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View Full Version : Tabbed browsing in pocket PC?

07-24-2003, 01:17 AM
Is there any Mozilla browser or browser with tabs for PPC yet? PocketIE is ok, but tabbed browsing would really shine on ppc because you can't have more than one window open anyway.

I expect that where will be one out eventually, cause it makes alot of sence.

ps those of you who are browsing on your ppc; do all of the images on the forums load ok for you? alot of the reply buttons just load spacers and put a red X icon on them. is this pockketIE's fault?

07-24-2003, 11:02 AM
I'm nearly sure this has been posted before but here it is again anyway.

There is a little freeware app called ftxPBrowser which allows you to tab and here is the link
