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View Full Version : I NEED HELP! Playing AVI files on HP 2210

08-23-2003, 01:58 AM
I just got a IPAQ 2210 and I want to know how to play AVI files. I have searched the forums and downloaded a few programs including the project mayo one, which came up with audio errors all the time.

Do i need to encode the files. PLEASE HELP! I want to play episodes of TV shows and DVD's eventually....

08-23-2003, 09:22 AM
What codec are the AVI files encoded with? If you want to play them with the Project Mayo Program, Pocket MVP, you'll need to encode them in DivX. There are pretty good guides listed here in this forum, or at PocketMatrix (www.pocketmatrix.com).

Reencoding files is a good idea so that they play well on your Pocket PC.

08-23-2003, 12:02 PM
i dont know what they are encoded with. (im a noob here 8O ) I have downloaded a southpark episode that appears to be encoded with DivX but wont play on the PPC.

I have installed Pocket MVP and it will run certain files but with others it seems to freeze on loading the file and never even starts playing it. (usually a soft restart is needed).

any ideas what I can do...

08-23-2003, 05:32 PM
Do you have enough free RAM? Pocket MVP was very slow when I first used it with a 55MB file (a MASH episode in AVI format). I transferred several apps to an SD card and freed up memory and now it plays without a hitch.

08-24-2003, 09:13 AM
im not sure how to check the ram. how do i transfer apps to a card?

i will give that a go once i know how....


Kati Compton
08-24-2003, 05:23 PM
im not sure how to check the ram.
You can check available memory by going to Settings > System > Memory, and looking at the Main tab.

08-24-2003, 05:57 PM
how do i transfer apps to a card?
When you're installing an application through ActiveSync, it will ask you if you want to install the program to the default location. Select no, then you'll get the option to install to your storage card.