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View Full Version : What is Sprint playing at?

07-14-2003, 12:13 AM
I've been flirting with the idea of the Sprint CF CDMA card. The price is now $175.00 and Sprint was charging $80.00 for unlimited use. Not cheap, but more convenient than the $40.00 with T-Mobile.

Anyway, I checked Sprint's site, the price is now $100.00 for 300MB.

I don't think so!! :bad-words:

07-14-2003, 01:41 PM
ridiculous, considering you can get unlimited 3g from sprint for $10 per month. who would actually pay $100 for 300 MB?

(I'm talking about putting it on a voice plan with vision, of course ;) )


07-14-2003, 03:32 PM
Sprint's vision is very cloudy. I know some people who were able to put the cf card on voice plans and get unlimited vision. Sprint really needs to get with the times and drop the prices. The speed is good but the prices are crazy. If you can get the card on a good plan it's worth it. I've used mine all over the the eastcost and it's worked very well. Another option would be to wait for the T608 to surface and go the bluetooth route, but many think that sprint will break the bluetooth modem capabilities so that you can get unlimited vision on da cheap. Why can't sprint be like gsm providers and not care as long as the $$$ are coming in.

07-14-2003, 06:17 PM
We have the unlimited data plan for $80. We also have $40 for 20MB, $60 for 40MB plans as well.


Cards and promos are the same as Sprint except we only charge sales tax in Texas. They charge it in all states.


07-15-2003, 07:01 PM
The difference with Vision is that though it's POSSIBLE with certain phones to use the phone for internet access for your PPC, that is not actually what it's intended for. Vision is intended for use on your phone only; using your phone to provide access to other devices is technically a violation of the terms of service.