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View Full Version : CF and SD cards + keyboard

07-15-2003, 06:07 PM
Hi everybody!
I've had my Axim for about 3 weeks, and am starting to want some more disk capasity, for music and such. Problem is I can't figure out whether to get CF or SD and how big a card I need...

Does anybody have an opinion on this that they would like to share?

also; I've been looking around Oslo for these cards, but all the shops I tried are either sold out until august or insanely expensive (above 150 Euros or $ for 256 SD card)... anybody know somewhere in Scandinavia they sell these cards for a decent price?

also: will CF type 1 cards work in the axim?

also; how useful is a keyboard? for university studying type use? and has anybody trier this type: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...3&category=3730


Jeff Rutledge
07-15-2003, 06:42 PM
Not sure if I can answer all of your questions, but as far as SD vs. CF goes for memory, I'd get an SD card. The main reason is that more peripherals are available in the CF form factor. If you've got a CF memory card, then that slot is occupied and you can only expand with the SD slot. There aren't that many SD peripherals yet.

If you use SD memory, then you can use CF for something else (Wireless, Bluetooth, Camera, etc.).


07-15-2003, 07:11 PM
Yes CF type 1 will work.

I'd say get SD unless you need more then 256M of space or price is a huge factor. If you need more space then it's not cost effective to buy large SD cards right now--2 256M cards cost less then 1 512M card. CF memory is cheaper and comes in larger sizes. But, if you have a CF memory card in you will not be able to use a wifi or bluetooth card, or a camera, or other accessories like that. So it depends what your needs are and how much you want to spend.

I've heard the Dell keyboard is pretty cool :)

07-15-2003, 07:15 PM
Yes CF type 1 will work.

I'd say get SD unless you need more then 256M of space or price is a huge factor. If you need more space then it's not cost effective to buy large SD cards right now--2 256M cards cost less then 1 512M card. CF memory is cheaper and comes in larger sizes. But, if you have a CF memory card in you will not be able to use a wifi or bluetooth card, or a camera, or other accessories like that. So it depends what your needs are and how much you want to spend.

I've heard the Dell keyboard is pretty cool :)

right now i'm not planning on getting any accessories for the CF, as I have a nokia 8310 cell phone which I can use to connect the Axim to the internet via GPRS, and which also has a FM radio, the only other cool accessory i'd like....

Also I find the Dell keyboard very expensive compared to the one in the link above, about 3 times the price!

07-21-2003, 03:23 AM
There is also a third alternative to SD and CF: 1.8" PCMCIA harddrive, connected to your PPC via a CF to PCMCIA adapter. The 5GB harddrive is much cheaper than a 1GB CF. This device is very useful if you are planning to use your PPC to watch movies.