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View Full Version : Krussel multidapt clip alternative?

08-03-2003, 12:03 AM
I have a made by whitney Krussel CF leather case with the multidapt clip.

I love everything about this case except for the clip. (the button on the case) It slides in with very thin edges so you can put different typed of clips in, depending on you needs, which while thoughtful sacrifices any strength you would expect from a swivel clip. I have broken mine 3 times.
I tried super glue each time, but it keeps breaking in different places that haven't been glued yet.

Has anyone done any modifying on this or any other type of case, and found any belt clip worthy of it's price?

It seems like you should be able to remove the stitching around the clip and put another type in there with very little, if any, modification.