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View Full Version : Installing VS.NET 2003

08-25-2003, 05:26 AM

I can't post in the "Developer" section and I have been searching for an answer to my problem but couldn't find it somewhere else, so I thought I'll post here.

I am trying to install VS.NET 2003 on my computer, but everytime the Setup screen start and I choose "Step 1" (installing udpates), it kept on telling me the following error message:

"Setup has detected that another program requires your
computer to reboot. You must reboot the computer before
installing VS.NET Windows Component Update. Once the
system reboots, you will neet to restart setup. Click OK
to reboot. Click Cancel to exit setup and install later."

It keeps doing that no matter how many times I reboot. I unsintalled Norton Firewall, disabled Norton Antivirus, defragged the HDD, clean the registry, uninstall old .NET Framework, etc, but to no avail. There are no website that talks about this issue, not even MS Knowledge base.

So does anyone know about this issue? Thanks a lot.

08-25-2003, 05:38 PM
The windows installer install in progress key is likely set.

Check the registry key:

It shouldn't exist.

You can download the tool "Msizap.exe" and pass it the p parameter as described on MSDN here (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/msi/setup/msizap_exe.asp).

You would have to download the Windows Installer SDK from here (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/msi/setup/msizap_exe.asp) first.

Note that you should be VERY careful with the MSIZap utility - since you can do very nice things like remove ALL windows installer related registry keys etc..

EDIT: one way to check if this is the case then this should happen with any windows installer created install - such as the Orca.msi file that comes with the windows installer SDK.

Steven Cedrone
08-25-2003, 05:43 PM
I can't post in the "Developer" section and I have been searching for an answer to my problem but couldn't find it somewhere else, so I thought I'll post here.

Are you getting an error when you try to post in the Developer forum?

At any rate, I'm going to move this to the Off-Topic forum... :wink:

Steven Cedrone
Community Mocderator

08-25-2003, 06:46 PM
Hi Jacob,

So you're saying that I should delete the "InProgress" key? Wouldn't this be easier than using the MSZAP utility? I guess I was just trying to figure the difference between the two.

Hi Steven,

I can not add NEW Topics in the Developer Section, only reply to an already existing topics. I think this is how it was setup, no?

Steven Cedrone
08-25-2003, 07:13 PM
I can not add NEW Topics in the Developer Section, only reply to an already existing topics. I think this is how it was setup, no?

O.K., I see the problem...

You can post new questions in the "Developer" forum in the "Community Discussion" area of the site. The other "DEVELOPER" forum (all caps), is in the "Front Page Archive" area of the site and is where the news team posts and is not where the user community can start a new thread...


08-25-2003, 07:14 PM
Hi Jacob,

So you're saying that I should delete the "InProgress" key? Wouldn't this be easier than using the MSZAP utility? I guess I was just trying to figure the difference between the two.

Make sure to check if there are any contents - from what I know there should only be the key.

The MSIZap utility may be the safer way to do it - if you trust MS utils. I'm pretty sure the VS.NET install is just seeing that this key is there and thinks another install is in progress.

08-25-2003, 11:43 PM
Hey Jacob,

Allright, I'll check it out tonight. FYI, is the Resource Kit downloadble from the MS Site? The only links I see is the "Order.." link.

Hey Steve,

Thanks for the information. I think this thread should be moved there instead of here. But that's just my thought. :D

08-25-2003, 11:56 PM
Sorry... I screwed up and put the same link for both in my post!

The Windows SDK site where you can install the SDK from is here (http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/)

Steven Cedrone
08-26-2003, 12:01 AM
I think this thread should be moved there instead of here. But that's just my thought. :D

I would, if you were talking about Pocket PC's. Since you are talking about vs.net and how to install it on your PC, it's "Off-Topic"... :wink:
