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View Full Version : Can't get my Netgear MA701 work together with Intersil-Prism drivers...

07-26-2003, 08:22 AM

First of all - my configuration is: Acer N10, Netgear MA701

Once I've removed the MA701-Driver, reseted the N10 and installed Intersil-Driver. After reinserting the MA701, I was told to type in a driver-name, wich is: PRISMNDS.DLL. OK - so long, so good... :)

Before I've installed the Intersil-Drivers, my MA701 and my Belkin wireless router worked flawlessely together, but after that, the MA701-status-led kept on blinking and didn't found my net.

Frustrated, I removed Intersil-drivers, reseted N10 and reinstalled my original 701-driver.

A few hours later I went to a second try, repeated the game above, (deinstall, reset, install of intersil) but now there was NO message-box, poping up and asked my about a driver-name.

Repeated this 2 times but I did not get into this drivername-box!

Please, help! Why my MA701 detected no net with installed intersil-driver? And why is the card not recognized, after I reinstalled intersil? (no drivername-box pops up and card is not recognized by utility) Perhaps a registry-setting I have to delete?

Oh - is there any way to change between Intersil/Netgear-driver simply by registry-editing? How?

Thanks in advance for your answers!


Stephen Beesley
07-28-2003, 03:37 PM
Hmmmm - I have been using the Intersil reference driver with a Zcom 825 card on my Jornada 568 for a couple of months now with no real problems. That said, I have noticed a couple of things that might help you.

Firstly, the main reason that I installed the driver was so that I could use Pocket WiNc and Pocket Warrior for sniffing out networks. I do not, however, use the Intersil driver to associate with networks - in fact I have noticed that it behaves just as you described, the driver software tells me that it it scanning but it does not detect my network. That is where Pocket WiNc comes in to play for me - that is the software I use to manage my network connections. Only once I have connected to the network with Pocket WiNc does the Intersil software record a connection.

The other thing I noticed was that, like you, when I uninstalled the Intersil driver at one stage during my experimentation and then re-installed it I no longer got the option to associate it with a driver name. I could not figure any way around this and ended up doing a hard reset and reinstalling it from scratch. A pretty drastic solution for some maybe, but I tend to do a hard reset and restore or reinstall every couple of months just to get rid of some of the rubbish that builds up in the registry etc.
