Jason Dunn
08-25-2003, 05:35 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.pdacorps.com/default.asp?key=pages/astrawareinterview.htm' target='_blank'>http://www.pdacorps.com/default.asp...reinterview.htm</a><br /><br /></div>PDACorps has continue their series of developer interviews, with the latest being popular Palm developer Astraware, who has recently begun to port applications over to the Pocket PC. Check out the full interview!<br /><br /><i>PDACorps: How long has Astraware been creating software for the Pocket PC?</i><br /><b>Howard:</b> It has been nearly two years now - we started with Diamond Mine as a first product for Pocket PC. That was our "toe in the water" to see what the take-up would be like among Pocket PC users. More titles followed, as you know :)<br /><br /><i>PDACorps: How many people have been on the dev team(s) for titles that you have worked on? (As there are lots of titles, what is the average?)</i><br /><b>Howard:</b> Most projects really just have one lead developer, but draw on the other resources we have available as necessary. We have a number of specialists who are good at particular aspects of design, programming, art, documentation, etc. You could say that the average is 2 people - 1 developer and 1 artist.