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View Full Version : Losing my mind looking for an alternative sync solution

07-29-2003, 05:48 AM
I swear I`m gonna do it. I`m gonna jump - platforms to Linux.

It isn`t that I don`t like PPCs... I do like them. I have a lot of time and money invested in my device (Axim X5).

I`m thinking of going Linux because I`ve heard that their sync software will allow me to do one simple thing - keep home data from transferring to my work computer.

I used Outlook XP at work and home. I want ONLY work data on my work PC. I want work AND home data on my PPC and home PC.

Activesync - the solution of filtering by catgory only works from the device to the PC and NOT the other way around. That means all of my contacts and personal tasks end up on my company`s Exchange server. No, thank you.

Xtndconnect - filters the same as Activesync.

Intellisync - looked promising and actually offers the function I need, but it is terribly finicky, and hosed my data more than once. I gave up after one week.

TrueSync - I`d try it but there is no demo.

I`m at a loss... ultimately, my data is more important than my device. I can replace most PPC apps I use with similar (or better) Linux apps. The only CLEAR and FRUSTRATING exception is Agenda Fusion and Pocket Informant. I swear, if there was something similar on Linux, I`d buy one of those new, slick Sharp PDAs today!

Can anyone offer any advice or insight on an alternative sync solution or device?

07-29-2003, 07:06 AM
I don't know if this will do exactly what you want it to, but MightySync (http://www.handango.com/PlatformSearch.jsp?siteId=1&jid=C1E51D9C414664658EE16XXCD9A6X6D2&platformId=2&txtSearch=mightysync&optionId=1_2_2) is a program I have been using on my home computer. It allows you to sync any file or folder from anywhere on your desktop to anywhere on your PPC (including storage cards).

It works very well, but I only sync with one desktop, so I'm not postive it will work for you. But hey, try the demo and give it a whirl.
It doesn't replace activesync, but I just don't put any files in the PPC my documents folder on my desktop I set them up to sync through Mightysync. This way, my listpro lists and ewallet files can be stored on a storage card, but still get synced with the desktop.

07-29-2003, 12:58 PM
Thanks, but that only takes care of files. Most of the stuff I don't want on my work computer is my personal data - notes, tasks, calendar entries.

I've tried mightysync and it does the job for files... though I think developers should be forced to use the tools they create. Can the interface be any uglier?

Any developers reading this? Categories, both ways, man.

07-29-2003, 08:09 PM
did you set up activesync to synchronize with 1 PC or 2? It helps if people pay attention before bad mouthing software. When you created the partnership it asked if you're syncrhonizing with 1 pc or 2, if you choose 1 then it'll sync stuff to both PCs... not what you want... if you chose 2 it'll be a bit different (haven't done it so i can't say) but that way you wont have work stuff copied to hope... info from both PCs (work and home) will be on the PDA but your home information wont be on your work PC.

So delete the partnership you have now (files and all will be there) then create it again.. this time choose 2 pcs. Also make sure to get ActiveSync 3.7 and not the older ones

07-30-2003, 01:50 AM
I know enough about how the software works and what you are suggesting 1)does not work and 2)will not solve my problem.

First, from the Activesync 3.7 Help File on setting up sync with two computers:

You will not be able to maintain separate schedules in the PIM on the two desktop computers. For example, your business appointments will be displayed on your home computer.

Second, let`s say what you suggest works - Information created at work stays on my work PC and my Axim. What about entry on my Axim? How will my Work PC know if a Task I created on my Axim is a Work Task or a Personal Task?

It won`t. The only consistent way to do this is through a flag such as categories. Activesync doesn`t pay attention to anything when syncing from PPC to PC but does understand them from PC to PPC.

BUT (and this is the BIIIIIIIIIIG BUT) I do not want my personal information transferred to my work computer.

Maybe this will help...

AXIM - hold personal and work data
Home PC - hold personal and work data
Work PC - hold ONLY work data

If I execute your solution, I will have exactly what I do not want - my cross-dressers anonymous meeting appointement on the company Exchange server.

Sorry to be a bit flip, but I`ve seen these threads on other boards (no, nobody had a solution there, either) and most people start out not really understanding what the problem is. Plus that whole `people should understand` thing, when you admitted you never tried the solution, kind of ticked me off.

Janak Parekh
07-30-2003, 01:56 AM
I understand your predicament precisely, but I'm less worried: no one in our group can read my Exchange calendar, tasks, etc. Of course, that probably doesn't help you. ;)

I'm pretty sure ActiveSync cannot pull this off. I just thought of a crazy idea, which is to use the Rules Wizard to shuttle data, but that'll utterly confuse ActiveSync. Short of making a separate Outlook XP profile that uses a PST for synchronized data, and that isn't all that useful for you as you want your Exchange data too, you'd be forced to go with IntelliSync, etc. I believe TrueSync can do this too, and is more reliable, but I haven't used it in years.

Another crazy idea: look at this product - Pocket Lookout (http://lookout.vonken.com/). Unfortunately, I don't know if it's supported anymore, but it is an interface to alternative Contacts/Calendar folders, so you might be able to sync personal folders to a PST file while maintaining Exchange Server mappings to your main Pocket Outlook data. It won't give you the full set of Pocket Outlook features, but it might just be enough, if it works. Make sure to back up your data before playing around...


07-30-2003, 02:36 AM
Thank you for understanding! :D

Since you also mentioned Intellisync, do you know of an active, good resource for hints, tips, gripes, etc.? The pumatech site is pretty sad when it comes to support.

I actually called those guys when I had a problem and they started blaming activesync for `corrupting` the data and keeping their product from working. Um... yeah... Activesync (which is doing exactly what it is supposed to do) is the problem - not your software.

I tried Lookout but was not impressed... maybe I`ll give it another go later this week.

Heck, if I wasn`t limited in the # of categories to use (so I`ve heard) I`d even go with Palm if it could solve my problem.

Janak Parekh
07-30-2003, 03:06 AM
Since you also mentioned Intellisync, do you know of an active, good resource for hints, tips, gripes, etc.? The pumatech site is pretty sad when it comes to support.
No. :( I've heard totally mixed reports on IntelliSync too. I used it to sync my T68, but that was really simple one-way synchronization.

I tried Lookout but was not impressed... maybe I`ll give it another go later this week.
It is indeed a weak replacement as far as I can tell -- it's certainly no full Pocket Outlook.

BTW, you say the Linux solution will work, but you realize a number of them use IntelliSync or something similar, right? I hope IntelliSync to a Linux PDA is more stable...

Here's a totally evil idea: at work, make a PST file the "default store". Then, you store nothing on Exchange. Totally eliminates the whole point of using Exchange, though. I'm afraid I can't think of a real solution for you right now. :(


07-30-2003, 05:48 AM
I'm in the exact same situation. I thought about using Intellisync - from what I can tell the filtering capability will actually do what we need - but I balked at the cost of getting 2 licenses.

For now I just don't sync anything with my work PC. I'm able to manage because the work PC is a laptop and I take it to meetings, etc anyway.

We should combine our voices and direct this towards Microsoft. Surely supporting one PDA with 2 PCs and not horribly mangling the data is a prime requirement. It's about time they fixed it.

07-30-2003, 06:04 AM
Intellisync does work, when it DOES work (and doesn`t hose your data).

What I`m doing now is not syncing with my Work PC but inputting directly to my PPC via PocketController.

It would be much easier to manage the data on my desktop, but I`m left without many choices.

Good to hear I`m not alone. Come on developer-types. Help us power-users (who are sensitive about out data) out!

07-30-2003, 06:29 AM
Troyrodgers I also share you pain on this one. :evil:

I gave up and just sync tasks and calendar with both my work & home machines. The rest (mail, notes etc) is just synced with my home machine, works for my life-style.

For those items in tasks and calendar that I don't wish other to read, I mark them as private. Not ideal, but stops the casual browser.

Now if anyone knows why my home machine keeps overwriting, with old dates, the re-occurring tasks that I completed on my work machine; I will be eternally grateful (& yes I do have 'sync all tasks' set on both machines).

Good luck and if you find the solution please post.


07-31-2003, 02:11 AM

If you mark your Appt private.. they still get sync via exchange right?

BTW, I'm in the same predicament as troyrogers.

Any suggestions to keep my personal stuff from the Corporate "Big Brother"? :?:


07-31-2003, 03:08 AM
Now, mind you, I`m about as paranoid as they come in regards to coroprate big brother so simply responding, "relax, what do you care if your company knows x" or something equally un-helpful will not solve anything.

Since PPC sync options are sorely lacking, maybe I should focus my attention on securing my personal data once it is transferred to my work machine.

I have admin rights to my machine and can pretty much do anything so I`m open to suggestions. However, the ideas I`m toying with now are:

1. How do I keep my tasks stored locally (and not on Exchange) and still have my Axim sync with them? I must still be able to send/receive mail, obviously.

1a. Another layer of complexity would be to have personal and private calendar items on my work PC, but allow work calendar items to copy to the exchange server so that co-workers can check my schedule before sending invites.

2. Once the personal and work tasks are mixed on my work machine, how do I make sure they are never tansferred/synched to the exchange server?

3. How do I protect my personal data from being viewed in the event my company gets suspicious and probes my machine? I wouldn`t want them to have the details of what companies I am interviewing with. My guess here is that I would have to encrypt the PST file with some strong encryption at lunch and at the end of every business day.

I`m still hashing out these ideas and any help is appreciated.

Janak Parekh
07-31-2003, 03:11 AM
Since PPC sync options are sorely lacking, maybe I should focus my attention on securing my personal data once it is transferred to my work machine.
Like I said, in Outlook, you can specify a PST as being the default storage mechanism. This means that incoming Exchange mail will go into your PST's Inbox instead of the Exchange inbox, and any data synced will go to the local PST file. You might be able to set up rules to move stuff around, but I've never tried this.

1a. Another layer of complexity would be to have personal and private calendar items on my work PC, but allow work calendar items to copy to the exchange server so that co-workers can check my schedule before sending invites.

3. How do I protect my personal data from being viewed in the event my company gets suspicious and probes my machine?
PSTs support encryption. Not sure how strong it is.


07-31-2003, 10:15 AM
Janak Parekh - Here's a totally evil idea: at work, make a PST file the "default store". Then, you store nothing on Exchange. Totally eliminates the whole point of using Exchange, though. I'm afraid I can't think of a real solution for you right now. :(

Janak - don`t mean to be a pain, but is "default store" the exact term to use? I`ve been searching my help files but they aren`t helping. Any hints on how to pull this off?

Janak Parekh
08-01-2003, 05:28 AM
Janak - don`t mean to be a pain, but is "default store" the exact term to use? I`ve been searching my help files but they aren`t helping. Any hints on how to pull this off?
Under Outlook XP, it's "Deliver new email to the following location" that you want to change. I can't remember exactly what it is in Outlook 2000...


08-11-2003, 01:26 AM
Under Outlook XP, it's "Deliver new email to the following location" that you want to change. I can't remember exactly what it is in Outlook 2000...

Hmmm... still can`t seem to find it. Guess I`ll have to dig in a bit more.

08-14-2003, 08:45 PM
Hmmm... still can`t seem to find it. Guess I`ll have to dig in a bit more.[/quote]

In outlok 2000: right click on the icon on your desktop, click on properties, then switch to Delivery Tab, there you'll have an option of changing "Deliver new mail to the following location" from your mailbox to your .pst file (personal folders). Keep in mind that this will transfer all of your data from your mailbox into your .pst including contacts, tasks and caledar. Your only worry then will be making sure that you have a backup of the .pst file. Good luck!

08-15-2003, 03:23 AM
What I did in this circumstance was to only sync my calendar on my work PC and made sure I marked my private appointments private. Then I used Pocket Controller to manage my contacts, tasks, etc. Of course, my home PC got the full sync. Not ideal, but it worked decently.

08-15-2003, 04:14 AM
Now, mind you, I`m about as paranoid as they come in regards to coroprate big brother so simply responding, "relax, what do you care if your company knows x" or something equally un-helpful will not solve anything.
I am with you *every* paranoid step of the way on this. Maybe more so. Heck, I don't share info with family, friends, or girlfriend unless *I* choose to. Corporate Big Brother might just as well be the Devil incarnate. :)

But then, the reason it probably hasn't been implemented is the nonchalant attitude a seemingly large number of people exhibit about such matters. That befuddles me no end.

And *please* don't someone say..."If you're that paranoid, you must have something to hide." That is most definitely not the case. I have absolutely nothing to hide...except that which I *choose* to hide. And it should be exactly that.....a matter of choice.

08-15-2003, 10:59 AM

i believe there is a new version of intellisync that works with wm2003.

maybe thats the answer to our problems.


08-16-2003, 02:40 AM
I mis-typed a page back - I am using Outlook 2002 and not 2000. :oops:

So, this week I was able to get my default store offline (thank you, Janak, et. al.) and it is working as expected. I have decided to only sync tasks for a while and maybe try calendar items in a week or two. Contacts will never reside on my work PC and neither will my files.

So, like I said, it is working. What I didn't expect, and it is a pleasant surprise, is that mail is first kept in my Exchange store and then copied to my local store on the next send/receive. This is cool because, as long as I shut down Outlook, I can still have access to my most recent mail when I'm out of the office through OWA.

Side question: anyone ever have a WinXP window not show you all of the options because the non-resizeable window was too small?

I've decided to take an extra step and encrypt the partition that contains my offline and archive PSTs. I will probably use DriveCrypt 3x or DriveCrypt Plus Pack 2.6 and dismount the container/partition when I am away or after x minutes of inactivity (not sure it this is possible)

I think my personal data will be pretty secure this way. Anyone see any holes?

Janak Parekh
08-16-2003, 03:07 AM
So, like I said, it is working. What I didn't expect, and it is a pleasant surprise, is that mail is first kept in my Exchange store and then copied to my local store on the next send/receive. This is cool because, as long as I shut down Outlook, I can still have access to my most recent mail when I'm out of the office through OWA.
Interesting. I had done it years ago, and it seemed to move.

Side question: anyone ever have a WinXP window not show you all of the options because the non-resizeable window was too small?
Usually, only if the default font size is large (in Display -> Settings -> Advanced). Not all dialogs are designed for that.

I think my personal data will be pretty secure this way. Anyone see any holes?
Not really, although you can also encrypt your PST file if you want.
