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View Full Version : Must have software list for PPC???

08-19-2003, 04:47 PM
Just got a new 2215 and I'm interested in hearing what the community's thoughts are on software that every owner should have at a minimum...

I'm not a hardcore user, just like to play some games every once in a while and manage my tasks and contacts more efficiently. Would also like to keep track of my various accounts, FF #'s, etc....

Any recommendations??? My apologies if this thread is buried somewhere, im new to the site :)

08-19-2003, 05:05 PM
Pocket Informant
Pocket Music
Pocket Backup
Remote Display
PIToday Plugin

08-19-2003, 06:04 PM
Just start with Pocket Informant for your contact and calendar management (the other alternative for this Agenda Fusion - you will start a religious war if you ask for a comparison ;)

Resco File Explorer is a nice tool to browse your file system - it is much much better than the default explorer.

You can also consider something like Battery Pack and Journal Bar to make the Today screen more useful.

08-19-2003, 06:13 PM
Here's what I like on my PPC (listed in no particular order):

1. Pocket Informant -- great program for contacts, calendar, tasks!
2. Windows Media Player (installed on your 2215, but an add-on for my iPaq 1910)

3. Pocket Backup -- I set-up to automatically backup everything in Main Memory to my Storage Card @ 5am. Great because you can restore individual files!

4. Microsoft Reader -- I'm new to eBooks, and there are other alternatives, but I'm reading public domain books and the ClearType font is easy to read.

5. FlexWallet -- to securely store passwords, account numbers. I bought it on sale for $5, which was far cheaper than eWallet, though eWallet is a more matured product offering.

6. BatteryPack 2003 -- a must-have utility which does all kinds of nice things, but among them is I have four rows of icons on my Today screen, which makes it very quick to start-up any program on my PPC. It monitors battery life and storage space, too, right on the PPC.

7. ClearSpeed -- a utility available just for 1910 owners, but I think is supposed to be released for other PPCs, too. It speeds up my 1910 so slow-running programs like Pocket Informant aren't frustrating to use on a slower device.

8. Pocket Explorer -- another must-have utility to have a Windows-like Explorer program that shows all the files and folders on your PPC and storage card. Great for encrypting files and compressing them!

9. Pocket Bible -- from Laridian, my NIV copy of the Bible is easy to use on the PPC platform.

10. Acrobat Reader -- for reading PDFs on your PPC. Best part: the plug-in to ActiveSync will add tags to PDFs so they're resized for viewing on the PPC platform (eg, no horizontal scrolling!).

11. SprintDB Pro -- best database program that I've found for quickly creating databases and forms for data entry. I use this daily, and the sync with the desktop is great (large data entry is done in Access on the desktop, smal data entry is done on the PPC).

12. Lextionary -- a really nice dictionary. A future upgrade will make it easier to use with Microsoft Reader (to lookup word definitions while reading). Until then, Microsoft offers a free dictionary .lit file that integrates very nicely with Reader.

13. Fitalty -- a keyboard replacement for the PPC platform. It's designed for stylus entry, and it really is much better than the decades-old QWERTY layout we're all familiar with. I can't imagine data entry without this program!

14. WISBar -- simple utility that actually closes programs when you tap on the close icon, rather than just minimizing them.

I have a few games (checkers, chess, solitaire), but I rarely use these.

08-19-2003, 06:56 PM
thanks guys, i do have some of those already but i didnt know about a few like the backup one... i chose agenda fusion over informant.. informant was a lil too complicated for me and i tried fusion and i liked it better.. dont flame me now :lol:

thanks again...

08-19-2003, 07:06 PM

BatteryPack 2003 allows me to close the program by just tapping the X. It's in the settings under Power Adjust. You need to create a shortcut to Power Adjust. I've been using that, instead of having two programs.

To get back to topic:

I used the above, Theme Switcher (Free from microsoft), Pocket Backup, Pocket Hackmaster to overclock your 2215, Pocket TV, and FlexWallet. I believe that's all the things I used daily.

08-19-2003, 07:23 PM

I also found some very useful apps not mentioned above:

- Total Commander - Very powerful freewere file manager;
- Pocket Hack Master - you can over or underclock your machine. As I do not play games, I have been working with my Axim undercloking and got an expressive time life battery;
- Cash Organizer De Luxe - In my opinion, the best day-to-day personal finance control software for PPC;
- Visual Display - Especially good to read articles in Adode; this software can give you landscape diplay mode in your PPC;
- Metro 5.0 - A very good transport guide for anybody;
- Remover - Good tool to keep your machine clean of trash;
- SpreadCE - Spread sheet with around 300 functions, much more powerful than Pocket Excel
- Nice Start - nice password application for PPC;
- Mazingo - you can have nice information on the go.
- EMU48 - HP49G, 48G etc emmulator. Only if you are an HP fan like me.

That is only the start. One of the things that I most like in PPC is the possiblity to try a lot of different applications without much complication. I am currently using PPC 2002, so I don't know if any specific application above does not work in PPC 2003.

Andy Whiteford
08-20-2003, 12:03 PM
tAgenda for displaying forthcoming appointments on the Today screen. One of the first things I install.

Also now I have moved to Windows Mobile 2003 the must install list includes:

Battery Pack (Battery/Memory information, task manager and program launcher)
Resco Explorer (Best file explorer imho)
eWallet (for keeping codes and passwords safe)
ListPro (for organising to do lists, projects and shopping lists etc)
ProWord (Fastest dictionary with largest word base)
Handy Menu (Convenient icon for shortcut to various options and for easy Soft Resets and Power off)
Resco Picture Viewer (Great picture viewer)
Pocket Slides (Powerpoint on your PPC)
Assorted games such as Snails, Monopoly, Scrabble, Battleship.

08-20-2003, 12:29 PM
My top 5 list:

Pocket Informant
Thunder Hawk browser
Pocket Backup
Battery Pack 2003
Pocket Music

OK, that's 6. :D

08-20-2003, 01:50 PM
ok, most of my must-haves are already here, but how do you guys start your programs? I hope not through Start->Programs 8O

An absolute must for me is PocketLauncher from Conduits, Inc. Maybe it's because I come from a Palm m100, but I got used to having my programs organized in categories and never scroll to access anything. :mrgreen:
I can't even remember when I last used the "Start" menu, because you can even have all the "settings" items in PocketLauncher.

For Bible reading, I live the OliveTree one very much, espo. the new version with ClearType. I have two versions of every of the three languages I speak, which comes in really handy. Only sad there's no NIV :cry:

What is so good about Resco? I have the DAVA image viewer, which comes for free and is fine for checking back your digital camera pics.

And finally, for WAP, I use Klondike WAP browser http://www.apachesoftware.com. It's free and supports WAP gateway connections. Maybe EzWAP from ftp://ftp.ezos.com/public/Demo/ezwap21/ is better, but I haven't found out the trial limitations yet.


08-20-2003, 02:40 PM
An absolute must for me is PocketLauncher from Conduits, Inc. Maybe it's because I come from a Palm m100, but I got used to having my programs organized in categories and never scroll to access anything. :mrgreen:
I can't even remember when I last used the "Start" menu, because you can even have all the "settings" items in PocketLauncher.
I don't know about the newer hp/compaq Ipaq models but the old Jornada series had a number of built-in applications from hp one of which was the hp home menu that you accessed by pressing button #1 (far leftmost button of the four). Here you can also add new catagories and pressing the home button again goes to the next category (at least on my hp Jornada 568). So you can easily access any program that you have in your home menu without ever needing to use the stylus.

08-20-2003, 02:50 PM
I start all my programs by tapping on an icon on the Today screen. Using BatteryPack 2003, I have four rows of icons on my Today screen, ordered in a way that's logical to me so I can quickly find the icon I want. Not every space is used on those four rows, so it makes it even easier to locate the icon I want. Getting to the Today screen is easy because of an icon on my menu bar that immediately takes me there, from whatever program I'm using.

08-20-2003, 03:24 PM
In addition to some of the previous apps mentioned, I wouldn't be without Palm Reader and Cropped Out. When I upgraded to a 5555, I put on a screen protector for the first time because I think I wore out my last screen playing Cropped Out so much.

08-20-2003, 08:08 PM
A quick list of things I use a lot:

o DeveloperOne CodeWallet Pro (came free with the Jornada)
o Conduits Pocket Player (media player)
o PocketInformant 3 (PIM, bought on offer, still haven't got round to upgrading)
o OmegaOne Battery Pack 2003 (battery & memory monitor, task manager, task launcher, alarm utility etc.)
o OmegaOne Journal Bar (5-day weather, headlines etc. on today screen)
o TomTom Navigator 2 GPS (just got this, it's fantastic!)
o CheckPOInt 3.1 (free Tomtom addon that warns of Points of interests i.e. speed cameras - very nifty!)

And now some free stuff...
o TaskPlus (free better Tasks display for today screen, http://gkokot.free.fr)
o Calendar+ (no idea where it came from, or who made it, but it's a free replacement calendar today plugin)
o ftxPBrowser (Pocket IE based web browser with multiple windows, full screen, hardware buttons etc. Free from http://www.af.wakwak.com/~ftoshi/pocket/index_e.html)
o Calc 98 (Scientific calculator, laid out like a Casio, free from calculator.org)
o Advanced Explorer (Can't remember where it came from, but it's a free replacement file explorer and it's very good)

I hope someone finds this list useful - I've spent ages collect all these, especially the free stuff!

08-20-2003, 08:43 PM
wow lots of choices to make from these lists... thanks so much fellas...

08-21-2003, 12:44 PM
....in addition to those mentioned, i'd add Calligrapher which is great for notes etc, spb GPRS monitor , so like now i see how much this is costing. Also world offline to read my favourite web sites
off line...a great little piece of software.

08-21-2003, 07:23 PM

Very interesting thread, for the juncture I'm at. I'll come clean - I am a Handspring Treo user, Palm-based. Until I lost the treo and decided to go Pocket PC.

The most critical apps for me are a Task/Contact Manager and a secure database app, like CodeWallet. I have downloaded trials of PocketInformant and CodeWallet. The apps are fantastic....BUT....what riles me most is these apps come without a desktop component!! It's unthinkable for me to type all my info on the dinky screen keyboard (I guess I'm missing my Treo keyboard too on which I use two thumbs!). I feel ripped off 8O.

Can anyone tell me which apps come with desktop components! I'm going to probably buy a IPAQ keyboard but even so.

Thanks a bunch....

Andy Whiteford
08-21-2003, 07:50 PM
I'm sure CodeWallet does but EWallet definitely has.
As for Pocket Informant, it just uses the data that is in Outlook so that is your desktop client!

08-21-2003, 08:09 PM
iSilo (http://www.isilo.com/)
Pocket MVP (http://home.adelphia.net/~mdukette/ target=)
uBook (http://www.gowerpoint.com/)
PHM Utilities (http://www.phm.lu/)
Total Commander CE (http://www.ghisler.org/)
Screen Blanker (http://www.scottandmichelle.net/scott/cestuff/)
Calendar+ (http://www.google.com/search?q=calendar%2+pocket+pc)
Pocket Tweak (http://tillanosoft.com/ce/ptweak.html)
Pocket Screen Capture (http://www.cetoolbox.com/PocketScreenCapture/)
vxUtil (http://www.cam.com/vxutil.html)
Pocket Nester (http://www.jetech.org/)
WinamPAQ (http://riisconsulting.dyndns.org/winampaq/)

Those are all pretty much "must-haves" for me. I strongly urge you to try all of them out. Pocket Nester, WinamPAQ, and Pocket MVP especially.

08-21-2003, 10:08 PM
prowler wrote:

what riles me most is these apps come without a desktop component!!

I use FlexWallet, which is like eWallet and CodeWallet. FlexWallet has a desktop component to it. eWallet does, too, but is more expensive than FlexWallet (but is also a more mature product).

08-22-2003, 02:19 AM
Well, this is my top list:

Pocket Plus
Running Voice (only if you have GPRS card)
PDAmill viewer

It is funny to see that everyone's list are almost the same. :D

08-22-2003, 02:55 AM

Very interesting thread, for the juncture I'm at. I'll come clean - I am a Handspring Treo user, Palm-based. Until I lost the treo and decided to go Pocket PC.

The most critical apps for me are a Task/Contact Manager and a secure database app, like CodeWallet. I have downloaded trials of PocketInformant and CodeWallet. The apps are fantastic....BUT....what riles me most is these apps come without a desktop component!! It's unthinkable for me to type all my info on the dinky screen keyboard (I guess I'm missing my Treo keyboard too on which I use two thumbs!). I feel ripped off 8O.

Can anyone tell me which apps come with desktop components! I'm going to probably buy a IPAQ keyboard but even so.

Thanks a bunch....

Codewallet does have a desktop companion. You will have to buy it of course. :)
Codewallet can be purchased as a standalone program or as a combination (PPC & Desktop)

Kati Compton
08-22-2003, 04:16 AM
]what riles me most is these apps come without a desktop component!!

I use FlexWallet, which is like eWallet and CodeWallet. FlexWallet has a desktop component to it. eWallet does, too, but is more expensive than FlexWallet (but is also a more mature product).
I believe FlexWallet's desktop component comes free with the PPC product. Or it used to.

08-24-2003, 04:59 PM
Here's my current load -

Pocket Informant (just switched from Agenda Fusion...oops)
WisBar Advance (first thing that gets installed)
Battery Bar (couldn't live without it, although PocketMon that comes with Sprite Pocket Backup Plus is also great)
Journal Bar (great for weather and headlines...slightly unstable)
CityTime (being able to make Flight and City appointments across timezones is killer for travellers, inserts them into Pocket Outlook/PI/AF)
FlexWallet (great review of all three at www.jenneth.info, desktop companion still free)
Resco Picture Viewer (by far the best, literally forget the rest)
Resco File Explorer (ditto)
Sprite Pocket Backup Plus (vital)
Nakka nPOP (brilliant little email program, can be had for the desktop too)
Pocket Music (the best audio player, although not used so much now I have a Zen)
Taiyoukei (unbelievable and free astronomy program)
XCPUScalar (for enhancing battery life)
TomTom Navigator 2 (available for the US now...fantastic 3D view sets it over the competition...good integration with Pocket Outlook/PI/AF)
Checkpoint (free add-on program for TomTom, warns of approaching points-of-interest - European users will want this for speed traps...UK users head for www.pocketgps.co.uk and grab their speed camera database)
MobiPocket Reader (I'm an ebook fanatic, combine this with the already installed Microsoft Reader and www.fictionwise.com and there's not much you can't find...)
TomeRaider (great free content for this on www.memoware.com, including IMDb databases, CIA World Fact Book, the Wikipedia and so on...)
Remover (because PPC uninstall routines suck)
Cabinstl (because PPC install routines suck)
Ruler (how often do you need a ruler and there isn't one around? Free...)

Currently trialling Repligo (useful) and MySportTraining (not convinced yet).

Regular British Airways fliers will like BA's eTimetable app which is free and the schedule is regularly updated...watch out it's a vB program, so you'll want to use VBRegFix which is a Good Thing anyway...link on the BA page at the bottom... www.britishairways.com/travel/pocketpcinfo/public/en_gb is where it's at.

Fun but not vital are Snails and Gamebox Solitaire... :D

Can't wait for Worms World Party...

If anyone wants links let me know, too lazy to write them all out.


08-25-2003, 03:55 AM
a MUST have tool for my pocket PC is MessagEase from www.exideas.com.

It's a new text entry keyboard which painlessly installs right next to your keyboard or the character recognizer, but lets you enter text faster than either of them.

MessagEase takes a bit to get used to, but once you familiarize yourself with it, you can enter all letters numbers and characters from a single keyboard, without changing mode. It comes with a Readme file and a helpfile which installs on your Pocket PC.

The download for Pocket PC is on their first page. You can use it for free for two months.

Their user group at Yahoo has 1540 people, so a lot of PDA owners are using it!

08-26-2003, 01:37 PM
My list is:

Microsoft Reader for Pocket PC (http://www.microsoft.com/reader/downloads/ppc.asp)

WisBar Advance (http://www.lakeridgesoftware.com/products/wisbar/)

Pocket Informant (http://www.pocketinformant.com)

Edictionary Reader (http://www.ppclink.com)

08-27-2003, 11:52 AM
My List follows:

1. Pocket Informant
2. Journal Bar
3. Battery Bar
4. Launcher (Scott Seligman)
5. Pocket Hack Master
6. Cash Organizer Deluxe 2003
6. City Time
7. Flex Wallet
8. HPC Notes (Professional)
9. KSE Ttruefax
10. List Pro
11. Mobi Password
12. Omnisolve
13. Resco Picture Viewer
14. Sprite Backup Plus
15. Pocket Mindmap
16. Pocket Plan
17. Pocket Bible (Laridian)
18. Pocket Music (PocketMind)
19. Protone
20. Repligo
21. Resco Explorer 2003
22. Sentry 2020
23. Space Reclaimer
24. SprintDB Pro
25. TimeBiller
26. TripTracker
27. mPhone Pro

08-28-2003, 01:41 PM
My absolute favorite tool is iSilo which I use to read my news on the traintrip to work.

Btw, you can make best use of iSilo by downloading Turcic's iSilo Url List at http://www.turcic.com/palm.shtml. I am a regular poster at his forum as well.


08-28-2003, 03:09 PM
My absolute favorite tool is iSilo which I use to read my news on the traintrip to work.

Btw, you can make best use of iSilo by downloading Turcic's iSilo Url List at http://www.turcic.com/palm.shtml. I am a regular poster at his forum as well.


What is it exactly? Something like Avantgo?

Crystal Eitle
08-28-2003, 03:18 PM
Wow! My list is pretty similar to everyone else's, but I enjoy these kinds of threads as it makes me think about the software I use and how my preferences have changed. So, I'll add my 2 cents.

WisBar - task management
Theme Master - theme preview and management
No Plugins Today - quickly hide all your Today screen items
MTux Multiple Today X - have multiple today screens
tAgenda - shows your tasks and appointments on your Today screen
Scott Seligman's Launcher - everyone needs a launcher
Sprite Pocket Backup - has saved my bacon on more than one occasion
Stocks and Weather Today - shows a five-day weather forecast (and stocks, which I don't use) on your today screen
Remover - An absolute must. And it's free.
Advanced Explorer - a better file explorer
PHM Registry Editor - I haven't used this much, but it did allow me to turn on Clear Type for PIE, for which I am forever grateful

TENgo - the text entry method I've been waiting for. This has quickly become my favorite method of text entry. Easy to use, very short learning curve, fast, and fun. It has a two-week trial, so you can try it out and see if you like it before you buy it.

Cash Organizer - Beats the pants off of Pocket Money. Worth every penny.
Pocket Informant - the champagne of PIMs
Vehicle Manager - maybe not a must-have, but I enjoy keeping track of my car's mileage, maintenance, and costs.
ListPro - great for shopping lists. Never waste time writing up a grocery list again. Keep lists for all your favorite stores - I have a separate list just for Target. Also good for wish lists, gift ideas, books to read, keeping track of goals, etc. etc.
iSilo and iSiloX - for offline browsing. I have iSiloX scheduled to convert all my favorite blogs at six a.m. every day; then they get loaded into my Pocket PC when I sync it up. The one-click convertor in iSiloX is great, too, for when you spot an interesting article and want to put it on your PPC for reading later.

The Emperor's Mahjong - hours of addictive fun
Handmark Scrabble - a classic, and a great way to improve your Scrabble game. The downside is, now I can't get anyone to play with me. :(
Handmark Monopoly - great for plane rides. These two apps are priced pretty high, but there's a discount when you buy them both (at least, there was when I bought them.)
Cropped Out - I haven't actually played this, but I've played its clone, Egghead, which is a total blast.

Fave Microsoft apps:
Pocket Excel
Windows Media Player
MS Reader

Must-have accessories:
Screen protectors - I use Nu Shield
Memory cards
Mini Sync sync-n-charge cable
Case - Vaja makes beautiful quality cases, or check out Proporta if you're looking for something sleeker
True Tip pen cap stylus - inexpensive and indispensible. The handiest stylus ever.

Crystal Eitle
08-28-2003, 03:20 PM
My absolute favorite tool is iSilo which I use to read my news on the traintrip to work.

Btw, you can make best use of iSilo by downloading Turcic's iSilo Url List at http://www.turcic.com/palm.shtml. I am a regular poster at his forum as well.


What is it exactly? Something like Avantgo?

Sort of. It's a program for offline browsing. I use it to keep up with my favorite blogs, as well as convert interesting web pages to read later on my Pocket PC (together with iSiloX). There's a 30-day free trial, if you're interested in trying it out.

11-03-2003, 05:59 AM
I can't believe how many programs you people add on! You must have 0 free memory.

I'm still shopping for software, since I'm new to the PPC. I've tried many of the programs listed here, but found them useless. Pocket Informant and Agenda Fusion offer me nothing essential. The Calendar that comes with the ppc is fine enough for me.

Since a finance program did not come with the ppc, I had to get one of my own. Mastersoft Money seems to be the winner for me, since I have very simply finances. When I start living on my own in, say, four years, I'll upgrade to Pocket Quicken. As for now, Mastersoft Money is absolutely perfect and unbelievably easy.

I'm still shopping for a remover program. Space Reclaimer works well so far. Are there any better programs for that?

Audible was essential for playing audible books. PDA mill classic games are not a necessity, but a high quality and inexpensive break from my work.

11-05-2003, 04:26 PM
And finally, for WAP, I use Klondike WAP browser http://www.apachesoftware.com. It's free and supports WAP gateway connections. Maybe EzWAP from ftp://ftp.ezos.com/public/Demo/ezwap21/ is better, but I haven't found out the trial limitations yet.


Is this software available for PPC2003?

11-05-2003, 04:43 PM
Personally, I'd try the built in PIM for a while before jumping to PI or AF, if only for the reason that both those apps slow down PIM operations considerably, especially when you open them for the first time (they're better if you leave them open all the time, but still slow compared to what comes with WM2003). I don't want to start a PIM war, but get to know what you have, see if it does what you want, if not....then try the PI or AF demos to find what (more) you need. I was covinced that I needed "more" for PPC PIM having come from a Palm device and the excellent DateBk, but I've found that I can live quite comfortably with PPC's built in PIM apps (though I have replaced "Notes" with "Notes Explorer").

11-06-2003, 02:48 AM
I use Klondike WAP browser http://www.apachesoftware.com . It's free and supports WAP gateway <----- NOT FREE???? US$22.97....

The following software are installed in my HP 1910 now:

icbar (similar to wisbar, i like icbar cos the OLD version of wisbar sucks, and i m too lazy to try the new version of wisbar)
tdlanch - launcher on Today screen (FREE)
Superalert (Need $9.99)

these 3 s/w add together is similar to battery pack 2003, but they dont eat up as much space as battery pack.

Web Browser = ftxp browser (FREEWARE!!!, but doesnt work properly in WM2003, the only choice in WM2003 now is MultiIE)

Winampaq (for mp3, free)
PocketMVP (to play divx, free)

Font on Storage (use arial/mingliu font to read ebook, FREE)
System Path (FREE, move some of the DLL files to storage card to save memory)
Limelink CEbook (need $$$, to read chinese / English ebook and txt files)

pocketcounter (a lap timer, free)
TASKPLUS (show all your task detail on today screen, FREE, MUST have)

pocket stars & pocket universe use when required (demO, only install when require)

Monster Chinese (chinese system ... not essentail for everyone... need $$$)
Maction PocketGenius (need $$$.... dictionary and other database, chinese) (1st and 2nd software i bought, should had just bought monster SIP for chinese input and use regedit to fix up the chinese font display)

Xcpuscaler for 1910 ($$$), must have for 1910, but there are some freeware to overclock as well.... shouldnt buy
Anyone try to overclock 4150 ??

PHM power toy (FREE), map button to do alt-tab, allow me to use tdlaunch to put reset button on today screen and a better Notepad

11-06-2003, 03:13 AM
My list is pretty conventional.

Buisness Apps
Pocket Informant - can't live without
WebIS Mail - same
Repligo - I don't use this as much as I used to for some reason
Textmaker - only Word compatible word processor. I have problems getting it started (soon to be fixed I hear) but other than that it's a fantastic application.
Pocket Streets - works fine.

Entertainment Apps
Pocket MVP - great for music and movies
Mobipocket Reader - my favorite eBook reader
Pocket Slay - still the only game I ever bought
Snails - Thanks to PPCT. :way to go:

Sprite Backup Plus - must have
Battery Pack - I don't use the actual Battery Pack part, but I love the program bar app. I also like the taskbar part.
Journal Bar - very handy. As already mentioned a bit unstable. Doesn't always update.
Spb Finance - still trying to get into this one.
Pocket Bible - don't use as much as I maybe should. I'm not religious but that NIV is a great bible translation for anyone wanting to learn about this stuff.
Super Alert - my alarms work (mostly)
Remover - very useful
Fitaly - use every day
Calligrapher - I've always struggled with this. At the moment I'm using the ver 7 Beta and it's working much better for me.
Advanced Explorer - believe it or not, I use the built-in explorer much more.

11-06-2003, 03:27 AM
wow, too many apps!
pocket plus
anthelian game
photo whatever it is called :wink:

11-06-2003, 10:59 AM
Hehehe... whilst everyone else is showing off their list here's mine!
Today plug-ins
Batterypack 2003 (Great program bar and Task closing button)
SPB GPRS monitor - I use gprs/msn messenger a lot with my mobile phone hehehe... great for lectures!
I haven't installed pocket informant as I don't use outlook!

Resco picture viewer: One of the best available. Not free like dava but still great if you have a digicam
Resco file explorer: Everyone loves this program :) Includes a reg editor
Audiorecorder - it's not that good but i haven't uninstalled it
Isilo 3.35 - I know v4 is available but this is a great program for not only viewing converted html files offline (like pocketpcthoughts reviews!) but there're a heap of medical/non-medical books out there that you can view with this reader. And it's design is just brilliant. Wish MS reader worked like this.
Pocketbible NIV/LAB :) I love it... don't know why I spent 60 bucks on the hard copy too!
Pocketplayer - fave mp3 player
MSN messenger
TV remote controller - coz i'm too lazy to find my remotes
Listpro 3.0 - very handy list/checklist manager that's is good for revision notes too!
Pocket slides I almost never use
Pocketbackup plus: The best and most efficient backup software there is! restores everything in about 50 seconds flat after servicing/hard resets. However, most people probably won't bother backing up to PC... i don't.

Currently installed are my all-time favourites:
Warfare incorportated (i finished it today!!!)
Snails :)
Kasparov chessmate
Gangsta race
Tennis addict
Lemondade tycoon (which is getting boring)

Medical programs
Harrison's manual of medicine (hmm... cost a heap which is the only reason it's still installed)
MIMS interact/pda - nice drug program that unfortunately has horrible loading times and footprint.
CogniQ Clinical evidence: it's FREE!

Favourites from above I cannot live without
All the today plugin's, pocketbible, listpro and isilo. And perhaps resco file explorer.

11-06-2003, 01:43 PM
Running WM2003, I am currently using:

Built in PIM functions - They work just fine for me

Windows Media Player - Now that I'm downloading songs legally from the new Napster, WMP is the only application that will play secure .wma files. Before, I was using Conduits Pocket Player and was very satisfied. Conduits has said that it is trying to work with Microsoft to enable Pocket Player to play secure .wma files, so I am keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

Replay Player - Used with Applian Technologies' Replay Radio desktop program to play radio shows converted to .MP3 format. Allows skipping commercials.

PocketBible - Ditto others' comments about this program and the NIV Bible. It's a great Bible and a great application

Pocket TV Listings - Now that they're not relying on TV Guide listings, this program is back working reliably. Absolutely essential app for me.

Warfare Inc. - New strategy game that I'm playing, albeit not very well.

Hyperspace Delivery Boy - Adventure/Puzzle game - very fun and very playable. Takes up a lot of memory though.

Gamebox Solitaire - thanks to Pocket PC Thoughts.com!

4 Pinball - Great pinball game.


Pocket Backup Plus - ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL!!!! Had to use it on Tuesday to restore my system after a hard reset.


PicturePerfect - so I can show people pictures of my beloved pets, Bogart (Black Lab) and Marlene (white kitty).

Pocket Quicken - Didn't care for this application at first but now that I've gotten used to the differences between the pocket version and the desktop version, I really like it--I never forget to make checkbook entries anymore.

Resco File Explorer - Again, an absolutely essential application

Conduits Pocket Slides - I don't have this application installed all the time; only when I am on business travel and have to give a PowerPoint presentation. Right now, however, it is installed and was used last week.

11-06-2003, 05:28 PM
So many programs. i am wondering how everyone keeps track. :microwave:

11-09-2003, 02:13 PM
2k development - connect2internet pro
Expose- My Running Log
Expose- My Training Plan
PocketFleets- Lotto Quick Picks
Bitstream- ThunderHawk
HP Mobile Printing
MBro Today Player
WebIS- Pocket Informant
Pocket Informant Today Plug-in
TinyTech- Diet Tracker
HudsonMobile- IPDashboard
Nomad Electronics- Pocket Stars
Valksoft- Space Reclaimer
Symantic-AntiVirus PPC
Soft Objects Tech-Pocket Controller Pro
Westtek ClearVue Viewers
Valksoft- True Toolbar
Sprite Software- Pocket Backup
ScaryBear- InvestCalc
ScaryBear- AutoLog
Resco Explorer 2003
PhatWare PhatPad
Inesoft Cash Organizer + Monry Sync
ICQ for PocketPC
Expose- Weight Calc
Expose- MstFood
Expose- MySportsTraing
Cyncware- Pocket Converter
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Microsoft- Optimizes Wi-Fi Site
Laridian- Daily Reader
Laridian- Pocket Bible
Windows Media Player

11-09-2003, 04:30 PM
My apps (and links to get them) is listed on http://marzano.home.att.net/mobile/iPAQ-Software.htm and its all FREEWARE, well at least what I am still running is :) There is some pay for stuff at the bottom that I tried but no longer use.

11-10-2003, 01:20 AM
Can't live without:

Pocket Informant
Resco File Explorer
and the newest addition....
