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View Full Version : Explain the meaning of your Avatar, please!

08-29-2003, 08:29 PM
Admittedly, I'm quite new to this forum and PPT. But I'm an enthusiastic newcomer! :)

I've enjoyed reading and participating in many threads is this site's forum, and one thing that has struck me is the use of avatars. I'm intrigued by many of them, and I'd like to learn what some of them are and why you chose them as the visual representation of yourself at this site.

For example, Surgical Snack has an almost hideous avatar (but amusing nonetheless). You've surely seen it around here -- it's a skeletal head in a tux. Executive Editor Jason Dunn's cartoon avatar looks like a comic superhero, although I don't know who the character is? Goldkey's avatar is downright scarey! Janak Parekh's antique shot of an IBM AT (I think?) is quite contrary to the theme of this site -- sleek, colorful PDAs. Why did these members choose their avatars?

And that's just a small sampling of what you see in these forums!

So I'd find it very helpful and interesting if you'd note:

1) what your avatar is, and
2) why you chose it

What? Me go first? Mine's simple: I took it from Microsoft's clipart gallery. I live in South Florida, about 1.5 miles away from the beach, so I wanted to find something bright and beachy.

08-29-2003, 08:35 PM
Mine explains were I live. This is my new version. This is what my old one (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=16978&highlight=avitar) looked like.

Jason's is the X-Man Wolverine and Goldkeys is a Borg from Star Trek.

08-29-2003, 09:17 PM
Mine's just a pic of a character from www.homestarrunner.com :D

I'm just a big fan of the site..

Pat Logsdon
08-29-2003, 09:35 PM
For example, Surgical Snack has an almost hideous avatar (but amusing nonetheless). You've surely seen it around here -- it's a skeletal head in a tux.
My avatar is part of a Shag (http://www.shag.com/) print. He does extremely cool retro/tiki/mod paintings of hipsters and monkeys and things. My avatar is lifted from a piece called The Masquerade (http://www.shag.com/Peoplecity/masquerade.html).

I chose it because I think it looks neat, and I think it fits the name "Surgical Snack" very well. :wink:

08-29-2003, 09:55 PM
What is the meaning of your name Snack?

Pat Logsdon
08-29-2003, 10:11 PM
What is the meaning of your name Snack?
No meaning, really - I just made it up and liked how it sounded. I first started using it as my nick back when Quake 3 came out, and I think it works a little better in that context. Or maybe not. :wink:

I'm either Surgical Snack or Occam's Crouton on most forums/boards.

EDIT: I suppose I should explain Occam's Crouton as well. That dates waaay back to '92, I think...back when I was hanging around on a BBS or two. (Anyone remember WWIV? ANSI?) It's a play on the Occam's Razor (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_Razor) principle. When I learned that there was an actual Willam of Ockham (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_of_Ockham), I thought that he probably owned a razor. And if he had a razor, he must have had other things - like Occam's Comfy Chair, Occam's Toothbrush, Occam's Toenail Clippers, etc. Once I got to that point, it was not much of a stretch to assume that he enjoyed a good salad every once in awhile, thus necessitating croutons. :mrgreen:

Janak Parekh
08-29-2003, 10:35 PM
I hate to lock this, but most people have already answered this question on this everlong thread (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4872), and we really ought to confine it there. Enjoy! 8)
