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View Full Version : Do you use a screen protector on your Pocket PC?

Jimi D
08-10-2003, 03:54 PM
I was shopping around for some screen protectors for my new Viewsonic V37 (thanks Microsoft! :D ) trying to decide if I wanted to bother or not, and realized I've done this before... My first PDA was an original Apple Newton, and I went through a 110 and 130 before going over to Palm rather than up to the Newton 2100 some 6 years ago or so... Since then, I've run a couple early Palms, then a Casio BE-300, and have finally entered the PPC camp with the Viewsonic. Anyway, it occured to me that I've "shopped" around for screen protectors for every PDA I've ever owned - part of the nosing around for accessories that I tend to go through whenever I pick up a new toy - but I've never, ever bothered to buy and use them, and I've never beat up a screen so badly that it bothered me to look at it, even with the years of heavy use I put the 130 and my Palms... I've heard good and bad about them, of course - I've heard it said they reduce the visibility/clarity of your screen, and certainly that was a major complaint with the early ones for the Apple Newtons... So how does everyone else feel about screen savers? Maybe I should give them a try?

08-10-2003, 07:45 PM
I bought some WriteShields (www.ppctechs.com) ~18 months ago for my iPaq 3670 and thought they didn't do the (old school) screen any particular justice, so i just used two and left the third one unused. But then I got my iPaq 5550 and stuck the last one on there and the (new school) screen looks (and feels) wonderful with this screen protector on.

Just my $.02. ymmv.

08-10-2003, 08:03 PM

Kati Compton
08-10-2003, 08:16 PM
I think screen protectors vary quite a bit in feel/quality.

I'm using a WriteShield and am very happy with it.

08-10-2003, 11:24 PM
I think screen protectors vary quite a bit in feel/quality.

I'm using a WriteShield and am very happy with it.

I've got a WriteRight on my 3670 right now. When you first apply those things they feel :pukeface: . But they do get better with use. Not to the quality of a WriteShield, but better.

My favorites, in descending order:

WriteShields on my 5550 ( I will put nothing less on it)
iConcepts PDA screen protectors on my 3670
WriteShields on my 3670
WriteRights on my 3670

Anthony Caruana
08-11-2003, 02:49 AM
Screen protectors are almost mandatory for me. The screen is the most used part of my iPAQ and I want it to last forever and look good. At the moment screen protectors for the 2210 are hard to find in Austrlaia so I have made my own from a transparency sheet. It's not great but the price was right and it protects the screen without affecting usablity.

08-11-2003, 03:39 AM
Screen protector is mandatory for me. I use my H2215 more than my laptop nowaday. Bought a pack made for a Clie model two weeks ago on sale for $9. A little manual adjustment to the size were made...had to trim the length. It works like a charm as I post this reply :lol:

08-11-2003, 06:49 AM
My screen protector came together with my axim. I installed the screen protector during the initial battery charge, and it sticks there ever since. It is like wearing safety belt when driving.

Stephen Beesley
08-11-2003, 09:02 AM
hmmmm screen protectors.

I have to say that they are one of those things that I think are great in theory but have not had much luck with in practice. I never used a screen protector on any of my Newtons until I got my Mp2k. Given the size of the screen (and how much the thing had cost me!) I thought it would be better to get the screen protected. I a protector from nu-shield that does not stick to the screen but rather slide under the edges of the screen. I have been meaning to get some for my Jornada but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

On the Newton I found that they did lessen the screen clarity a bit but not so much that it was a problem.

I have only tried a screen protector once on my Jornada and it was a disaster. I cannot remember what brand it was but it was of the sticky variety and I found that it was hard to put on, left the screen performance very degraded and was even harder to take off. then there was the gunk it left on the screen after removal!

I guess untill I get my act together and order some nu-shields (or similiar) my Jornada will stay naked.


08-11-2003, 01:12 PM
I too have recently gotten my free Viewsonic V37 and I can recommend against the Viewsonic screen protectors. They are a bit too small for the screen and the rounded edges are really annoy me.

But, speaking from experience (2 big gashes in my IPAQ screen), I definitely recommend getting some sort of protector. They do feel a little wierd and take a bit getting used to, but I'd much rather the cheap plastic get scratched than my screen.

08-11-2003, 06:29 PM
This poll needs one more option. "I've never tried one, but plan to sometime soon".

That would have been my vote. :)

Interesting poll. Thanks for setting it up, Jimi D.

08-11-2003, 07:29 PM
I didn't until recently. I made my own with a suggestion I had read somewhere about using clear vinyl from the fabric department at wal-mart. Bought a quarter yard for $0.24 (can make a few dozen from that). Took a few minutes to cut down and apply (used a drivers lisense to smooth). Looks and works great. The feel is much better than the std screen also. Figures, in years of PDA use, had never accidentally written on it with a pen. Did it for the first time after putting a screen protector on.

08-11-2003, 08:06 PM
I wouldn't use one if it weren't free. They are hard to apply without messing up at least once. I only use one now because it feels a bit naked without a flip cover - I miss my J568 too much. I know that it won't protect the screen like the hard cover, but at least it will prevent the errant scratch while in my pocket (I hope).... waiting for Vaja case - anyone get theirs yet?

Pat Logsdon
08-11-2003, 08:47 PM
I use WriteShields on my Axim religiously, but I keep them on longer than I probably should. I didn't use anything on my e125, and it was ok, but it was a different kind of screen - the Axim's is much softer and seems more fragile.

It's funny - after I got the Axim I gave the e125 to my wife. Just by looking at the screen, you can tell what program she likes the best: Solitaire. Nice curving lines all over the place from dragging cards the stacks, and a very worn area where she taps the deck to cycle through the next three cards... :mrgreen:

08-11-2003, 10:28 PM
I've always used WriteShields. But I am out of them...so for the last week or so, I've been without. And ya know, I kinda like it. I hadn't realized how much clearer my screen can be. Don't get me wrong, I think WriteShields are the best screen protector I've used to date. I'm being very careful, but I'll probably re-order because I don't want to scratch my screen.

Jimi D
08-12-2003, 01:29 AM
Wow! some interesting responses... and it looks like most of us really use these things. I have to admit that price scared me off WriteShields today - I don't mind the $29 for the protectors, but the additional $30 to ship to Canada was a little too much for me :roll: I like Goldkey's suggestion, and maybe I'll try that this week - I can probably juggle the 24¢ loss if it doesn't work out :mrgreen:

Lets keep the comments flowin' http://www3.sympatico.ca/jimi_d/images/rocks.gif

08-12-2003, 01:54 AM
I didn't until recently. I made my own with a suggestion I had read somewhere about using clear vinyl from the fabric department at wal-mart. Bought a quarter yard for $0.24 (can make a few dozen from that). Took a few minutes to cut down and apply (used a drivers lisense to smooth). Looks and works great. The feel is much better than the std screen also.

No bubbles ?

I tried a similar method like that, but there is always a bubble (or two) stuck in the middle of the screen that wont go away ... finally I gave up on it. What I really want is a screen protector that extends to the PPC's surface around the screen, to prevent small debris from getting into the sides of the touch screen.

08-12-2003, 02:15 AM
There is some minor bubbling, but this one was my first shot. It was good enough for me not to try again. You can see the bubbles at just the right angle when the unit it off, but can't really even tell the protector is on when the screen is on. For basically 1 cent each, I can't complain.

Kati Compton
08-12-2003, 04:25 AM
Thicker (stiffer) screen protectors like the WriteShields are easier to install, btw, and to install bubble-free at that.

08-12-2003, 05:23 AM
Wow! some interesting responses... and it looks like most of us really use these things. I have to admit that price scared me off WriteShields today - I don't mind the $29 for the protectors, but the additional $30 to ship to Canada was a little too much for me :roll: I like Goldkey's suggestion, and maybe I'll try that this week - I can probably juggle the 24¢ loss if it doesn't work out :mrgreen:

Lets keep the comments flowin' http://www3.sympatico.ca/jimi_d/images/rocks.gif

HandHeldCanada (www.handheldcanada.com) carries WriteShields. $46CAD + GST (+ PST if you're in BC) + shipping.

Also, if you ask nicely, Leonard from PPCTechs will drop the shipping method down to a more reasonable level. At least he did for me.

08-12-2003, 07:30 AM
Also, if you ask nicely, Leonard from PPCTechs will drop the shipping method down to a more reasonable level. At least he did for me.

Will he ship to indonesia for free, if I ask him nicely ? :|

08-12-2003, 11:03 AM
Never bothered with them. :)

The touchscreen on my old Psion Series 5/mx was very strange as it had no give in it what so ever it felt like you were tapping a standard LCD screen. I used that for 4+ years and never scratched it.

I then got a 36xx and had that for 2 years and never scratched it, now I've had my 5450 for 8months I haven't scratched it yet *touch wood* and I have lost my patience with my 5450 and taken some heavy stylus stabbing to it 8O

After about 2 weeks the screen gets grimy from my ocassional finger usage as well as the dust and you get some stylus tracks were the input screen is usually showing, but a duster and some heavy breathing on it brings it up as good as new :)

I've never botherhed with them as you pay so little for them then pay 3x their price for delivery.

Kati Compton
08-12-2003, 04:54 PM
Actually, I've noticed that the WriteShields also seem to make my Axim's screen less susceptible to fingerprints... And easy to clean.

Pat Logsdon
08-12-2003, 05:18 PM
Actually, I've noticed that the WriteShields also seem to make my Axim's screen less suceptible to fingerprints... And easy to clean.
I agree. With the WriteShield on, I can just wipe the screen with my finger to clean it, and it won't leave prints or streaks. I also really like the texture of the surface - it feels like you're writing on paper. That same texture also eliminates glare for the most part.

08-12-2003, 06:30 PM
Thicker (stiffer) screen protectors like the WriteShields are easier to install, btw, and to install bubble-free at that.

Anyone know how many mils thick the Writeshields are? I could always get thicker vinyl. I got the thinnest they had.

08-12-2003, 09:13 PM
Also, if you ask nicely, Leonard from PPCTechs will drop the shipping method down to a more reasonable level. At least he did for me.

Will he ship to indonesia for free, if I ask him nicely ? :|

He might. But then, there's overseas shipping in that case so possibly not.

08-12-2003, 09:15 PM
Thicker (stiffer) screen protectors like the WriteShields are easier to install, btw, and to install bubble-free at that.

Anyone know how many mils thick the Writeshields are? I could always get thicker vinyl. I got the thinnest they had.

Approaching a millimeter if I estimate correctly. At least 0.5 mm.

08-23-2003, 03:39 AM
Pass, thanks.

1. The only one I tried onto my Palm was the one distributed by Palm. Too rough writing surface to my taste, also slowed me down.
2. I have to order it over the Net, so it is too difficult (and expensive) for me to keep on trying other brands. :|

08-23-2003, 07:13 PM
When I owned my first Palm, I used the character recognizer religiously, so by the time I was ready to upgrade the device, I noticed the screen was a bit more rigid in the lower left hand corner where I'd write the most. It didn't degrade the functionality of the screen... just unsightly. Now with my new PPC, I use the keyboard, so I don't really drag the stylus on the screen all that much. I've opted again not to use a screen protector, and I haven't had any problems (8 months and going).

08-23-2003, 07:15 PM
Not to mention that I did try a screen protector on my PPC and hated the unsightly bubbles. I ended up trashing three just because I couldn't get them on just right. :?

08-23-2003, 07:43 PM
Before I had a screen protector, I was CONSTANTLY wiping dirt and smudges off the screen. Every time I touched it! Now I don't even have to carry my microfiber cloth around because it never gets smudged no matter how much I use my fingers on it :)

08-23-2003, 08:02 PM
Having a beautiful screen like the H5555's and to ruin it with a screen protector? NEVER!!!!
I use a cover pack and that keeps my screen very clean. Whenever I use my iPaq I want it to have a crisp clear display. A Screen protector ruins that... I tried once (Writeshields) and I immediately removed it from my iPaq... I prefer to have a scratch (although never occured to my PDAs...without a Screen protector) than to have this feeling and display quality...

08-23-2003, 09:35 PM
Not to mention that I did try a screen protector on my PPC and hated the unsightly bubbles. I ended up trashing three just because I couldn't get them on just right. :?

The bubbles go away after a day or two.

Kati Compton
08-24-2003, 03:45 AM
Not to mention that I did try a screen protector on my PPC and hated the unsightly bubbles. I ended up trashing three just because I couldn't get them on just right. :?
The bubbles go away after a day or two.
Depends on the type of protector - with the really thin type, I've had the bubbles not go away.

08-24-2003, 09:08 AM
hey could some1 who made handmade screen protector, give a brief explanation? I have never seen a screen protector, and I thought I would never need it. Guess what? I had my 2210 for 1 month and I got 4 short but noticeble if you look scratches! I am so mad! So I live in canada and none of the store carry screen protector, and I dont wanna shell ~70, for sometin I could do myself! Thx so much

08-24-2003, 01:16 PM

This is in response to your PM as well.

To make a homemade screen protector. Go to Wal-mart or a fabric store and get a piece of clear vinyl. Cut down to the size of your screen. Apply (it should stick by itself). Use a credit card to smooth out any bubbles.

08-24-2003, 01:39 PM
Once I took off the screen protector, I never put it back!! You get used to the unclear image while the protector is on, however, if you take it off you will be blown away by the clarity and colour of the underlying screen. I have owned a few PPCs and never found scratches to be a major problem.

The HP 5550 has a great screen - and I would never cover it - I'll take the scratches instead!

08-24-2003, 05:56 PM
think you so much

08-24-2003, 06:23 PM
Having a beautiful screen like the H5555's and to ruin it with a screen protector? NEVER!!!!
I use a cover pack and that keeps my screen very clean. Whenever I use my iPaq I want it to have a crisp clear display. A Screen protector ruins that... I tried once (Writeshields) and I immediately removed it from my iPaq... I prefer to have a scratch (although never occured to my PDAs...without a Screen protector) than to have this feeling and display quality...

Try the G2s (http://www.pdascreenprotectors.com/). They don't dull your screen at all...I have a 5450. Definitely worth it...just not to worry about scratching that great screen. These ones fit under the frame...little tricky but solid once installed.


08-25-2003, 02:03 AM
Try the G2s (http://www.pdascreenprotectors.com/). They don't dull your screen at all...I have a 5450. Definitely worth it...just not to worry about scratching that great screen. These ones fit under the frame...little tricky but solid once installed.


I have tried the G2 before with my Casio E115. I liked how it didn't distort my screen, however, it added glare and also made the screen noticeably less sensitive. Not to mention, they were a pain to install.

I'm seriously contemplating using a screen protector again, but I guess I'm still looking for an acceptable brand. Perhaps I'll try PPCTech...

08-25-2003, 02:48 AM
Depends on the type of protector - with the really thin type, I've had the bubbles not go away.

I followed goldkey's advice and make a screen protector for my motorola T720 ... and solved the bubble problem with a heated sharp needle (a sharp needle burned in fire until it is really hot) :wink:

Kati Compton
08-25-2003, 03:41 AM
I followed goldkey's advice and make a screen protector for my motorola T720 ... and solved the bubble problem with a heated sharp needle (a sharp needle burned in fire until it is really hot) :wink:
8O 8O 8O AIEEEEE!!!! 8O 8O 8O

I try to keep sharp objects away from my LCDs. I try to keep hot objects away from my LCDs. BOTH??? Eeek.

08-25-2003, 05:19 AM
8O 8O 8O AIEEEEE!!!! 8O 8O 8O

I try to keep sharp objects away from my LCDs. I try to keep hot objects away from my LCDs. BOTH??? Eeek.

Actually, the motorola T720 screen are made from tempered glass, and the idea of the heated sharp needle is merely to make a small puncture on the bubble hence the air is out.

Of course I will not use that method to remove bubble on my axim :p Well, DELL is kind enough to give me a 12-pack screen protectors for free.

08-25-2003, 05:50 AM
Wouldn't it be easier to just use a credit card to squeeze the bubbles out?

08-25-2003, 05:51 AM
and solved the bubble problem with a heated sharp needle (a sharp needle burned in fire until it is really hot) :wink:

:shocked!: I always figured you were a little off. Now we have proof!

fwiw, I'd almost take a heated sharp needle to myself before I took one to one of my gadgets!

08-25-2003, 07:05 AM
Wouldn't it be easier to just use a credit card to squeeze the bubbles out?

My experience when forcing the bubbles with credit card is ... it leaves trace from the original position of the bubble, to the point it exits on the side. Perhaps I am using the wrong type of vinyl ?

08-25-2003, 07:28 AM
:shocked!: I always figured you were a little off. Now we have proof!

fwiw, I'd almost take a heated sharp needle to myself before I took one to one of my gadgets!

Ha ha. By the way folks, no Motorola T720 is injured in the process of making this movie :p It looks cooler, with a light-blue colored vinyl.

p.s. I use a sticky type of vinyl, hence the trace of the bubble is quite visible.

08-25-2003, 09:22 AM
Oh thank you so much, I did one out of clear vynil and its great! you saved me a bunch of money thx!!!

08-28-2003, 07:32 PM
Here's a review of a few screen protectors from Brighthand:

Protect Your Screen (http://www.brighthand.com/article/Protect_Your_Screen)

08-29-2003, 06:55 AM
I would have to say in my experience, WriteShield has the best feel to it. It provides incredible protection, last 3-4 times longer than normal ones, and doesn't have that sticky, choppy feel to it.

My $0.02

08-29-2003, 05:51 PM
I install the screen protector before the stylus ever touches the screen. My dad bough a pack of them with his old Casio and now we share them, as there are way too many for just one person to use.