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View Full Version : Good Remover Program?

07-23-2003, 09:30 PM
I installed the updated version of MS Reader onto my storage card and while I can now access the free ebooks, it takes so long to load a book ( > 60 seconds) that it is virtually unusable.

I thought the problem may be because I installed the Reader program to my SD card so I uninstalled it, and then re-installed it to RAM but when I checked, it for some reason went back to the SD Card! On one of the other boards someone suggested that it may be because the Reader program was not fully uninstalled and some files were left behind which caused the program to go onto the SD card.

Does anyone know of a good uninstall program that will delete the program so that I can re-install it into RAM and hopefully that will solve the slowdown problem?

Crystal Eitle
07-23-2003, 10:22 PM
Have you tried Remover (http://www.geocities.com/s_k_s_k_s_kru/util.html#remover)?