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View Full Version : Best Screen Capture Program

07-25-2003, 02:37 PM
Ok, I've been dying to figure out what everyone is using to capture the PPC screen for the various articles on the site, etc. Anyone have any suggestions?



07-25-2003, 03:24 PM
i say the MS Remote controller program. Put your PPC in the cradle and control it from the PC using the mouse and keyboard like you'd use a Stylus. Much faster data entry than on a mini-keyboard or any soft-keyboard. That way you can just press the ALT + PrtScrn button on your keyboard (above Insert) and to capture that window which is displaying the PPC Screen... perfect captures for free :D I think even video will work that way too. :mrgreen:

07-25-2003, 03:50 PM
You could try GetPDAScreen (http://www.newmad.com/software.asp).

07-25-2003, 05:27 PM
One option for use without a desktop is Magic SS (http://www.louterrailloune.com/magicss.html). That is what I use. In fact, I have it mapped to my record button.

07-25-2003, 05:31 PM
Ok, I've been dying to figure out what everyone is using to capture the PPC screen for the various articles on the site, etc. Anyone have any suggestions?

I use Magic SS (http://www.louterrailloune.com/magicss.html), which is free. It's not fancy, but did I mention that it's free? :-D

Also, if you do a search here on screen capture, you'll find a few threads about screen capture programs, including this one (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1628) about free programs.


Dave Beauvais
07-25-2003, 10:19 PM
I use Developer One's Pocket ScreenSnap (http://www.developerone.com/pocketpc/screensnap/). Actually, I've used that since way back in 1997 or 1998 when I had my first Palm-size PC. It's not free, but at just under US$10, it's not overly expensive, either. If you just need to take the occasional screenshot, however, the free Magic SS mentioned by previous posters should work just fine for you.


Sooner Al
07-26-2003, 12:51 AM
Here is how I do this on my iPAQ 3835 using the built-in iTask Delay Capture functionality.

iPAQ 3835 running with the default iTask icon and menu settings.

To define the new menu/icon settings.

Open iTask Settings.
Select "Label 3: Brightness"
Select "Menu Item: 0: Brightness" -> "Replace With: Internal: Menu", Apply
Select "Menu Item:1 Unassigned" -> "Replace With: Internal: Brightness", Apply
Select "Menu Item:2 Unassigned" -> "Replace With: Internal: Delay Capture", Apply
Tap "OK".

To verify your setting, press the "iTask" button, tap the "Brightness" icon
(right most) and tap. I have a new two item menu with "Brightness" and "Delay Capture" listed.

To capture an screen shot...

Open the window you want to capture.
Press the "iTask" button.
Tap the "Brightness" icon.
Tap "Delay Capture"
Wait for the capture sound (about 5-10 seconds).
Open "File Explorer" and navigate to "My Device".
The captured BMP image is labeled "CaptXXXX" where XXXX is a lineal number
starting at 0001.

You can move this file to the desktop and convert to JPG or manipulate it or whatever...

07-26-2003, 04:55 AM
When I first clicked on the article I first thought you meant like a computer screen but, now I know you dont mean that but if you want to capture your computer screen use SWebcam2, and no its not a webcam software it captures your screen and uploads it to the server automatically every * seconds.