View Full Version : w00t!
07-19-2003, 06:58 AM
What does that mean?
Ed Hansberry
07-19-2003, 02:22 PM
What does that mean?
I have no idea. It just makes me look like a cool hakerz or something. :wink: Sort of like when your parents go "awesome dude!"
Janak Parekh
07-19-2003, 07:30 PM
Sort of like when your parents go "awesome dude!"
Don't you mean "4w3s0m3 d00d"? :lol:
(w00t is just a joyous exclamation, a variation on "woo!" if I'd have to guess.)
--janak (sorry Steve and Kati! I'll split if I have to!)
07-19-2003, 08:16 PM
Sort of like when your parents go "awesome dude!"
What kind of parents do you have? My parents don't even say cool.
Kati Compton
07-20-2003, 08:06 PM
FYI - thread split from here (
As for parents and lingo... They may not be up on the latest phrase, but neither and I. And I maintain that my parents (in their 50's) were way cooler than I am at the age I am now. ;)
07-20-2003, 08:06 PM
Hey - since we are having this kind of thread - what on earth does 'l33t' mean?!
(I've actually tried asking my students - thinking it might be a generation gap thing - but they don't seem to know either!).
07-20-2003, 08:09 PM
hehe.... 1337 means Elite (leet!) LOL.... r0x0r5!!!!
Kati Compton
07-20-2003, 08:09 PM
"elite". Usually used in conjunction with 0 day warez. ;) It's a cracking, pirating, "cool computer person" and "I am better than you" thing that I think of as primarily being applied to those in high school or early college, but there are exceptions on the ages. Generally, those that think of themselves as 3l33t (eleet) look down on those that aren't, as well as vice-versa. ;)
Generally, the goal in l33t (or 1337) speak is to replace letters with similar numbers to mix it up into a code only slightly more effective than pig latin. ;)
07-20-2003, 08:15 PM
I feel that bit better educated! Thanks! :)
Ed Hansberry
07-20-2003, 10:08 PM
I feel that bit better educated! Thanks! :)
I feel like I've had 5 IQ points sucked out of my brain... :|
07-20-2003, 11:22 PM
I feel like I've had 5 IQ points sucked out of my brain... :|
Been using the competition? :wink:
Seriuosly, this stuff isn't that bad. The really horrendous stuff is when "people" start constructing individual characters from other characters, for example hacker represented as |-|/\><0r
Tom W.M.
07-21-2003, 03:17 AM
hehe.... 1337 means Elite (leet!) LOL.... r0x0r5!!!!
Thank you! Now I understand Megatokyo ( much better.
Kati Compton
07-21-2003, 03:28 AM
Or start saying K-rad. ;)
/<@7| {0|\/|p70|\|
07-21-2003, 04:00 AM
Seriuosly, this stuff isn't that bad. The really horrendous stuff is when "people" start constructing individual characters from other characters, for example hacker represented as |-|/\><0r
Yes, it is that bad. It's like people on AOL WrItInG iN mIxEd CaSe or the example you cited. For example, somebody had to explain to me that
[]D [] []V[] []D
meant "PIMP". :roll:
07-21-2003, 04:06 AM
people these days choose strange ways to express themselves...
i think someone needs to hand some of these people constructing letters out of punctuation marks a grammar & style usage guide and a guitar, and say "here - use this one when you write, use this one when you feel like making a personal artistic statement." :)
or they could just go get tatted up or pierced when they're feeling rebellious, like the kids used to in the good old days. :D
Janak Parekh
07-21-2003, 04:22 AM
/<@7| {0|\/|p70|\|
Impressive!!!! Did you just make that up?
(Oh, and |* might suffice for p? I don't know...)
07-21-2003, 06:05 AM
/<@7| {0|\/|p70|\|
Impressive!!!! Did you just make that up?
(Oh, and |* might suffice for p? I don't know...)
/<@7| {0|\/||*70|\|
ph33r Kati!
07-21-2003, 06:10 AM
Or start saying K-rad. ;)
Were you implying you wanted to be referred to as K-rad? :wink:
Definition of K-rad (
Kati Compton
07-21-2003, 04:14 PM
Were you implying you wanted to be referred to as K-rad? :wink:
Uh, no.
07-21-2003, 09:32 PM
i think someone needs to hand some of these people constructing letters out of punctuation marks a grammar & style usage guide and a guitar, and say "here - use this one when you write, use this one when you feel like making a personal artistic statement." :) But then we would have missed out on the great works of ee cummings. :lol:
U g0t p0wn3d! :lol:
07-21-2003, 10:25 PM
But then we would have missed out on the great works of ee cummings. :lol:
i can see it now if cummings had gotten his hands on the Internet and not just a new typewriter:
(1 D0 n0t knoW Wh4+ 1T 1$ 4BOU+ j00 That CL0$e5
anD OPEN5; oNly $0ME+hING 1N m3 UnDeR5+4Nd5
+H3 V0iCE opH yOUr 3yE5 15 De3per tHAn @LL RO53S)
NO8oDy, N0t 3v3N THE r4iN, h@$ 5uCh SmALL Hands
or better yet, in advanced 1337-5p34K:
(1 |)O |\|O+ |<No\/\/ \/\/|-|@t IT 1S 4b0Ut J00 TH4T CLo53S
AN|) 0PE|\|5; 0|\|ly 5OM3+|-|in9 I|\| |\/|3 Und3r5+4|\||)5
+|-|E voIc3 oPh YoUR Ey3s 15 |)e3p3r THA|\| @LL Ro$e5)
n080dY, N0t 3ve|\| T|-|3 R4i|\|, |-|45 5uc|-| $MALl h4|\|Ds
(translations of "somewhere i have never travelled" by the truly inspiring L33t-5p34K G3n3r@t0r at )
Pat Logsdon
07-21-2003, 11:49 PM
(translations of "somewhere i have never travelled" by the truly inspiring L33t-5p34K G3n3r@t0r at )
Whew! I was getting a little worried for you at the top of that post - glad to see that you didn't take the time to do all of that yourself!
i+ \/\/0ul|) 83, l1|<E, totAlLY l4|\/|3 T0 +yp3 @Ll OpH +|-|4+ Ou+! |\|Ow +e|-| $cr1p+ |<i|)d1e$ |-|@\/3 4 5cR1P+ PhOr +4lK1n9!
I love how "the" gets translated to "teh" - nice touch. :twisted:
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