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View Full Version : Ipaq Foldable Keyboard on 5455 w/ wm2003 -- new driver not working?

08-14-2003, 03:34 AM
I just downloaded the new "windows moble 2003" compatible driver for my ipaq foldable keyboard on my h5455. Installed the drivers, but when I go to open the application, nothing happens. Click the shortcut, again, again... nada. Anyone else have trouble with this driver? Anyone NOT have trouble?

The keyboard doesn't seem to work at all, likely related to the fact that the app won't open...


08-14-2003, 03:51 AM
It seems this MAY be related to another problem I was having...

Looking at it, i originally installed the driver in the file store. I vaguely remember Money not working right once in the past, when installed to the file store.
The logical solution is to remove the program from the device, and re-install it to main memory. However, when I re-install the program, it installs it back to the file store, no matter where I tell it to install.

I just removed the keyboard software, restarted, reinstalled it, specificially directed it to "main memory", and sure enough, it's back on the file store instead. Even went through the registry and removed the record of where the software had been installed. (Searching on the word foldable, deleted the entire key.)

Any thoughts?


08-14-2003, 04:18 AM
The first time I installed the 1.67 drivers in the filestore on my h2215, things were perfectly fine and somehow, the h2215 was fully compatible. Heeding some advice about the updated driver, 3.XX, I installed it in the RAM without removing it from the FileStore, reset, only to have it stop halfway... You've guessed it.. I was on my way to full reset. I don't know what I'm trying to say, but be really careful. I guess always uninstall drivers before installing updates.

08-14-2003, 04:44 AM
I was able to get the problem fixed w/o a full reset. By manually moving the files from the filestore to the program files directory in main memory, then editing the registry entries for the foldable keyboard, so that they pointed to the new location, I was able to correct the problem. However, it seems that I have to run the kybdg750 program before using the keyboard each time. I could put it in startup, but don't use the keyboard often enough to warrant the constant overhead.


08-14-2003, 05:27 AM
Do you have the KeybdG750 file in the Windows folder. That's where my file is after installing main memory (I too had it stuck in File Store a few hard resets ago). FYI - This is on a 5450.

08-15-2003, 06:46 AM
I do not have that file in the windows dir. Is it the executeable or the dll file that should be in windows dir?
