, tabs are cool! :wink: )
Give me some time to comment my HTML, CSS, and such, and I'll stick everything up on my site in a zip file. It will likely be at least a couple days before I have time to do this, though. This is an example of something I made for myself and never really intended for anyone else to work with or modify.
Next, I need to apologize for something... the page as it exists now will only work properly on PPCs running Windows Mobile 2003. Because the design now relies on cascading stylesheets, which previous versions of Pocket IE did not support, it would take a LOT of effort and time to go back to the old design which was based on tables and a transparent GIF for layout. (As it is, it took way more time than I care to admit to get things working properly with CSS. Being the perfectionist that I am, I literally spent several hours adjusting and tweaking.)
I may have the old version on a backup CD, in which case I'll restore it and make that available, as well. If not, only those running WM2003 will be able to use this since I overwrote the old version as I went along.
Give me a couple days and I'll see what I can come up with for you guys.
Heavy Eddie
09-16-2003, 03:44 AM
I agree... I can't wait for you to share the code. I'm building something, but I doubt it will be this good.
09-16-2003, 04:53 AM
You can do it at the South Park site ( When you're done, just right-click on the picture and save it.
It's pretty fun actually.
This site ( works a bit better in my experience (namely the fourth Stuff page. You can actually see the first few rows.)
And you can't right-click and save as with flash! :twak: Unless you're running something better than I am.
Jeff Rutledge
09-16-2003, 02:44 PM
You can do it at the South Park site ( When you're done, just right-click on the picture and save it.
It's pretty fun actually.
This site ( works a bit better in my experience (namely the fourth Stuff page. You can actually see the first few rows.)
And you can't right-click and save as with flash! :twak: Unless you're running something better than I am.
Hmmm....I'll have to try again. I thought I right-clicked when I was done. I can't try now though as the site is blocked here at work.
Jeff Rutledge
09-16-2003, 02:45 PM
You're right! I just remembered that I did a print screen and then cropped it. I had totally forgot about that step. Ha!
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