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View Full Version : New Smartphone Thoughts Ring Tones Released

Jason Dunn
08-28-2003, 12:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/index.php?topic_id=4034' target='_blank'>http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/i...p?topic_id=4034</a><br /><br /></div>If you're a Pocket PC Phone Edition user, you may be interested to know that the second series of ring tones has been released by Smartphone Thoughts.<br /><br />"I've put up the second in our series of eight free ring tone packs - this one is called "Mellow Attack", and it contains five ring tones that would be appropriate for an environment where a loud ring isn't appropriate, but silent mode might just be a little TOO quiet. Download and enjoy today!<br /><br />• <i>For Whom The Bell Tolls</i> - Quiet, but a little creepy.<br />• <i>Hello Cello</i> - A gentle burst of classical<br />• <i>Hello Neighbour</i> - Somehow, this made me think of a happy children's TV show. <br />• <i>Hollow Hal</i>: A bit of a strange sample, this has a bit of an eerie feeling to it. Like Frodo Baggins at a rave. <br />• <i>Labamba Mamma</i>: A Latin-tinged sample with congos<br /><br />Be sure to check back every week for the next six packs!"

Pat Logsdon
08-28-2003, 12:59 AM
• Hollow Hal: A bit of a strange sample, this has a bit of an eerie feeling to it. Like Frodo Baggins at a rave.
8O I'm having a little trouble picturing Frodo freaking out with a glowstick in his teeth.

Cool ring tone, but I'd probably use Hello Neighbor if I had a smartphone. If I used Labamba Mama, I could be accused of having a party in my pants, and that would just be bad. :twisted:

08-29-2003, 08:16 AM
• For Whom The Bell Tolls - Quiet, but a little creepy.

i thought u meant the metallica song For Whom The Bell Tolls i was like quite?? definatly not.

Jason Dunn
08-29-2003, 07:24 PM
i thought u meant the metallica song For Whom The Bell Tolls i was like quite?? definatly not.

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" is the title of a book by Enerst Hemmingway, in addition to being a Metallica song. :wink: It's the sound of a bell, so that title just came to my mind.