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View Full Version : Pocket Warrior/Prism= no find

07-11-2003, 06:24 PM
OK, I have the Ambicom CF card with a PC Card adapter for my iPaq 3955. For the most part, the unit works great with the Ambicom drivers.
I then loaded the Prism 2-0-7 driver and i can't get Pocket Warrior to see the card...it says the card isn't there. WiNC, however, did see it. Since then i have gone back to Ambicom drivers since Pocket Warrior didn't function properly.

Can any one help me out getting the PRISM driver to work?


07-11-2003, 09:06 PM
On top of the that, Airscanner won't work with Ambicom drivers either. If i can get the PRISM drivers to work, all should be good:)

Pat Logsdon
07-11-2003, 10:13 PM
I can get Airscanner to work with my Linksys WCF12 without problems, and that has a Prism chip.

The only thing I can think of is that the programs you have installed don't play nice with each other. If you have Airscanner and WiNC installed at the same time that you're trying to get PocketWarrior running, try uninstalling Airscanner, WiNC and PocketWarrior, do a soft reset, and then install PocketWarrior again.

I think DataWorm of PocketWarrior said something to this effect as well, but I can't find the link.

Good luck!

07-12-2003, 03:01 AM
Airscanner and WinC won't run at the same time.