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View Full Version : streaming mp3s over wifi?

08-02-2003, 06:56 AM
is there a way to stream mp3s over a network drive using a wifi card? I have the 2210 with the D-link CF card, can view my network shares just fine so that's setup properly.

08-02-2003, 10:40 AM
Make sure your network is viewable as a folder. I use PocketMVP and create a playlist. The PPC will load the files when it is their turn to play.

08-02-2003, 07:01 PM
OK \\laptop\music is the share that I am trying to access... I can get to it in file explorer, but how do I set it up so it's browseable like a local folder so PocketMVP will let me access it?

08-02-2003, 08:44 PM
See the posts below about Net Runner and Net Use as a way to map the shared folders onto the PPC. Also Resco File Explorer can do this but at a cost $.

08-03-2003, 09:03 PM
is there a way to stream mp3s over a network drive using a wifi card? I have the 2210 with the D-link CF card, can view my network shares just fine so that's setup properly.For accessing network shares I use BizzDev's Netuse http://www.bizzdev.com/DesktopDefau...dex=2&tabid=41. It has a feature "Show the network folder" where it adds a folder to your device called \network that applications see.. The network folder looks/acts like it is just a storage card in your iPAQ.

For playing mp3s, I use PocketMind's PocketMusic http://www.pocketmind.com/pmfp.htm open a file in poocket music and when it gives you the tree style view, you will see a folder \network to navigate and open MP3s or play lists..

08-07-2003, 11:41 PM
I'm trying this netuse program, and I can't seem to find any network drives. I have a shared folder on my desktop computer (C:\MP3s), which I have set to shared, but I can't see it in net use.

Also, I can't figure out how to ActiveSync wirelessly. It just goes from "Connecting" to "Not Connected". All I can do wirelessly is surf the web. Can anyone help with configuration? Thanks in advance!

Linksys WCF12 802.11 card
Dell Axim