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View Full Version : Cingular and Bluetooth?

08-20-2003, 01:18 AM
This may be a little off topic but, does anyone know if Cingular offers a bluetooth enabled phone?

It's like pulling teeth to get any information out of Cingular Customer Service and I really don't want to wait hours at the retail shop for a sale rep.

It would be nice to use the bluetooth phone with the 2215 and my laptop.

08-20-2003, 02:24 AM
the Sony Ericsson T616 and the Nokia 3600 do... just go take a look at their site...

08-20-2003, 02:26 AM
yes. they currently have the siemens s56, a nice little phone (only 256 colors tho'), but i had problems getting it to work with my 2215 via bt. i traded it in for an unlocked se t616. works like a champ!

there may be a few others. check http://www.phonescoop.com and use the phone finder or phones by carrier search.

good luck.


08-20-2003, 03:34 AM
They do but it depends on what region you are in. Cingular does offer Bluetooth enabled phones in the Chicago region for example, but not St. Luois :roll: Although my Cingular guy says that mid-September should provide GSM networks for Cingular all across the country.

08-20-2003, 03:22 PM

also remember that is may be possible to purchase an unlocked bt phone from a carrier/store/internet vendor and activate it on cingular even in areas that dont offer it. for example, there are unlocked and uncustomized se t616s for sale on the net.

btw, the se software for the laptop works pretty well via ir and/or bt.


08-20-2003, 09:13 PM
Hey longbutter,

I saw your post about using a T616 with your 2215. Did you have problems setting it up? I have a 2215 with an unlocked T616 and I'm using Pocket Informant. For the life of me, I can't get PI to dial out on the phone. The only way I can do it is by using the serial over BT connection.

Ideally, I thought if BT was turned on on both devices, they should just connect to each other. Am I missing something?

08-21-2003, 04:01 AM
Just wondering. I am also interested in the BT data connection between mobile phone and 2215. I looked at Cingular, but its data plan was so expensive, it's almost meaningless to get one. Is there any reason to get Cingular over T-Mobile which provides unlimited data plan?

08-21-2003, 08:59 PM

yeah, initially i had problems setting it up. it seems that i read too much research about modem strings, etc. and spent 3 days solid trying to get it to work. i could see the t616 just fine, but i couldn't get it to dial.

basically, how i fixed it was to delete all the crap connections, etc. i created, and then started over with the bt wizard again. i had created a profile on the phone with the proper information for cingular, and entered the dial string *99***3# where 3 is the cid of the connection profile on the phone. i didn't need to use dialing rules, etc.

i knew the cingular profile information in the phone was good as i could use it via ir with my laptop.

the se t616 and the 2215 are still working great together.


yeah, i know what you mean about the data plan. right now i have the 13 MB plan - overpriced. i may knock it back a bit.

it's funny, i tested a siemens x56 pocketpc edition phone on t-mobile for 12 days, then returned it and cancelled my account. the unlimited data plan is the best-priced plan around right now (let's hope the other carriers follow suit!), but their network just wasn't up to snuff. i tested it in and around philadelphia down to herndon, va area, and coverage was very disappointing. it killed me to cancel and the tech supt. folks were very nice and knowledgable, but it just would get a signal most of the time.

cool phone though. i'm thinking about waiting until the xdaII comes out and getting it and slapping my cingular sim in.

cingular signal in my area has been much better than tmo.
