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View Full Version : WTB: PocketPC - Prefer iPaq 1910 but open to others

07-28-2003, 04:22 PM
I was showing off my Ipaq last night and a good friend wants one. I'm thinking of getting it for her.
Does anyone have a PocketPC for sale for a low, low price? It can have some scratches, etc.
I just want to get it for her as a surprise so she can play PocketBornes and Magic Bounce...the two games she was playing last night!
Lisa :mrgreen:

My email is: lisa.adair at verizon dot net

07-30-2003, 08:23 PM
i've one i'm looking to sell, but how low of a price are you looking to pay?

07-30-2003, 08:34 PM
I just purchased one. I ended up with a Toshiba e300.
Thank you for responding to my ad though.