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View Full Version : DateLens 1.1 For Pocket PCs

Ed Hansberry
08-29-2003, 07:00 PM
<a href="http://www.windsorinterfaces.com/datelens.shtml">http://www.windsorinterfaces.com/datelens.shtml</a><br /><br />Just over a year ago, I <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2491">posted about a new UI</a> for viewing your appointments. That product was officially released a few months ago.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2003/20030829-datelens.gif" /><br /><br />You can see various views as the above image cycles from week view, 3-month view with one day zoomed and 3-month view with all events relating to "birthday" are highlighted. As I've said before though, screenshots don't do this app justice. You need to either view the <a href="http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/datelens/datelens-video-small.mpg">45MB MPEG video</a> or just download the demo to see what it is capable of. Quite a powerful tool. The Pocket PC version will run on any Pocket PC and costs $15. The necessary components from the .NET Compact Framework are included with the DateLens install.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/datelens/images/ben-bill-gates.jpg"><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2003/20030829-datelens2.jpg" /></a><br /><i>Ben Bederson, President &amp; CEO, Windsor Interfaces, Inc. demoing DateLens to Bill Gates at the 2002 Microsoft Research Faculty Summit.</i>

08-29-2003, 07:11 PM
What's the difference between this and PI4's "Inline Detail" option?

Ed Hansberry
08-29-2003, 07:15 PM
What's the difference between this and PI4's "Inline Detail" option?Lots. Go run the flash demo at the DateLens site.

08-29-2003, 07:41 PM
This is very well thought-out. An excellent approach the problem of drill-up/down navigation.

Now for an encore.. . How about TaskLens? ... or ContactLens? (sorry, I meant the former, but couldn't resist the latter...) :D

08-29-2003, 07:58 PM
Dang! I just bought PI 4 and I'm still learning this app. When are they coming out with PI for Dummies?

I'm going to check out this app. It seems like real good app. Form my (slow performance) PI experience, I'm going to see how slow this thing runs on my HP 2210. :roll:

08-29-2003, 08:00 PM
I first tried out DateLens last year, and it works quite well for many tasks, especially long-term planning. Dr. Bederson also does some pretty compelling demonstrations on other platforms (Tablet PC, laptop, desktop) showing how the system scales up. I agree that it is quite well thought-out. Actually, it was this program that helped to first peak my interest in pursuing zoomable interfaces at UMD. Great HCIL. :)

08-29-2003, 08:02 PM
I just watched the mpeg, it looks like a very powerful program! Very cool.

rmasinag, PI4 should be extremely fast on a 2200...you might want to post what the problem is in the PI forums, usually Alex or one of his support guys is speedy to answer questions.

Jimmy Dodd
08-29-2003, 08:49 PM
I really like this app, especially the fact that they didn't try to replace the entire Pocket Outlook PIM in a single app. I just wish they hadn't gone the .NET CF route. Apps written in straight Win32 or MFC are so much faster - especially graphics intense ones like this. Oh, well - it's still fast enough to use, but you can't blame me for wanting more speed on the inital load. :roll:

08-29-2003, 09:49 PM
It is too slow to load. Maybe fast ENOUGHT for some people.

It didn't work in my h2210 either, after the 14 days trial windows popup, I click the "OK", then another popup show" mangerment exception ......" and disappear instantly, then nothing show up any more.

08-29-2003, 10:16 PM
...At least on my iPAQ 5555 with no other apps running. Has one major flaw - when you create an appointment using DateLens, it doesn't show up IN DateLens until you exit and go back in - I even tried to do a search on a test appointment I created and nothing. Clocked for a long time when I created the appt. too. And it threw an exception fault the first time I tried to exit it using WisBar (didn't do it again after though). I think this would be a great addition to PI - I like PI, but having the ability to view multiple months would be great.

08-29-2003, 10:19 PM
They have a screenshot of the desktop version, though I couldn't find a download link for it. Does anyone know if there will be a desktop version? It looks interesting, and I have a Clie right now, which had replaced my Pocket PC for a while...

08-29-2003, 10:33 PM
Having read and seen the screenshots I have to say that I was not impressed. This software may be based in a great idea (Fish Eye views) but it is still inmature...
Maybe in a couple of years we will see something great from them...

08-30-2003, 12:01 AM
Very nice. Thanks for the link. I downloaded it, tried it then bought it. Seems like the PI interface on steroids. It is a little bit too slow but I can’t seem to make out if it’s because it’s graphics intensive under .NET or the developer wanted to show off the windowing bells and whistles or a combination of both. It is in need of a little more voltage to speed up the app. It seems that the developer is into .NET and Java two very cool languages.

As far as MFC being faster than .NET that statement is true. But being able to develop optimized code in .NET will let the developer spend more time on the development of the app and less time in the debugger. Development time plummets with .NET or Java. We’ve seen over time that the apps on the PC’s have also gotten faster due to faster machines and better optimized Frameworks (.NET CF and Java). I feel that since this developer has gotten out this rev1 app we’ll see him concentrating in the next versions on speed and code optimization. This is same course that PI and AF took when they’re apps were getting sluggish.

Now for an encore.. . How about TaskLens? ... or ContactLens?
This would be too COOL. 8)

Steven Cedrone
08-30-2003, 02:46 AM
I like it...

The one thing I'd like to see: A today button that would bring you to today and open full screen (but that's just me)...


08-30-2003, 04:14 PM
PI has had a mode, called inline mode, in its month view for quite a while that seems to provide this capability. Can someone who has donwloaded this program explain what it adds over what PI supplies?

Ed Hansberry
08-30-2003, 04:36 PM
PI has had a mode, called inline mode, in its month view for quite a while that seems to provide this capability. Can someone who has donwloaded this program explain what it adds over what PI supplies?
As I suggested earlier, view the flash presentation on their site. It will show you what it does.

08-30-2003, 10:48 PM
PI has had a mode, called inline mode, in its month view for quite a while that seems to provide this capability. Can someone who has donwloaded this program explain what it adds over what PI supplies?

Inline mode for several months at a time. Outlook Can't even display several months at once. (At least in my experience.)

08-31-2003, 12:51 AM
Having read and seen the screenshots I have to say that I was not impressed. This software may be based in a great idea (Fish Eye views) but it is still inmature...
Maybe in a couple of years we will see something great from them...

from the picture at the beginning of this thread it looks like bill g had the same impression! :lol:

08-31-2003, 04:21 AM
I think that with everything that’s being said here the best way to evaluate the product is to download it and try it out. The Flash is OK but the cab file is a small download and you can get a better feel for the app by playing around with it. The windowing animation speed is adjustable or able to be turned off so it’s a pretty snappy interface (I have it loaded on a CF card). It does however load up 3 months of data on startup so it would be nice to be able to do most of that in the background and only load 1 months worth of data instead of 3. I use PI and I think this is really nice addition to that. For people who work mostly from the PC and just carry around a PDA to browse appointments it’s great.

I guess the question really is if someone that uses PI or something similar do they need an extra app to view what they can with PI.


08-31-2003, 02:27 PM
...but it is still inmature...
Maybe in a couple of years we will see something great from them...
All software when it first comes out is immature (some more than others) but I think that the turn around time needed for software to mature is a lot quicker than a few years. In reality it must be quicker than a few years or else the end users will look for some other solution.

As a developer tries to mature and enhance his software he must keep the targeted end user interested and in focus. Most software (for the PPC not the desktop) matures primarily because of the suggestions, comments or complaints that are brought forth in forums such as this one. And a forum such as this one is the most obvious way for a developer to keep abreast of what enhancements need to be made - thus maturing his product.

(IMHO - Desktop software developers, generally, tell us what great features we need. On the other hand software development on the PPC is dynamic and evolves through constant praise, comments and complaints from the software user community. Therefore software tends to mature faster due to the developer’s focus on the end user.)

:soapbox: Jeff-

08-31-2003, 08:05 PM
As I've said before though, screenshots don't do this app justice. You need to either view the 45MB MPEG video (http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/datelens/datelens-video-small.mpg) or just download the demo to see what it is capable of.
Actually, a newer (and smaller) Flash video demo (http://www.windsorinterfaces.com/datelens-demo.html) is available.

08-31-2003, 09:07 PM
It is too slow to load. Maybe fast ENOUGHT [sic] for some people.

It didn't work in my h2210 either, after the 14 days trial windows popup, I click the "OK", then another popup show" mangerment exception ......" and disappear instantly, then nothing show up any more.
The trade-off of having fast interactive animation over three months of appointments is that DateLens has to load all the appointment data up front when the application loads. Fortunately, this only happens on application startup, and there are no further delays when using DateLens.

Incidently, the reason for the slow loading has nothing to do with the .NET Compact Framework, but rather is due to the slow access to the Outlook database. Other calendar applications don't load several months of data all at once.

As for the problem on startup, we just released a bug fix version (v1.02) (http://www.datelens.com) that fixes a few problems, and may fix that problem. If not, please email [email protected] and we'll try and help.

when you create an appointment using DateLens, it doesn't show up IN DateLens until you exit and go back in

The current bug release (v1.02) (http://www.datelens.com) fixes a problem with appointments being entered at the wrong time if using some international locales. If this doesn't fix your problem, please contact us at [email protected] and we'll try and help.

They have a screenshot of the desktop version, though I couldn't find a download link for it."
An unsupported free version of the desktop version is now available (http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/datelens) through the University of Maryland.

The one thing I'd like to see: A today button that would bring you to today and open full screen
Actually, DateLens does support this. Just change your preferences so that the "Home view" is set to "Today". Then, tapping on the Home icon in the upper left of DateLens will take you to Today in full screen.

Can someone who has downloaded this program explain what it adds over what PI supplies?
As others have noted, one big difference is that DateLens shows up to 3 months of appointments at a time. However, there are other differences as well, such as:
=> Smooth animation that enables a user to more readily understand screen transitions. We have a done a number of user studies that show quick animated transitions help avoid feeling lost.
=> Inline search with hits outside the current view shown on the scrollbar
=> "Fisheye view" under user control so you can make the view focus on exactly what you want - for example, more space on the weekends.
=> Simple dedicated application. Does the basics with clarity.

Steven Cedrone
08-31-2003, 10:10 PM
The one thing I'd like to see: A today button that would bring you to today and open full screen
Actually, DateLens does support this. Just change your preferences so that the "Home view" is set to "Today". Then, tapping on the Home icon in the upper left of DateLens will take you to Today in full screen.

Thanks!!! I'll give it a try!!!


Edit: O.K., that was really easy to find, I'n mot sure how I missed it!!! Thanks again Ben!!!

Ed Hansberry
08-31-2003, 10:56 PM
Incidently, the reason for the slow loading has nothing to do with the .NET Compact Framework, but rather is due to the slow access to the Outlook database. Other calendar applications don't load several months of data all at once.
My understanding is POOM is slow compared to directly accessing the data. I know some apps bypass POOM when reading data for speed. They still write using POOM so they don't have to worry about errors entering the database. Still, reading requires you to figure some things out on your own as there is not as much documentation on it since MS wants everyone to use POOM.

Steven Cedrone
08-31-2003, 10:58 PM
One other thing...

I know the app loads three months of data on startup, but can the app start up in 1 month view (as opposed to 3 month view)???

Also, is it possible to change the calendar to a SMTWTFS calendar as opposed to a MTWTFSS calendar view???


09-01-2003, 02:09 AM
One other thing...

I know the app loads three months of data on startup, but can the app start up in 1 month view (as opposed to 3 month view)???

Also, is it possible to change the calendar to a SMTWTFS calendar as opposed to a MTWTFSS calendar view???

Both reasonable requests - consider them added to our list of things to do. BTW, you can set DateLens "Home" view to one month through View->Preferences, but it still loads three months of data on initial load.

We know about reading the database directly (bypassing POOM), and have tried to avoid it. If starting with only one month of data isn't fast enough, perhaps we'll reconsider...

09-17-2003, 10:43 PM
I like this program but am not willing to spend the money when I think I'm going to upgrade to 2003 :( Looks like you have to buy it again if you go from 2002 -> 2003

09-22-2003, 06:30 PM
I like this program but am not willing to spend the money when I think I'm going to upgrade to 2003 :( Looks like you have to buy it again if you go from 2002 -> 2003
You will have to reinstall DateLens (and all of your software) if you upgrade from 2002 to 2003, but you will not have to pay for it again. Your license code will work on re-installs. In addition, you will get free access to all near-term upgrades. That is, we reserve the right to charge for a major upgrade, but we don't see that happening in the near future.

- Ben

09-22-2003, 07:09 PM
That's a good thing. I bought it assuming I would have to pay again, that is how good the product is. It actually makes my schedule usable!

Thanks for a super product. Such a simple solution to making the calendaring usable without having to buy a huge package. I now look forward to using the scheduling after 3 years of PocketPC use!

Mark R Penn
09-23-2003, 02:54 PM
Well, I like what I've seen so far. The animation when it "zooms" really does make it easier to see where you are in the view.

But (there had to be a but):

- The loading time is a real problem. I don't think it can be just an issue with the number of days data it has to load, as if I set PI to cache 93 days (3 months) of calendar data, it only takes less than 4 seconds to load from a cold start, while Datelens takes 30 seconds.

- Without filtering (category mainly) It's virtually useless to me, especially with the amount of data it can display. With all categories shown, as they must be, the 3 month view is just a mass of blocks.

- It may be there, but I couldn't work out how to zoom INTO a range of days, rather than out? In PI I can drag the stylus across a range of days, up, down or both, and the view will zoom to that. Can that be done in Datelens? eg, if I want to see as much info as possible for Tuesdays and wednesdays over the next two weeks, I'd want 4 days to virtually fill my screen.