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View Full Version : Ivolution case for ipaq

07-18-2003, 08:10 PM
Just received this email.

"We will be releasing an I-Volution case for the 2200 in the near future, but since it is now under development we cannot provide an specific date for its release. As soon as the case has been launched in the site, we will let you know by e-mail. Thanks for your interest in our cases
Best regards"

Near Future? I wish tomorow.


Jason Dunn
07-18-2003, 10:51 PM
They always release the iVolution cases after the normal cases, and since they're just offering the normal cases for pre-order now...this isn't a shocker. :D

07-18-2003, 11:43 PM
I know what assuming does. I have two devices including my wife's 1910 that we are still waiting for ivolution cases for. this was also a popular device. I was glad to get confirmation that it's on it's way. :lol:


07-19-2003, 03:09 PM
I alway pass on the I-Volution case.....far to expensive plus i think the billfold case is a far more practical solution. :D