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View Full Version : Best/easiest way to move Palm contacts over to Pocket PC 2k3

07-19-2003, 02:03 AM
What is the easiest, best way to move/transfer/merge over contacts from the Palm OS platform over to the Pocket PC 2003 platform?

I've been using Agendus which keeps the built-in contacts, to do, memo, calendar and simply give this data a central interface. My problem is as a 3 day old Pocket PC 2003 user and most impresssed with my new iPAQ h5555 unit I want to make a more complete transfer but since I am so new to this OS I cannot until I can figure out an easy way to move this data over.

BTW I have nearly 1750 entries in my contacts, hence, the request for easiest, best, most dependable way possible.

Jeff Rutledge
07-19-2003, 03:48 AM
Well, I think the most dependable way would be to install Outlook (it comes on the CD with your PPC) and sync your Palm to it. That should add all the records to your Outlook database. Then you can install ActiveSync and sync the records down to your iPAQ.

This all assumes you have a PC of course. If you don't, then I don't know of a way other than beaming each record individually. That's not to say something doesn't exist though...