View Full Version : So 2215 owners...
08-20-2003, 01:04 AM
I'm really close to getting one but still a little reluctant to spend the $400. Just wanted to see how you guys feel about your pda after a couple of weeks of use. Would you buy again if given the chance to make the choice?
08-20-2003, 03:23 AM
08-20-2003, 03:42 AM
Yes, I would. I think it's a great PDA; but I'll still be looking at the 4000 series in a few months :mrgreen: .
08-20-2003, 03:45 AM
Brad Adrian
08-20-2003, 03:56 AM
I like the 2215 a lot. I had been using a Dell Axim a lot because it allows me to load apps on an SD card and movies and music on a large-capacity CF card.
Then, along came the 2215, which does all that, PLUS has Bluetooth AND a smaller, easier to handle form factor. I think it's well worth the money.
08-20-2003, 03:59 AM
Yes. Absolutely the best PDA I've ever purchased.
Even though the 2215 is very new, there are already a nice selection of accessories for it... like cases, keyboards, etc.
Having previously owned a BE-300, Audiovox Maestro, Dell Axim Advanced, I can honestly say that the 2215 is a "no compromise" device.
If you look around you should be able to find it for less than $400 US. I bought mine for $349 a few weeks ago, and the price continues to drop.
08-20-2003, 04:10 AM
wouldn't trade it for the world.. :D Love my iPAQ!
08-20-2003, 04:30 AM
Shotta get back to Neowin :P heh j/k
Anyway, keep them coming :) I think I'm going to Circuit City this wknd. I do want to know about the 4000 series though. I don't want to regret any purchases that I may make.
08-20-2003, 04:57 AM
What about not having a jog dial? Does that really make that much of a difference? I would think it would have made things a lot easier to scroll through.
08-20-2003, 03:47 PM
:D Three tumbs and one big toe up for the 2215......
It's of course a matter of personal choice and habit, but I hardly ever used the jog dial on my e740 (oh, yes I had one of those "upgradeable-but-not-supported thingies.... :roll: ).
:!: Another issue for some is the lack of a recording button. Again a personal choice, but I personally appreciate not having the PPC power up just because I inadvertently touched a silly button on the side.......
08-20-2003, 05:07 PM
Not really interested in the record button. I can't imagine ever wanting to use it.
I think I'm gonna go pick one up this wknd and just give it a shot for two weeks. If anything, I can always just return it and get my money back if I don't end up putting it to good use.
still want to hear about the 4000 series though. Makes no sense to upgrade now if there are gonna be new ppcs in a month or two.
08-20-2003, 05:50 PM
I love my 2210. Small, fast & sexy. The directional button is a bit sensitive but I got used to it. Nice to have a device with CF, SD & Bluetooth built-in.
08-20-2003, 06:13 PM
I thought you can change the the sensitivity settings. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.
08-20-2003, 06:20 PM
Sorry, I actually did not like the 2215 for the following reasons:
* D-pad is too loose - too hard to press it down without accidently moving to the next item.
* Screen has some kind of scanning waviness that I can DEFINITELY see
* It's missing a button for a total of only 4. I happen to like the index finger button, especially a recessed one.
* Still too thick for my tastes. The Palm V / 19XX form factor is the only one I'd ever carry.
* Only 3MB file store. On my 19XX I have 14MB.
* Still expensive at $400 retail. A PDA should be $300 or below IMO. The original Palm Pilot was $300 and it was cutting edge at the time. I don't see why $500 became the standard price point.
Thus, I got the 1945 instead. If you share the same tastes as me, I'd steer clear of the 2215.
alien rider
08-20-2003, 06:31 PM
I have to say I am still in admiration for my 2210. It far more reliable than my 3850 (far less soft resets during the day) and its Bluetooth implementation seems robust. Its small size means I am happy to take it everywhere. Ands its speed is impressive as well.
All in all very happy.
The H2210 is my first Pocket PC...and didn't buy it without spending hours of research and played with it at CompUSA. It's the best electronic device I have purchased in years since my first desktop way way back in the days. Ever since I have the H2210 in my poccession never once did I think of how much money I have paid for it. The H2210 is not for everyone but to me it looks simple and yet the usability is unmatched in term of the price you're paying for it. The only this this baby could not do yet is to burn CDs and DVDs (but I am sure now that the USB CompactFlash adapter is available someone is coding the driver to do such...hehhee)
Before one decided to buy anything one needs to ask how the item will fit into one's lifestyle ...buying the H2210 is no different.
08-20-2003, 06:53 PM
I love my 2210. Small, fast & sexy. The directional button is a bit sensitive but I got used to it. Nice to have a device with CF, SD & Bluetooth built-in.
I love your wording... sexy!!!
i sure hope the new Dell Axims are that sexy, cuz i agree, the 2210 is quite nice!
08-20-2003, 08:08 PM
just got mine over a week ago and i love it... in all honesty i dont need a $350 pda but i did want to get one and i could afford to get something nice that will last me for at least a year or two... seemed to be a good blend of value and functionality in a small form factor...
08-20-2003, 08:33 PM
Many people are concerned about the lack of a jog wheel and record button. I was too - before I used my 2210 for a week. IMHO the side grips (which you can actually use to pick up the PDA without accidentally turning it on) are a great improvement over side buttons. I'm a happy customer.
08-20-2003, 09:28 PM
I love my 2210. Small, fast & sexy. The directional button is a bit sensitive but I got used to it. Nice to have a device with CF, SD & Bluetooth built-in.
I love your wording... sexy!!!
i sure hope the new Dell Axims are that sexy, cuz i agree, the 2210 is quite nice!
Are there supposed to be new Axims coming out soon?
08-21-2003, 01:52 AM
If I were to decide today, I'd get the new Sony Clie even though it's 300 dollars more :P Man that thing rocks any PPC device out there and I thought I loved my 2210 hehe.
08-21-2003, 04:13 AM
i love it!
compared to my jornada it is awsome! no dust problems, small, fast, no dust problems, cf, sd, and did i mention no dust problems!
i only miss the jog dile and the built in cover.
BUT, it survived the "jornada 548" test and that is good enough for me!
Steven Cedrone
08-21-2003, 05:37 PM
i love it!
compared to my jornada it is awsome! no dust problems, small, fast, no dust problems, cf, sd, and did i mention no dust problems!
i only miss the jog dile and the built in cover.
BUT, it survived the "jornada 548" test and that is good enough for me!
I agree...
The more I use it, the more I like it... :way to go:
08-21-2003, 05:47 PM
Only one thing stops me buying one - I'd like WIFI as well!
I've pretty much made up my mind to go for a 55**, but if the 22** had wifi as well as bluetooth, there'd be no question - 22** every time!
08-21-2003, 06:44 PM
I thought of that too but I can't justify spending close to 700 just to have wifi built in. I rather just buy a card or something.
Don't Panic!
08-21-2003, 07:16 PM
Not really interested in the record button. I can't imagine ever wanting to use it.... There are a couple of games I play where the record button comes in handy. Darxide EMP , Christmas Rush and Battle Marine. Other than that I don't miss it.
Don't Panic!
08-21-2003, 08:13 PM
I never really even thought of playing games on it to be honest. I may get a blackjack/casino game on there (no im not a compulsive gambler) but that really is about it. Maybe some word games as well but primary use would be news/ebook reading. I do enough gaming on the PC :)
men, the ipaq 2210/5 is the only pda my $$ could have gone 2. it sure is thin, sexy and sleek that ppl turn round and give u ur props when it resurrects from your pocket.
im gonna be keepin my 22paq10 for a long tyme. and i also thot of havin wifi but i mean, if u wanna spend like $300 more then ure on ur own. a wi-fi compact flash card il do the trick for just less than $40. ill post the site later.
overall, keep it if u have it.
08-21-2003, 10:00 PM
What is the File Store for? I notice that the 2210/5's file store is quite small compared to the lower/higher versions. Is it exactly what it sounds like? Storing files?
08-21-2003, 11:10 PM
Sorry for not getting back here sooner, AndyD -- I mentioned the iPAQ 4000 on the first page. Looks like it's going to be the 4100 series, which has been confirmed by HP and certified for Bluetooth. It probably will be released just before this holiday season.
You can find more info here (
The file store is "leftover" ROM not used by the OS; files stored here will not be lost if you do a hard reset.
08-22-2003, 01:03 AM
I have to admit that WiFi was nearly a requirement for me as well. But after thinking about it for a while, I couldn't really remember the WiFi on my ex-e740 ever put into good use apart from inside my home. The lack of hot-spots where I normally "roam" could have something to do with it... :roll:.
Now, I realize that BT actually gives me enough coverage at home :D in addition the WiFi is supposedly more power hungry.
Steven Cedrone
08-22-2003, 01:23 AM
The one thing I miss most about the Jornada...
NOT the jog dial...
NOT the Metal case...
I miss the nice HEAVY cradle that came with it. I wish the Ipaq had a heavier cradle. But other than that, it's an awesome device...
08-22-2003, 02:43 AM
I am a poor university student. Didnt have a real need for a ppc, but I always wanted one :D. It was lots of money, but lots of money well spent, while I was paying off my visa this morning I didnt feel bad as usual as this purchase was totally worth it. btw all my friend said it was a waste of money until they saw what it can do :D
08-22-2003, 01:43 PM
Sorry for not getting back here sooner, AndyD -- I mentioned the iPAQ 4000 on the first page. Looks like it's going to be the 4100 series, which has been confirmed by HP and certified for Bluetooth. It probably will be released just before this holiday season.
You can find more info here (
The file store is "leftover" ROM not used by the OS; files stored here will not be lost if you do a hard reset.
Interesting. Maybe I'll wait around for more info to be released before purchasing a PPC :)
08-22-2003, 04:05 PM
Purchased the 2215 for the wife a couple of weeks ago for the main purpose of GPS. (She uses it in conjunction with a Bluetooth GPS receiver and Mapopolis)
I have to tell you, I think overall, this unit blows my 3835 out of the water. It's not perfect, but it's sleek, comfortable to hold and it's a pocket rocket!!
The minor negatives:
- Smaller screen (although, very crisp)
- Lacks 802.11x
- Short cradle cord
- Speaker placement (on the back of the unit)
- Smaller amount of File Store
I want to upgrade my 3835 to a 5555 in the near future, but the 2215 has me contemplating my decision.
08-22-2003, 05:05 PM
I actually picked one up. So far I'm very impressed with the compact size. Heheh even got everything in my room working with Nevo already. I agree with Mattbuzz about that short cord on the cradle. I'm gonna have to figure out where I would put the cradle as it's impossible to get it at that spot I would ideally want it by.
Testing it out for the next two weeks to see if I put it to good use.
Steven Cedrone
08-22-2003, 05:36 PM
I agree with Mattbuzz about that short cord on the cradle. I'm gonna have to figure out where I would put the cradle as it's impossible to get it at that spot I would ideally want it by.
Just get a 10' USB extension cable and place the cradle where you want it...
08-22-2003, 07:52 PM
I'm really digging my 2210... Bluetooth is very useful, more so than I could've ever imagined. I upgraded from a 3955 that I used with Piel Frama CF/Case on my hip and the CFplus expansion in the house with my Linksys card for wireless.
Just the savings in accessories was worth the HP2210. I'm wireless with dual expansion, that was really great for me. It's nice to use bluetooth in lieu of WiFi in my house. The Belkin F8T001 has a very good range.
Now the thing I don't like is losing support for my Stowaway but I can wait for now. I also don't the size of the battery, I'm sure someone will offer a higher capacity in the future. It could also use a screen cover.
The 2210 is a hit as far as features/form factor go...
08-22-2003, 08:01 PM
Where did you buy your h2215, Andy?
I'm looking into buying one pretty soon :dilemma: . I think has it for $355.00 and have seen a lot of those "student" versions on ebay.
08-22-2003, 08:34 PM
I agree with Mattbuzz about that short cord on the cradle. I'm gonna have to figure out where I would put the cradle as it's impossible to get it at that spot I would ideally want it by.
Just get a 10' USB extension cable and place the cradle where you want it...
Didn't even know they had one :) Will check into that. Anyone use PowerOne Finance on their 2215? Doesn't seem to work to great. Well, to be exact, the program opens up like 10% of the time.
dammitjim: I bought it at Circuit City but there is a good chance I'm going to return it. I have a friend in college so I'm gonna get him to order one through HP Shopping for me along with some coupons off of (not sure if they work with PPCs though). Even without the coupons, I'll probably save $70. I could use the extra bucks for accessories that I definitely gonna want to buy.
08-22-2003, 09:12 PM
Where did you buy your h2215, Andy?
I'm looking into buying one pretty soon :dilemma: . I think has it for $355.00 and have seen a lot of those "student" versions on ebay.
Please elaborate on what you mean by "student" version.
Update: Nevermind. I think this thread answers my question:
Student Pricing (
08-22-2003, 09:21 PM
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but HP has a section in their webpage where they give discounted items to college students, teachers, government, high school students and more. Visit their webpage and you'll see a link on the left for >>government & education ( I think there you can find the h2215 for $356.00. The only difference is that it comes in a different box. There are previous postings on this topic on this forum.
08-22-2003, 09:25 PM
Yeah they do. That's how I'm gonna try to get mine. Can't beat free shipping and no tax :)
08-23-2003, 05:15 PM
seems like the sale is over... its only giveing me a 9 dollar discount :'(
Radar On Paws
08-24-2003, 08:02 AM
I would be happy if the 221x had wifi built in, but it is such a great PPC otherwise, I love mine. Finally am using the bluetooth now that I have a copilot bluetooth gps unit.
I love the size/weight of the device, I love how fast it is. It gets good battery life for a thin/small battery. The screen is great... much better than the Dell Axim I had previously. With the Dell I had it on full bright or 85 - 90% almost all the time, with the ipaq I generally have it on 25 - 30% at most unless outdoors. I like having both SD and CF in such a small device. And unlike some, I don't think it is not small enough, I can't get my big hands comfortable on a really think PDA like the 191x.
Overall, a very good balance in a pda. Good balance between size/expandability. Good balance in performance/battery life. Good balance in features/price. If it had wifi as well, I'd call it perfect (for current pda technology) but it's pretty darn close now!
08-26-2003, 03:42 PM
After using the 2215 for the past couple of days, I have decided to return it and wait a month or two till something new shows up that catches my attention. Don't get me wrong, I love the damn thing. Just feel that a jog dial is sorely missing. It would have definitely made things a little more comfortable to scroll through webpages/documents. I'm holding off till I see a comparable PPC with a jog dial included.
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