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View Full Version : Program suggestion, Please help.

09-04-2003, 12:20 AM
I have seen some of the wallet programs, But I have not noticed any with a Check book registry. Anyone know what I am not seeing. I would like to have a program that looks just like a registry on the inside of your check book. I hope this makes sense. Thank you for any suggestions.


09-04-2003, 01:37 AM
The E-Wallet thing is a little confusing.
An E-Wallet is where you put important items such as your credit card numbers, family social security numbers, registration codes for purchased software....ect. Sort of like your Wallet.
What you want is either Microsoft Money (http://www.microsoft.com/money/default.asp) which comes with a version for the Pocket PC on the disk. Or Pocket Quicken (http://www.landware.com/pocketquicken/) which is a separate purchase from the original software.
Both will sync with your desktop version and do just what you want it to. I think the Microsoft version is a better deal though because you get both the desktop and ppc versions for one price, however if you already use quicken or just got to have quicken .... the option is there.