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View Full Version : 54xx / 3xxx WM2003 release dates for the UK

07-14-2003, 09:43 AM
Once again the third world coutry with massive language and cultural differences to the US (the UK) must wait til mid August / September for its WM2003 upgrades :roll:

Of course those massive changes will have to be paid for and at 49euros / $55 / £35 boy do we pay for them, that doesn't event include VAT/Shipping/Handling so expect to pay closer to £50 8O

I think I'll take a US version, and when it gets released in the UK look at how worthwhile it will be to buy it.

Once again the brits get f***ed over :/

/EDIT: Here is the link in case anyone wasn't sure http://h41111.www4.hp.com/ppc2003upgrade/uk/eng/