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View Full Version : "Wallet" Programs.

Monty Gibson
09-01-2003, 11:36 PM

I have a question; albeit, a dumb one perhaps. But who is using a "Wallet" program? FlexWallet, eWallet, et cetera. If so, why? I don't understand this concept when you cannot use it to pay for items or goods. For example, at a local grocery store you cannot slip your Pocket PC through the "Point Of Service" reader and pay for goods. You need the physical debit/credit card available with the magnetic strip in order to do so. Therefore, I don't understand the concept entirely behind these programs. If you use one, please tell me how you incorporate it into your everyday life. I'd like to hear your ideas and opinions.

Thank you.

Sooner Al
09-02-2003, 01:03 AM
eWallet to safe guard personal account numbers, PINs, passwords, software registration information, etc, etc ... etc... When I was working I also stored system administration passwords, etc using eWallet...

I am now proud to say that I am gainfully unemployed (retired) and loving it...

09-02-2003, 01:12 AM
Wallet software is probably least useful for credit cards, at least to me, for the reason you mentioned: people generally need to carry credit cards with them in order to make a purchase. However, I still enter the credit card info -- particularly the phone numbers to report lost/stolen cards -- so that I can do this without delay if necessary.

Other uses include:
1. Login IDs and passwords. I use it most often for this. Wallet software lets you use different IDs and passwords for every system or site. In addition, you can use strings that would be impossible to remember. These aspects improve security.

2. Personal info. You can record family SSNs, dates of birth, auto VINs and license plate numbers, or any other info you don't want other people to access easily.

3. Sensitive office info. This would include things like photocopier codes, telephone long distance codes, etc.

09-02-2003, 04:10 AM
Aside from the reasons already mentioned, I use FlexWallet because the templates ensure that I've captured all the information I need to capture. For instance, I note hotel and flight information in FlexWallet, because it reminds me to prompt for cancelation rules, so I can note them with my registration information. Too often, I make a reservation but I forget to find out the cancelation rules.

It's really just a very handy organizer for very personal information that is protected by 128-bit encryption, so if you lose your PPC, no one will ever get to your SSN, credit account numbers, etc.

09-02-2003, 05:46 PM
I use it to store all the critical information on my accounts (credit, BankCards, etc.). Such as userid and passwords to each website and also just in case my wallet is ever lost or stolen I have all the info I need to report to the company to cancel the account.

09-02-2003, 05:56 PM
You should have a look at http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=16729&highlight=

You will find a very compehensive review and many useful comments!!!