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View Full Version : IPAQ 2210 & Nokia 6310i via Bluetooth & GPRS (Ontario, Canada - Rogers)

07-15-2003, 10:59 PM
The gurus at Rogers.com are advising me that I CAN hook my IPAQ to the internet via their service without buying something called "Portage Plus" (about $100.00). However, they say that because the setup is 'unstable' - they highly recommend that I buy this package.

As anyone tried this connection and are there any special tips or should I just buy the Portage Plus?

Jim Steele

IPAQ 2210
Nokia 6310i - Rogers AT&T GSM/GPRS

07-16-2003, 02:18 AM
i can use my Ipaq 2215 to connect to the internet thru my T68is using GPRS. If your ipaq can connect to the nokia then you can use it to surf the web. I dunno what that plus thing is but i don't think you need it. Just sales push.

what's it spose to be tho? For $100!!!

http://www.vttoth.com/portage.htm <--- i googled that so have a read..

07-16-2003, 02:27 PM
Thanks for the link.

That is roughly the same setup they have given me - but I keep getting a 'subscribe to GPRS First' message. However, Rogers says I'm subscribed but they did indicate some troubles with the system yesterday.

I'll work on this later.



07-16-2003, 08:48 PM
... using GPRS

Connecting to Rogers AT&T (Ontario)

Bluetooth Dialup Modem
Number: *99***1#
User Name: wapuser1
Password: wap
ADVANCED SETTINGS: Baud Rate 57600 & deselect 'wait for dial tone'
Extra dial-string modem commands: +CGDCONT=1,,"internet.com"

THANKS to another thread on connecting to TMobile from an IPAQ 2215 for this information (I'll post this there as well)

07-21-2003, 06:01 PM
I'm still stuck at 'subscribe to GPRS'...

Do you have to subscribe to the very expensive data access plans, or is it enough to be a wap user? I signed up for the $10 package that allows me to surf on my phone and it works fine, but when I try to use the ipaq my phone gives me that 'Subscribe' error.
My needs just don't justify $50 to $100 a month...

- Derek

07-23-2003, 03:15 AM
Rogers says there is a difference - but it is the same price (?)... I pay $20.00 per month...

07-12-2004, 02:29 AM
Over a year ago these settings helped me set up my 2210 to my Nokia 6310i. Well, Rogers offered me a no questions asked upgrade to a S/E t616, so I ended up looking it up again to set up a new upgrade. Things were different this time. These are the settings that worked:

Bluetooth Dialup Modem
Number: *99***2#
User Name: wapuser1
Password: wap
ADVANCED SETTINGS: Baud Rate 57600 & deselect 'wait for dial tone'
NO Extra dial-string modem commands

This may help someone...

Nice phone by the way. The bluetooth inegrates much better with the ppc than the nokia ever did (dialing, searching etc...).