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View Full Version : Need screen

07-21-2003, 06:40 PM
This happened to my Jornada last night.


As a result -- I'm in need of a screen. I don't know if the touch screen matrix is still in tact or not (I suspect the only thing holding it together is my screen protector). If anyone has a screen...please let me know!

07-21-2003, 08:23 PM
is it even worth the cost to replace it?

you may just want to get a new iPaq 1940 or 2210 (i'm selling a 2210, for $350, btw, see the buy & sell forum if you're interested). You'll get the new PPC OS and a nice cutting-edge handheld.

Although the jornadas sure were great...

you may just want to look at eBay if you need to keep a Jornada; a whole replacement unit probably won't set you back all that much, and it beats searching for and installing a new LCD.

Stephen Beesley
07-22-2003, 10:46 AM
Ouch I feel for you. As you will see from my earlier thread here, I had a very similiar experience.

I smashed the screen of my Jornada and was not really in a position to be able to shell out for a new PPC. I was lucky and managed to get hold of a dead Jornada with a good screen from another PPC thoughts member. If you can get hold of a screen the transplant is definately doable and could be a lot cheaper than getting a new PPC if that is not something you are ready for right now.

If you do decide to got down the transplant route and need any pointers let me know - I have been threating to put some pictures of the procedure up on the web but have not had the time to just yet.


Certified Optimist
07-28-2003, 07:29 AM
Hmmm... that's exactly what happened with my Psion 5MX... which gave me a good excuse for getting my 568...

Wasn't too pleased about it at the time ("Yes... one more expense to add to the list...").

Hope you are still able to sync it to your PC so you can retrieve all the information on it...

Good luck!

07-28-2003, 09:19 PM
i would be willing to sell you my old jornada for 265$ the screen works(but it has a little dust) but the device is almost gone...
hate to see it go but it is unavoidable... :cry:

the screen is in excellelent condition except for a tiny scratch.

PM me if you are interested.