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View Full Version : Caveman sim game

08-07-2003, 09:14 PM
Does anybody remember a game that was in public beta testing last year in which you had a little caveman and had to raise him, get food for him, kill dinosaurs or keep them as pets? It had an internet ranking capability in it, too.

I can't find this game now, and thought it would be fun to try the final version.

Any other sim games other than SimCity? I feel like having something on my iPAQ that I can take care of (by which, of course, I mean "torture").

Hamish MacDonald

08-07-2003, 09:42 PM
Well, you could check out Pocket Guy (http://www.handango.com/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?productType=2&jid=D535C7XEC9DECEDCE27F35XD7DE1ABXF&platformId=2&siteId=159&productId=79928&sectionId=0&catalog=1&authorId=91152) [Handango.com]. It features a little person walking around in a dollhouse-looking building. Unfortunately, all you can do is give the guy water and turn on/off the lights, so it's kinda limited. It costs about $5.

08-07-2003, 11:27 PM
Thanks, but, unless he's so phobic about the dark that it would kill him, I don't see the fun in that :twisted:

08-07-2003, 11:30 PM
P.S. Just took a look at it, and it does seem kinda cute. Not five bucks worth of cute, since I can't do much with him. Although I have heard that if a person drinks five gallons of water, it'll depolarise the electrolytes in his brain...