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View Full Version : JGUI MoreTodays! and MTUX TodayX under WM2003

09-03-2003, 09:45 PM
I have tried both JGUI MoreTodays! and MTUX TodayX under WM2003 to no avail. I keep running into issues when switching from one today screen to another. Usually I will either lock up or it will reboot on me.

Anyone out there using either of these on WM2003?

I am running under a Dell Axim X5, and the app is installed in the default location.

09-04-2003, 03:54 AM
I have been running Todayx for the past two weeks and have had very few problems with it.

I am running Facelift with fullscreen backgrounds, and that is really really cool, as well as Kitara:Genesis and have different pages set up with different things:

Page 1 - different world times using Worldmate and CityTime
Page 2 - My daily calendar using Kitara:Genesis
Page 3 - My Battery and memory check page
Page 4 - Two daily quotes QOTD and Kilmist

Even with all of the above running I only ever have occasional issues.

I have an IPAQ 555 running os2003.

maybe you need to do a hard reset and then load things gradually to see what software is causing problems.

Of course you would backup your PDA to make sure that if anything disasterous dhould happen at least you have some form of backup.....

