07-16-2003, 08:20 PM
Hello all. I've been a (silent) regular at pocketpcthoughts.com for a few months now. I really want to commend you all for putting together a really high quality forum. Signal to noise here is real low . . .
In keeping with that - Anyone had any luck getting Fonix ISpeak to work on windows mobile?? Or, has anyone heard about a possible update? Mine's busted - generates an "error opening voice bank" or something of this sort. I'm getting no response from Support. . . .
Great program, when it works . . . .
In keeping with that - Anyone had any luck getting Fonix ISpeak to work on windows mobile?? Or, has anyone heard about a possible update? Mine's busted - generates an "error opening voice bank" or something of this sort. I'm getting no response from Support. . . .
Great program, when it works . . . .