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View Full Version : Jabra BT Headset

07-23-2003, 08:40 AM
2200 or 5500? Which do i get? 1 day I feel strongly about the 5500 the next the 2200...... Back to the subject; will either of these 2 devices pair with a Jabra bluetooth headset? I remember reading something about editing the registry in the 5400 but was wondering r these 2 devices more frienlier with the headset? I want to convert my future Ipaq into a phone/pda....like herehttp://www.flashenabled.com/

07-23-2003, 12:52 PM
Hi I have the Jabra BT-200 and you can't pair it with the 5450, come on HP!! :(
I wonder if a profile for this is in PPC 2003? I know you can do a hack in registry but I think it's more complicated after the latest rom update. Anyhow there's a reason it isn't availble - sound quality reportedly sucks.

I hope they bring out Headset and handset support!

Any one that knows more about this :?:

07-23-2003, 12:55 PM
PS. If XDA-II has integrated blutooth and headset support I'll considder selling my 5450.

07-23-2003, 03:55 PM
you can't pair them cuz they have no "Headset Profile" the 5500 does tho i think and the XDA should since it's a phone too. THe 2200 doesn't support that.

Supported services

The functions that Bluetooth supports are called services. Communication is only possible with Bluetooth devices that support at least one of the following services:

Ipaq 2215 bluetooth profiles

BPP (Basic Printer profile)
DUN (Dial-up Networking profile)
FTP (File Transfer profile)
GAP (Generic Access profile)
HCRP (Hard Cable Replacement profile)
LAP (LAN Access profile)
OBEX (Object Exchange profile)
OPP (Object Push profile)
PAN (Personal Area Network profile)
SPP (Serial Port profile)
ActiveSync (Uses SPP to connect to ActiveSync on computer)

notice no headset profile.