View Full Version : Did you ever have one of those days...
Steven Cedrone
08-08-2003, 01:11 AM
Actually, for me the correct quote would be: "Did you ever have one of those weeks"... :roll:
You may or may not have noticed my strange silence of late (I'm sure some did, but most didn't - anyway, I digress)...
I decided to send the family away and take care of some "chores" around the house...
My first big project: remove everything from the powder room downstairs and re-do it (New medicine cabinet, lights, fixtures, and paint). What a nightmare, nothing seemed to go right. I think I spent more time going back and forth to Home Depot then I did working on that stinkin' bathroom. Any way, I finally finished and my dog just ripped a hole in the wall (don't ask, I have no idea why)... :(
Next came the living room and dining room floors. They are hardwood, and were in a really, really, bad shape. The estimates came in, and I just couldn't bear to give money away for something I knew I could do (what a joke). So, I rent a sander, a buffer, and I get to work. The floor is soon sanded to the bare wood. So far, so good. Next, the stain. Again, so far, so good. Time for the first coat of urethane, not too bad. Buff the first coat with steel wool and get ready for the "money" coat. Crap, miss some spots. I decide to just urethane again over the entire floor: big mistake. O.K., I can still fix it. Rent the buffer again, buff with steel wool and apply urethane. Result: floor looks like crap. Off to the rental stoor again: rent sander(again) and buffer(yet again). Sand floor(but not down to bare wood - close though, but I don't want to stain again.) Apply urethane. Buff again with steel wool. All is well. "Money" coat - looks good but missed some small spots. Fix spots and declare floor done!!!
Estimated time to complete: three days...
Actual time to complete: eight days...
Finally being able to sleep in my bed: priceless...
Oh, did I forget to mention: the only way to get to my second floor is through the living/dining room? (Don't even say "why didn't you put up a ladder to a second floor window - I thought about it) Man I love to sleep on the floor! Why not sleep on a couch youe say? It's covered up under all of the stuff from the living room and dining room.
So here I sit, a beaten man. My wife and kids will be home Sunday, and I still have a ton of crap to do...:boohoo:
But I saved a ton of money!!! :wink:
So, how has your week been???
08-08-2003, 02:28 AM
Wow! What a fun week you've had. Your story reminds me so much of my husband. While I think it is admirable to be handy, I keep trying to impress upon my husband that his time and his sanity (not to mention everyone else's sanity) is sometimes worth more than the cost of hiring out the "project." I haven't had much luck with my argument as he is pouring concrete footings for our garden shed as I typpe this. 8O Anyway, I hope the worst is over for you! I'm sure that even with all of the problems you had - your family will be proud of the result of your hard work.
And my week - I won't bore you with the details. Trust me....
08-08-2003, 02:31 AM
But I saved a ton of money!!! :wink:
So, how does it feel? :lol: Beaten, yes, but are you proud of your work? :wink:
08-08-2003, 02:59 AM
You may or may not have noticed my strange silence of late (I'm sure some did, but most didn't - anyway, I digress)...
We noticed that ... lately only kati runs the show ... Steve C is missing .. was wondering where he is ...
So here I sit, a beaten man. My wife and kids will be home Sunday, and I still have a ton of crap to do...:boohoo:
But I saved a ton of money!!! :wink:
So, how has your week been???
Well, I have been away from home for 3 weeks. I am sure I will have to go through the same painful process as yours when I got back. hoho. The problem is, I felt that I am going to be assigned to a long term (6 months - 1 year) position in Indonesia. :( :( :( :(
Weekend was so so ... primarily watching movies, sitting at starbuck cafe, reading magazine, wandering around the city taking pictures .... The good thing about business trips is the fact that all expenses are paid. Other than that, life was pretty much boring....
Janak Parekh
08-08-2003, 03:04 AM
So, how has your week been???
I too can totally sympathize, but not because of housework; just work in general. I've had one of those weeks where I feel like I'm constantly running just to stay in place. I seem to have too many of those nowadays. Sigh...
Pat Logsdon
08-08-2003, 03:19 AM
I feel for you, Steve! My estimations never work out. At this point, I figure that I should add at least a week to any project I decide to undertake, and stock up on tranquilizers.
How has my week been? A series of little annoyances.
I've been trying to get a garage door opener installed for about a month and a half now. The company that I decided to go with has been out to my house 5 times now, and the last time, they BROKE THE DOOR. So it's still not fixed, the door is broken, and now they tell me that I need new hinges, which are $160. Oh, and they won't return my phone calls. :roll:
Also, the left front speaker of my '02 (practically freakin' new) VW GTI started crackling every time I go over a bump. Any bump. If I run over a dustbunny it crackles. Just ever so slightly annoying.
Here's to a better next week! :beer:
Kati Compton
08-08-2003, 04:32 AM
We noticed that ... lately only kati runs the show ... Steve C is missing .. was wondering where he is ...
Ugh. When my work isn't taking over my brain and squishing it to jelly.
I'm looking forward to this autumn when I can concentrate on house issues. I think I'll hire someone to redo floors, but I want to install closet organizers, shelving, etc.
Glad it worked out in the end, Steve.
Sometime maybe I'll tell you how long it's taken me to reface my kitchen cabinets. A little here.. a little there... Oh, look, it's been more than a year...
Jeff Rutledge
08-10-2003, 12:51 AM
Hey Steve. Sorry to hear about the rough ride there. I had something along the same vein, but for me it was trying to get home from a business trip...
It's Wednesday night, about 6pm or so in Toronto. I'm supposed to be flying home to Calgary on an flight set to leave at about 7:30pm. That would get me into Calgary before 10pm local so it shouldn't be too late a night.
So I check in and get my boarding pass, proceed through security and - as I'm a fair bit early - decide to open up my laptop and watch a DVD for a while. So I'm pleassantly diverted until they announce that pre-boarding is about to commence. I pack up my laptop and this is when I notice my wallet is gone. Somewhere between Security and the gate I've lost it! This is post 9/11 so there's no way they're letting me on the plane without ID.
I run up and tell the lady behind the counter my situation. She tells me I've got 20 minutes before they leave without me. I run back to Security and ask each row if they've found a wallet. Nothing.
I then leave the Secure Area and return to the check in counter. For somer bizarre reason, I remembered the counter number I checked in at. The staff member has changed, and the new agent doesn't see any wallet. I am directed to the check-in Supervisor. At this time I hear myself being paged to the Gate. I have the check-in Supervisor call the Gate and she says "We're ready to go! Get down here!". I ask if they'll let me on without my Drivers License and she says OK.
So now I'm back through Security. I'm sheepishly asking people if they'll let me jump in front of them in line. In my haste, I step through the metal detector before the "guy-with-the-wand" says "Please step forward." For some reason this is a BIG MISTAKE. Now I'm being scanned intensely and my stuff is being examined closely. All the while I'm looking very agitated I'm sure. They finally let me go and I'm off running (side note: Running at full speed on a moving sidewalk is COOL!).
I get the gate and the lady yells for me to hurry up. I run up out of breath and she says "Let me see your ID.". I reply that I don't have anything ("Remember? Wallet? Stolen?).
"Well, I thought you had SOMETHING!"
"Nope, nothing. Sorry."
"Well, I can't let you on this plane then," she replies matter-of-factly.
At this point, I'm glad I'm not getting on the plane. It's already been delayed about 20 minutes and now they have to wait for the Air Canada crew to find my bag and pull it off. If I had got on, I probably would have been lynched. :?
So I miss my flight. The nice lady at the gate tells me she can put me on the 10pm flight. I point out that I won't have any new ID by then. She suggests I speak with a Manager and lets me know which carousel I can find my baggage.
I go down to the arrivals level to claim my bag. The carousel she told me to go to is broken (someone's shoulder strap has jammed the belt). Half-an-hour later and my lonely bag comes 'round the corner.
So now I'm off to find the Manager. I finally track her down and give her my story. In the meantime, I have found an old plastic slip cover with some travel-specific cards that I keep in my luggage. Included here is my old Canadian Plus points card (Canadian was an airline purchased by Air Canada). They are able to access this system and use the membership number to bring up my personal information.
"What's your address?"
"Well, here's the thing: I've lived in four different cities in the last two years. Can you narrow it down?"
She says she can't help me out. So I have to rattle off two Calgary addresses, one in Edmonton, one in Toronto and one in Vancouver. None of them are right. Well, I joined Canadian Plus through work so it might be a work address (now it's work address x 4). The Vancouver one turns out right. She tells the check-in agent (Henry) to put a note into the computer that I'll be boarding without ID. I thank her very muchly and am on my way.
Now it's on to Security for the third time, but now I'm no longer in a hurry. I make it through without incident. I grab a bite at the Harvey's and call my wife. I tell her what's happened and not to bother picking me up and that I'll take a cab home. I also ask her to start cancelling some of our bank cards and credit cards. Now bear in mind that I've had a bit of a long day already and my wife has just found out our credit cards are stolen. With this combination, we end up bickering. We also have a rule that we can't hang up mad when we travel in case something were to happen. Always the pragmatist, I point out to her "We have to make up soon though. My battery is almost dead and I have to call VISA." :D Fortunately, she laughs and we're fine.
I make my way to the new gate and confirm that they have a note in the computer that I'm to be let on without ID. They don't (Darn you Henry!!!). I can't remember the Manager's name either. We do manage to track her down finally and I'm good to go.
Waiting for the flight, I start calling credit card companies and report my cards stolen. This goes smoothly, as does the flight.
Jump forward about 4 hours. We've arrived in Calgary on time (almost 1:00am) and it hits me: How am I going to pay for the cab?!?!?!
I take out my cell phone, get my wife out of bed and ask her if she has any cash she can leave by the front door. Luckily she does so that's covered.
At this point, I'm feeling pretty good all things considered. I get my baggage without incident and grab a cab out front. As I'm putting on my seat belt the driver says, "I am going to need your help."
"How so?"
"This is my first day as a taxi driver and I don't know Calgary that well."
No problem, I reply. Not a big deal. I can give you directions I tell him.
It turns out that he's really nervous, assumedly because he's so new. He is all over the road and hesitates with my directions. At one point, nearly home, I tell him to "get in the right lane" (it's a three-lane road).
"The other right lane" (he'd gone to the left).
"Now we're in the shoulder" (he'd over-corrected).
We do make the turn though and only hit the curb twice more before pulling up to my home. As my driver is new, I think he's more than a little suspicious when I tell him that I have to run inside for his money. He didn't say anything though (probably because I left my luggage beside the car). I grab the cash, pay him his cash and bid him Adieu.
I make it inside, lock the door and head upstairs. I say Goodnight to my wife and I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow.
Kati Compton
08-10-2003, 01:54 AM
8O Oh my. I keep expecting to lose my ID somewhere since I have to have it out so much more than I used to. :( I was thinking of getting one of those neck-strap bags to use to hold ID, but I'm concerned that the security personnel will make me put it through the scanner, and it might get stolen, or I'd forget it *that* way...
Jeff Rutledge
08-10-2003, 02:28 AM
8O Oh my. I keep expecting to lose my ID somewhere since I have to have it out so much more than I used to. :( I was thinking of getting one of those neck-strap bags to use to hold ID, but I'm concerned that the security personnel will make me put it through the scanner, and it might get stolen, or I'd forget it *that* way...
First, congrats on actually reading my ramblings. After I hit Submit and saw the post I thought "No way is somebody going to read all of that."
As for your fear, I think that's where I lost it. I think I put my coat through Security, with my wallet in the inside pocket, and it fell out there and somebody picked it up.
Janak Parekh
08-10-2003, 02:32 AM
First, congrats on actually reading my ramblings. After I hit Submit and saw the post I thought "No way is somebody going to read all of that."
What are you talking about? You've got a little writer's touch there. ;) I'm really sorry to hear about it, though. :(
In my case, I've become very paranoid over the years about losing my wallet, seeing as how I'm in crowded subways all the time. I always keep it in my front pocket and pat them down probably 5-10 times a day. I don't know how you managed to keep your cool given the circumstances.
p.s. Minor nit: how'd you grab a bite after you lost your wallet? :)
Jeff Rutledge
08-10-2003, 02:38 AM
p.s. Minor nit: how'd you grab a bite after you lost your wallet? :)
Wow, you were paying attention. I'm impressed!
Whenever I travel, I hate to carry change. So when I get back to my hotel room at the end of each day I put my pocket change into a small zippered pocket in my laptop case. As we have $1 and $2 coins in Canada, I easily had enough to buy an Ultra Burger Combo. :mrgreen:
Kati Compton
08-10-2003, 02:38 AM
First, congrats on actually reading my ramblings. After I hit Submit and saw the post I thought "No way is somebody going to read all of that."
Maybe sometime I'll make you read a technical paper I've written. Now *that* is too long. ;)
As for your fear, I think that's where I lost it. I think I put my coat through Security, with my wallet in the inside pocket, and it fell out there and somebody picked it up.
I don't suppose you ever found out if someone tried to use your credit cards, did you?
Jeff Rutledge
08-10-2003, 02:39 AM
p.s. Minor nit: how'd you grab a bite after you lost your wallet? :)
Wow, you were paying attention. I'm impressed!
Whenever I travel, I hate to carry change. So when I get back to my hotel room at the end of each day I put my pocket change into a small zippered pocket in my laptop case. As we have $1 and $2 coins in Canada, I easily had enough to buy an Ultra Burger Combo. :mrgreen:
...up sized (with Coke). :way to go:
Janak Parekh
08-10-2003, 02:40 AM
Wow, you were paying attention. I'm impressed!
Just like Kati, I get to read technical papers. Reading your essay is an absolute joy compared to that. Especially hers (just kidding, Kati :razzing:).
As we have $1 and $2 coins in Canada, I easily had enough to buy an Ultra Burger Combo. :mrgreen:
So at least your stomach was happy. :lol:
Jeff Rutledge
08-10-2003, 02:42 AM
I don't suppose you ever found out if someone tried to use your credit cards, did you?
No, I never heard anything. But I had $80-$100 cash. If I did drop it at Security and someone behind just had to pick it up casually, I guess it was an easy score.
Jeff Rutledge
08-10-2003, 02:45 AM
So at least your stomach was happy. :lol:
Actually it was one of the worst Harvey's burgers I've ever had (burger was burnt, fries were cold). I decided to leave that part out though as I was afraid you'd think me just a giant whiner. :bawl:
Steven Cedrone
08-10-2003, 04:49 AM
Hey, you guys hijacked my thread... :wink:
Janak Parekh
08-10-2003, 04:52 AM
Hey, you guys hijacked my thread... :wink:
You did ask us how the week went. ;) Feel free to split if you feel it's appropriate. :lol:
Jeff Rutledge
08-10-2003, 04:55 AM
Hey, you guys hijacked my thread... :wink:
"Did ya ever have one of those days when a bunch of hooligans hijack your 'very-nice-to-start-with' discussion?:lol:
(sorry Steve... :nonono:)
Steven Cedrone
08-10-2003, 05:00 AM
You can talk about whatever you want, my threads are the only ones I don't moderate...
Knock yourselves out!!! :wink:
Kati Compton
08-10-2003, 05:11 AM
I don't think we're off-topic... We're talking about different times we've had "one of those days"...
Steven Cedrone
08-10-2003, 07:44 AM
I don't think we're off-topic... We're talking about different times we've had "one of those days"...
Your post has nothing to do with "One of those days" :wink:
Kati Compton
08-10-2003, 07:54 AM
Your post has nothing to do with "One of those days" :wink:
8O You CAUGHT me...
08-11-2003, 02:28 AM
You can talk about whatever you want, my threads are the only ones I don't moderate...
Knock yourselves out!!! :wink:
Just curious, did you guys (Kati and Steve C) cross-moderate each other's thread ?
08-15-2003, 06:59 AM
nevermind, I know the answer ( already. :rotfl:
Janak Parekh
08-15-2003, 09:27 PM
Back ontopic: I think I might win this now for the last 24 hours. :lol: The very, very short version:
4:15pm - our lights start surging dramatically. I start to panic and wonder if our new uber-speakers are causing problems. Then everything crashes, and we have some minimal backup power.
4:20pm - We run around like crazy and shut down the servers, unplug our workstations at the office, etc.
4:30pm - We head outside, assuming it's a very local power failure (our building happens to generate power, among other things). We start hearing rumors.
5pm - I run inside and get my radio, and find out the severity of the situation. We start wandering around uptown Manhattan a little and take pictures.
6pm - It's too hot outside, so we go back into our office, and sit around hoping power will come back soon. (ha!)
7pm - I give up my idea of going home anywhere near ontime, and we head out. I get to walk with my officemate to his apartment at 32nd and 5th... from the upper-west side. 8O
8pm - We're at about 66th St., and take a break. It's getting rather dark. And no lights. And our feet hurt. Bad.
8:30pm - We're at Times Square; the most bizarre Times Square experience I've ever seen.
8:50pm - We're at the entrance to his building, having walked about 90-95 blocks (Broadway blocks are longer than regular blocks), which is about 5 miles. Minor problem: we have to climb 12 floors. 12 floors! That was probably the hardest stairway climb ever in my life.
9pm - We collapse in his apartment.
9:30pm - We find out there's no water. :cry:
10:30pm - We try and have a small dinner.
12:30pm - We all try to go to sleep, except me; I'm hopeful the power will come back soon. And, besides, it's too hot. I'm a sweaty ball. No water to wash with, unless I want to use our emergency supply.
1am - Finally get too tired to stay awake, and go to sleep.
3am - Wake, see power is out.
3:30am - Back to sleep.
5:30am - Wake, see power is out. Sleep for another hour or so.
6:30am - Wake, see power is out. Collapse back at around 7:30am.
8:30am - Finally wake for good, wash my face, brush teeth.
9:30am - Head out.
10am - Cell phone calls -- I find a place where it works! :D
11am - Back up the 12 floors to his apartment.
12pm - Back down the 12 floors, get picked up, in A/C bliss!
12:30pm - Stuck in traffic. Even today. :cry:
2pm - Home! At last! Shower! At last!
Steven Cedrone
08-15-2003, 09:44 PM
I think I might win this now for the last 24 hours. :lol:
You win... :wink:
I can't imagine Times Square at night completely dark...
Welcome back to the land of 'Thoughts...
Janak Parekh
08-15-2003, 09:46 PM
I can't imagine Times Square at night completely dark...
I have a pic and a video of Times Square which I'll upload tomorrow when my server is turned back on (it was unplugged for safety). Totally surreal.
In the meantime, check out this Gothamist article ( for some fabulous pictures. More on the homepage. (
Oh, I forgot one entry:
4:50PM Friday - Janak finally feels exhausted, and decides to log off for a while and catch some sleep. One's own bed is so comfortable. :)
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