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View Full Version : Have your had any problems with your 2215?

08-20-2003, 06:30 AM
A couple of you have reported problems with the 2215s. I know that the vast mayority has had no problems but I would like to know what problems had you had with you 2215.

08-20-2003, 10:25 AM
I had to return mine. The screen became noisy; yes I know backlit screens make a noise but this was unbelievable!

HP turned it round in a week replacing the LCM.

08-21-2003, 09:47 AM
Mine did work fine apart from mysteriously losing all its internet and work dialup connections but I installed airscanner software and it froze. After soft reset the screen would not respond. I did a hard reset but unless I squeezed the sides the screen would not even calibrate. PC World exchanged the unit and I have just installed my apps back on and this appears to work fine although again after setting up my internet connections with my bluetooth phone last night and testing to make sure it works, the connections this morning have gone again, although if you try to set up the connection again with the same connection name it tells you a connection with that name already exsists but it is not shown anywhere.