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View Full Version : Sounds and Notifications

09-04-2003, 06:06 PM
After testing a security program and locking up my PPCPE, I had to hard reset and reload all my programs again. But it was OK since I was beta testing some prgs and I needed to wash out my PDA anyway.

But I did lose one of my notifications. I cannot set a wav file for "Low Battery Warning" I can't find it at all. And I don't know how to get it back.

Can someone show me how and also let me know if there is a way to add more features to the Sounds & Notifications. I want to add more events such as
- please enter password...
- wrong password warning...
- Communications Offline... (if there is a way to notify me if I lose my cellphone signal strength)

And lastly, concerning saving themes, is there a prg that would save an animated desktop theme and sound notification settings in one file? Just like Win98 does. That way I don't have to set it up manual.

Thanks for your help and insights everyone

09-04-2003, 07:37 PM
a hard reset should have restored the sounds that you were missing. if you have one of the 19xx ipaqs then i am not sure what you may be missing from a hard reset. i assume that compaq's smart enough to supply you a restore disk in the event you use some of your os code that's embedded on the ram/rom.

as for the other questions. i'm not sure you can append more types of notifications to the ppc. i was trying to do that myself. if you want customized sounds you'll need to sacrifice and replace some of the existing sound files.

09-05-2003, 04:04 PM
I think the Net is great as long as you have a stable connection. Oh my kingdom for Free Broadband service!!!! :wink:

The missing sound notification was a registry tweak. So if anyone is missing the "Low Battery Warning" on their T-Mobile PPCPE then go here:


It was a simple one liner to make the notification to appear. And I could add any sound I like. Now to find out how to add more notifications. Anyone out there know more about the Tweaks and registry input? The guy who wrote the above site is not updating anymore.

Thanks for replying Gohtor
