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View Full Version : convergent CF card, bluetooth phone or other device?

07-16-2003, 03:51 PM
My Cingular area will go to GSM next week. FINALLY!!!

I'm trying to decide what to do. I have a new 2215 and I love it.
Do I buy the CF card from convergent or try a bluetooth phone? This will be my first experince with this. I am mainly trying to get my pop3 email accounts set up. Is there another new phone i should consider? Could I really leave the CF card installed most of the time without tearing it up?
I love the constant connectivity of the blackberry but everything else on that device stinks.

Experiences and advice appreciated-


3650, 568, 3835, 3955, 2215

07-16-2003, 04:34 PM
I am a Cingular customer and have just gone through the experience of what you are requesting. First of all, Cingular only has one bluetooth phone, Siemens S56 and they (Cingular or Siemens) cannot figure out how to configure it to use Bluetooth as a dial up modem. So I purchased the CT CF card and I am a happy camper. Also there is no support from Cingular how to configure this as well so let me know when you have made your decision and I will email you how to configure it.

Now that I said that, here's another thought. If you could get your hands on a Sony Ericsson T68i, you could find success with that phone and configuring it as a Bluetooth Modem. It sets up very nicely. Cingular has discontinued that phone.

Let me know.

07-16-2003, 05:21 PM

Thanks for your reply. I had read your other post about Cingular.
I was wondering if you are using the card as a phone?
Do you leave it in a lot?
Is it sturdy? I'm out and about like you I assume. I travel a good bit.
Will the Card monitor email regularly?
Does it drink your battery?
I sure appreciate you taking the time to respond as your situation is the same. I just don't want to give up the 2215 for a different device.


07-17-2003, 02:15 AM
I am currently using a CF GPRS card on an axim. The CF card is always plugged in the axim 24-7, and i have been using it for 4+ months, it is sturdy enough. I noticed that the GPRS card does not consume any power when not being used.

Like yourself, i travel a lot. The axim is always on my suitcase. Use it a lot to do email, browsing, sms, ICQ, etc.

I personally found that bluetooth is not an enjoyable experience {difficult bonding, unstable connection, etc.}.

07-18-2003, 04:55 AM

I am currently using the CT card as another phone extension while in my home office. I have not had any need to take it out with me but if I did it would be to connect and retrieve my emails. When the unit is off everything is off so I cannot recommend it as a regular phone. When I have had it out of the cradle and used it as a phone, the unit shut down after non use and terminated my call. So you need to change the settings to always on and not power off when not used. Long term use this way could use up battery life quickly.