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View Full Version : Flash a Pocket Pc into a Palm? or vice versa?

08-24-2003, 03:43 AM
Well, I LOVE the switch to Pocket Pc [Ipaq 2215] especially since all of the programs just feel so much more "completed". However, I've noticed that Palm Os 5.2.1 is also able to run on Xscale processors. I understand there would be licensing issues, but thats not the point of this thread. I was wondering if it was possible to run Palm OS on the Pocket PC hardware. Or maybe flash a Palm Os with the Pocket PC OS. They both run on the same processor, so it's comparable to running Linux on a previous Windows machine. Personally, I would NEVER attempt such a stupid idea [as Pocket PC is by far better], but I was just wondering if there "could" ever be a Palm Os "rom update" for a Pocket Pc device. BTW I'm loving the Ipaq 2215, and would reccomend it to anyone. I just bought a GPS CF card and it rocks! "Turn left in 200 feets"...sweet....

08-24-2003, 03:49 AM
I would rather see it work the other way and install PPC on one of the new Sony designs.

08-24-2003, 03:49 AM
I bought my 2215 a couple of week sago, and love it, too.

What GPS did you get for yours. I tried one and it didn't work, but it was an older one made fro the Ipaq 3600 series, even though it was a CF< not a sleeve.

08-24-2003, 03:58 AM
You can emulate POS 3.5 on a PPC, that's about as far as development got on the emulator. Someone asked a similar question on BH, it does run better on 2003 than 2002, but more a technology demo than a useful app.


Kati Compton
08-24-2003, 03:59 AM
Remember that the processor isn't the only hardware in the unit, and the OS would be compiled to the hardware.

08-24-2003, 04:33 AM
I bought the Deluo CF card on deluo.com for $139. Very nice, works perfect. VERY handy when using to get away from traffic jams, or you are lost. [Not me though, I would NEVER get lost :) ]

Even though the OS's could be compiled to hardware, this couldn't be true as a graphic program [aka: games] can run on the Ipaq 2215 graphics chip, or the Toshiba E740's graphics chip. I suppose HP could have rewritten Pocket Pc 2k3 to support the Qmedia graphics chip, but I think that MS designed their Os to be self-supporting; ie: can run on numerous devices/hardware that doesn't need editing code. Plus I don't think MS has ever released code to any of their operating systems, so it would seem that there would just be a "driver" to access the QMedia/ATI chips. There could very easily be a driver for these chipsets written for Palm Os, should someone get the nerve to write one.

Well that covers the GPU, I don't think RAM would make much difference, as normal computers can use different brands of ram and still run.

The only thing I could think of would be some sort of "protection" embedded in a chip that only allows for the hardware in YOUR device to only work with YOUR Pocket Pc OS. I doubt this is the case, but it is possible.

According to that thread, PalmSource could license PalmOS to anyone/hardware. So it does seem "possible" to run OS5 on a PPC.

As far as the emulator goes, I have read about it, but again, I have absolutely no desire to go back to Palm OS. Not to mention it's illegal due to copyright/patent/licensing issues. but remember this is not the point of this thread. I just think that dual "Pocket PC/Palm OS" devices would definitely get some [<-read majority] market share. BTW, I'm not an economist either. :)